Damn right you hit a nerve, you have no idea what kind of fanatics children become when everyone around them feeds them the same specific sloghans and messages. And you have the attituude that its just a fun socially conscious form of daycare.
I am angry MT. I am angry when I see things done to people here as I saw them done back there and the things that led to our civil war.
If you examine the things that react to most strongly they are always:
Race whining issues
People not working together
Never forgetting the past
Political brainwashing
Basic dishonesty
UN cowardice/indifference
All these things ruined my country, they diretly led to the war or made it worse. Personally I think they ruined my childhood and killed members of my family and blew up the homes I grew up in, my mother was almost decapitated by a mortar shell that landed in the yard I used to play nin every day. Frankly I dont expect you an indifferent intellectual type always livng in comfort and safety to understand that. And actually I hope you stay that way I hope none of that happends to you lor your kids.
And no bounder I just dont care to spell chek anything I write here..