That depends on the specific Mark of Spitfire that you are talking about.
The early Mk I and Mk II Spitfires tipped the scales, if memory serves, at about 5500 pounds, or a bit more, loaded. The late-war Marks were considerably heavier, weighing between 8000 and 10000 pounds, loaded. The is the same weight as an unloaded Hellcat! The higher weight is better than 75% higher than the earlier Spitfire marks. Since the wing area of the Spit remained virtually unchanged, wing-loading was considerably higher, greatly penalizing the Spit's manuverability at low speeds.
Being low and slow in such a beast against early war planes is not where you want to be. The FM-2 was so maneuverable at low speeds, that it took a Zero 25 eight and a half full turns to gain enough lead for a killing shot. Since no Spit could ever match a Zero in low-speed turning, it is possible for the FM-2 to outmaneuver some of the later Spitfire marks.
Regards, Shuckins