Author Topic: I/JG26 needing pilots with nerves of steel  (Read 495 times)

Offline Nefarious

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I/JG26 needing pilots with nerves of steel
« on: November 10, 2001, 01:28:00 PM »
Waited patiently on Thursday for Sign up for Allied Fighter Sqauds, Never Saw it. Got home from Work on Friday and saw that all Allied Fighter Sqauds were filled. Scrolled down through the Axis Sqauds, I/JG 26, 190A8.

We are currently at 3 members. We still have 7 open posistions.

In WWII, "Sturm pilots were trained to slowly overtake bomber boxes from the rear, while flying line abreast like a slow calvary attack. They ignored return-fire from the bombers until they were so close they could not miss before firing thier cannons. These tactics were devastating to the USAAF bombers and lethal to the Sturm Pilots, who had a life expectancy of only 6 combat missions."

"Wilhelm Moritz, the first Kommodore of IV/JG 3 was removed from his posistion on December 5 1944, due to a Nervous Breakdown resulting from the stress of Sturm Combat"

Oberfeldwebel Walter Loos scored 38 victories during 66 combat missions of his 38 kills 22 were Heavy Bombers in the 190 A/8 and Ta-152.

From Aces II by William Wayne Patton.

Big Week is going to be awesome!!
There must also be a flyable computer available for Nefarious to do FSO. So he doesn't keep talking about it for eight and a half hours on Friday night!

Offline Chaos68

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I/JG26 needing pilots with nerves of steel
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2001, 01:42:00 PM »
that sounds awsome!!  

What is this thing you talk about?
Where do i sign up?
What day is it?

Offline Kratzer

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I/JG26 needing pilots with nerves of steel
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2001, 04:31:00 PM »
Then they learned to hit 'em head on.


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I/JG26 needing pilots with nerves of steel
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2001, 04:46:00 PM »
The HO attack developed much much earlier than the Sturm tactic. The Sturm tactic is a late war idea while HO attacks were started by JG2 allready in 1942 shortly after they encountered USAAF B17s.

Offline Wotan

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I/JG26 needing pilots with nerves of steel
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2001, 04:53:00 PM »
I would suggest that ya ho umm blow right through then reform to hit umm again on egress.

any slow approach from anything near 6 o'clock will be hell to pay.

Just wish we a had a b24 or two to smack down as well.

Offline Buzzbait

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I/JG26 needing pilots with nerves of steel
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2001, 05:41:00 PM »
12 o'clock high boys!  That's the position the USAAF bomber crews most feared spotting incoming German fighters, and it is still the best attack position for large numbers of fighters.  (although there are other positions which are better for attacking from, they would be too difficult to coordinate Staffel sized forces)

I didn't want to be a Hun either, but I'm flying a 190A5.  I expect to be doing a lot of attacks from the bombers 12.

Offline Wotan

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I/JG26 needing pilots with nerves of steel
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2001, 06:25:00 PM »
umm buzzbait

there are only 20 g6s and 50 a8s thats leaves 30 a5s.

I would hope and suspect that the 109a5s would be utilized as a screen for the 190a8s. We will need patrols set out to seek out the nme I suspect and hope thats what the 109g6s would be doing.

Thats not to say I'm correct or if I am the 190a5s wont be thrown at the buffs. But the 190a8s at alt are pigs and for the most part will only get 1 good ho pass then have to regroup and reposition. So I would think you (a5) pilots would be utilized in such a way as to keep the allied fighter jocks occupied so we can make our(a8) passes count.

just my .2cents

Offline Buzzbait

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I/JG26 needing pilots with nerves of steel
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2001, 01:54:00 AM »
S! Wotan

I intend to do both.  Depending on the situation.  If there are lots of A8 around, yeah, I'll be covering your butts.  If there are none, but lots of G6's, then I'll be going for the Buffs.  What I like about the A5, and why I picked a Squad with them, is that it can do both.  It also has the best speed of any available German plane up high.  If my Staffel is tasked with taking on the escort, I'll probably not bother loading the 20mm FF's in the outer wing so I can maneuver with the Jugs and 'Stangs better.  Don't need more than 2 20mm anyway to kill a fighter.

Offline StSanta

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I/JG26 needing pilots with nerves of steel
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2001, 01:56:00 AM »
A8 or A5

Both are lethal  :)

I'll take anyone of the two  :)

Offline Buzzbait

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I/JG26 needing pilots with nerves of steel
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2001, 01:58:00 AM »

It's too bad there are no G6's with DB605AM's so the Huns could have a decent plane up at alt.  Course, they could allow a few G10's to represent them...   ;)

Offline SFRT - Frenchy

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I/JG26 needing pilots with nerves of steel
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2001, 03:50:00 AM »
Bah ... we will vulch you on take off anyway.  :D
Dat jugs bro.

Terror flieger since 1941.

Offline Wotan

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I/JG26 needing pilots with nerves of steel
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2001, 04:04:00 AM »
" The bombers open fire on us while we are 1500 metres [5000 feet] away, when they determine our direction of attack. We fly through the defensive fire for about a minute before we open fire. Imagine that you are standing under a shower-bath, but don't want to get wet! At 400 metres [1300 feet] we first fire our machine guns; our targets are the gun turrets of the bombers under attack. At 200 metres [650 feet ] we fire our cannon; our targets are the engines, if possible the outer ones, which cause the bomber to go unstable. If the engines are hit, the bomber sheers out of formation, and the uninjured crew members bail out. The pilot either attempts a forced landing or bails out himself. When the pilotless, damaged aircraft nears the ground, the Flak opens fire and reports a victory! When I am able to take the most favourable position, I attack from the front; there the bombers are the weakest. I go after the pilots, the bombardier, the radioman, or whoever else is in the cockpit. I have only a few seconds for a burst of fire, while they must sit there. I shot down three bombers from the front and two from behind. Reichsmarschall Göring later forbade us to attack from the front, saying successes were too few. The defensive fire of the bombers was just as strong from the front, but we were through it more quickly."


JG 26 War Diary Vol II

 schnauze auf schnauze ....french man  :)

Offline K West

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I/JG26 needing pilots with nerves of steel
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2001, 07:49:00 AM »
"That's the position the USAAF bomber crews most feared "

 Sure, as they were usually anywhere from 15 to 25k.  Guns and crew freezing being one of the major reason they didn't go much higher. Things like that are not modelled in AH so mecahnical and natural restrictions won't be a hindrance. Unless there will be an alt cap in 'Bigweek' the LW may be looking up at the bombers and thier escort, not down. Sure gonna be a fun ride no matter. Those 30mm pack one helluva whoop.  :)
