In the winter of 1941-42, the Allies looked for ways of bringing the airwar to the Germans over Occupied Europe. The Allied air forces were not yet ready to mount a major bomber offensive, so the load fell on fighters and 2 engined tactical bombers.
"We began to carry out low-level flights over France. These operations were known by the code name Rhubarb. The idea was to take full advantage of the low cloud and poor visibility and slip sections of Spitfires across the coast and then let-down below the cloud to search for opportunity targets, rolling-stock, locomotives, aircaft on the ground, staff cars, enemy troops and the like". (Johnnie Johnson, Wing Leader, Hamlyn Paperbacks, 1979 [1956] p.79).
I have been experimenting with the terrain editor. I think that I could set up a very good Rhubarb terrain using the current BoB terrain. All it needs is a higher concentration and greater diversity of coastal targets. Using the cloud editor, I could setup a fairly even cloud layer with a base between 500 and 1000 feet and a top at between 3000 and 5000 feet.
The planeset is very simple for this period/theater: Hurri II, Spit V, 109f, 110c and perhaps a b26.
Question: Would it be possible for me to have the files I need to edit the BoB terrain? I could start from scratch, but it would take much longer than if I could just insert the ground targets and clouds.
comments most welcome.