Author Topic: Game freezes for 3 sec every time...  (Read 393 times)

Offline Canadian

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Game freezes for 3 sec every time...
« on: December 02, 2002, 09:38:16 PM »
Game freezes for 3 sec every time I try to fire guns or the stall horn goes off. I have Win98SE, Soundblaster Live X Gamer 5.1. I lower acceleration in properties of Multimedia but that didnt help. I reinstalled Direct X 8.1 and that didnt help. Anyone else ever had this problem.


Offline hyena426

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Game freezes for 3 sec every time...
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2002, 09:49:07 PM »
well,,i fixed a buddies computer about a month ago,,he was having issues like that,,does it just act funny on aces high?,,or more games?,,,his did it on alot of games,,,and on aces high his grafics would freeze only for a secont when he shot his guns,,and then clean up,,,well,,we rebooted hard drive and everything,,all video divers,,and directx,,and it still would do that during games,,,and finaly we replaced the hard drive,,,and now,,everything runs smooth,,,,so if sounds like what is happing to you,,,,try what i did,,it was the only thing that got his computer working good again,,lol what kinda 3d card do you have?

Offline Canadian

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Game freezes for 3 sec every time...
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2002, 10:01:48 PM »
Nope, AH is the only game it does it for

Offline hyena426

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« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2002, 10:13:46 PM »
what kinda computer is it?,,pent?,,atho?,,and what kinda 3d card you runing? well,,i know his was frezzing like you talked about,,and only thing that fixed it,,was relacing the hard drive,,,now it sounds like you have a good sound card,,did ya reinstall drivers?<~~im sure you have,,lol,,,only thing left,,is if your runing not anuff memory<~~if you runing sdram i would recomend atleast 384 megs to run great,,and i would hope your not runing a voodoo 3d card anymore<~~some of them still work,,but your going to have troubles,,lol

Offline Canadian

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Game freezes for 3 sec every time...
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2002, 10:48:08 PM »
I have a Soundblaster Live 5.1 X Gamer
Currnet drivers
512 meg ram
Tbird 1.3 gig
ATI 7200 VCard

Offline hyena426

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« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2002, 11:09:46 PM »
ati card,,eeeeeeekkkkkkk!!,,lol well,from what i read about that card,,is not good,,my brother has one,,and it dont preform good at all,,his is a 32mb ati<~~~any ati card is a gamble,,mite work great on some games,,but when its put the the test,,they allways fail,,i have heard about nothing but greif and trouble out of these 3dcards,,,that mite be your problem,,,everything else seems fine,,your runing fast anuff prossesor,and a brand new sound blaster,,,so i would say it mite be the ati card most likely<~~dont take my word as gold,,but from what i know,,ati is bad stuff,,lol

Offline Canadian

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Game freezes for 3 sec every time...
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2002, 11:27:15 PM »
Ok I found the problem. It was the forcefeed back on me stick that was doing it for some reason. I had to disable force feed back for the guns. Thats no big deal because I dont like forcefeed back any ways. I had AH on computer before, I just forgot about the forcefeedback. I have always stuck with ATI except once. I switched from and ATI 128 to a Nvidia 2. The card had some heating problems and I had to put it two fans to keep it cool enough. Finally I said screw it and went back to ATI. Never had a problem with ati. I feel they are the best cards going.
Thanks for your help anyways hyena

Offline hyena426

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« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2002, 11:30:34 PM »
thats good!,,didnt know you had forcefeed back,,or i would of said somthing about it,,lol,,,if you have good luck with them,,its good,,lots of people i know say its a gamble with ati,,somtimes there wonderfull,,and somtimes there crap,,lol,,i know my brother still goes threw hell with his ati card,,lol

Offline Dingbat

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Game freezes for 3 sec every time...
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2002, 09:56:08 AM »
Originally posted by hyena426
any ati card is a gamble

You obviously haven't seen the 9700 Pro!