Author Topic: Creative Punishment as Terrorism Deterrance  (Read 113 times)

Offline H. Godwineson

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Creative Punishment as Terrorism Deterrance
« on: October 18, 2002, 09:57:59 AM »
Since it seems that terrorists are not deterred from attacking us by the current methods of incarceration and punishment, perhaps we need to be a little more creative in the types of justice that we impose.  Rubber hoses probably don't work too well extracting information from captured terrorists because they have been trained to resist such methods.  Their arrogance and macho attitudes help them sustain their courage in the face of interrogation.

So, it would seem that future methods should be aimed at breaking down, or destroying totally, their self-image.  Therefore, I submit the following suggestions for consideration by the people in the justice department.

In deferance to the laws of humanity, the terrorist would be given the opportunity to cooperate with authorities at the end of each stage of this method of justice, before the next stage begins.

1.  Stage one: Their bodies should be completely defibrilated, from the eyebrows down.  No chance for it to grow back.  Period.

2.  Stage two:  Hormone treatments to assist in breast development.

3.  Stage three:  Surgical implanting of silicon padding to further enhance breast development.

4.  Stage four:  Surgical implantation of silicon pads in strategic points on the hips and waist, to give them a little "jiggle."

5.  Stage Five:  The finest sex-change operation known to medical science.

6.  Stage Six:  Use sub-dermal coloration to permanently add "sex appeal" to the lips, cheeks, and eyelids.

7.  Stage Seven:  Incarceration for 20 years in the "D Block" of Cummins Prison in Arkansas.

You could also add all serial rapists and the "suburban sniper" to the list of criminals who would get this treatment.

What ideas can you guys come up with?

Regards, Shuckins

Offline SOB

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Creative Punishment as Terrorism Deterrance
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2002, 10:14:02 AM »
Or, after stage 6 you could just send them back to their country of origin to live as a woman.

Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!

Offline miko2d

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Creative Punishment as Terrorism Deterrance
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2002, 10:48:00 AM »
Creative. Expencive but definitely creative. Maybe some expence could be covered by protraying them on reality TV - transformations, incarceration, etc.


Offline OIO

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Creative Punishment as Terrorism Deterrance
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2002, 07:23:54 PM »
Force them to watch DYNASTY reruns and OPRAH.

The result would be the same imo.