Author Topic: Bombers,Your outta the game  (Read 765 times)

Offline whels

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Bombers,Your outta the game
« Reply #15 on: December 13, 2002, 06:23:13 PM »
Originally posted by rod367th
Bombing is simple. killing HQ from 30k is easy killing a city in 2 passes is a snap. Have killed 2 cv's in one sortie. and have landed 5 kills in b17.

 secret is SPEED,SPEED,Speed

 You must be at level flight max level speed and door s open before u cailibrate.

 Took a squadie up for his first bombrun ever he got 14 buildings in city 1st pass. and he had never flown a bomber before.

 Read post BOMBING 101. It goes thru steps on how to calibrate right every time. Includes how to turn bombers using rudders only so u don't lose formation bombers.

 and any time any one wants bombing lesson just ask if u see me on. takes 5 mins to learn.

constant speed is probably the biggest factor in most people missing targets. id bet most calib then open doors, or hit full throttle and start calib right away. it takes long period of time for
the bombers speed to level out. Bombbay doors open or closed
effect speed.  

what i do speed wise now is, when im ready to calib, i open doors 1st, set auto pilot level toward target. then i zoom in on speedometer so i can see the needle move easier. i then decrees
throttle till i see needle show slowing down then i advance throttle till it stops decreesing or shows speeding up slightly.
then wait a min or 2 to let it get steady.

1 other major factor. line up to where u want to drop as best as u can before u calib, as any large amount of moving the plane side to side after calib is done can throw aim off also.


Offline bj229r

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Bombers,Your outta the game
« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2002, 06:31:16 PM »
in a 17 group i can take out a pair of FH's at 20k with a dead-east or west drop with a 4 salvo about 3 tries out of 4..but to second what Icemaw said..there is some wierd crap about the short-long thing---I always cal the same way..and all of a sudden i was ALWAYS falling short by about 2 hangar explanation...when i would allow for that..fluff'n things naturally fly correctly and go long (this applies to under 14k as well)-- I DID notice one thing I was doing that affected adversely--along with holding the Y key down for 5-10 seconds instead of 2..also need wait same amount of time to hit the U key to END calibration...also..while in F6 mode..pushing stick dead-left or right (no rudder) doesnt seem have much negative long as not within last 10 seconds or so of drop
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Offline 99molly

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Bombers,Your outta the game
« Reply #17 on: December 13, 2002, 07:14:29 PM »
1 question, when isthe last time you went out bomber hunting.

Offline whels

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Bombers,Your outta the game
« Reply #18 on: December 13, 2002, 09:52:43 PM »
Originally posted by 99molly
1 question, when isthe last time you went out bomber hunting.

every day i kill Buffs, b17s Lancs,26s. all kinds


Offline ET

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Bombers,Your outta the game
« Reply #19 on: December 13, 2002, 10:11:35 PM »
I used to fly a B26 constantly to kill fuel.ammo barracks and radar at bases we were being attacked from. Never went in for 30K runs with Lancs. I agree with the fighter guys who complained that one 30K Lanc. should not be able to kill all the fighter hangers at a small or medium field. In a B26, on medium fields you had to focus on fuel or ammo etc. You could not kill it all. Small fields you could get it all. Average altitude was 18K. I think I spent 90% of my time in the B26.

Some of the best times were when fighters came up to stop you. One tour, #19, I got 259 kills with it. Thats pure brag. I never took a gunner. I did once but he Alt-F4ed without telling me and I got porked by a easy kill on my six.

Now I can calibrate and go out on some bomb runs but when on 1 map I can hit every thing I go for, the next map with same calibration,I'm long or short. Haven't figured that out yet

I very seldom take formations. Why give fighters 2 easy kills. If I do take a formation I bail the drones after the drop. I can fight better that way. The drone guns never seem to hit anything anyway. I hope this gets corrected. Since the formations went in, buff guns in them seem a lot weaker. I think the kill ratio of buffs by fighters has doubled since formations came in. The same buff drivers suddenly lost the ability to shoot.

The targets right now for buffs are almost meaningless. Why bother taking the time. I hope this has been corrected in new release.

So I spend a lot of my time now on Jabo runs and playing with the A20. Sometimes I furball trying to protect a base or attacking one but that gets old quick.

Thats my story and I'm sticking to it.

Offline rod367th

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Bombers,Your outta the game
« Reply #20 on: December 14, 2002, 01:45:48 AM »
Whels what works for me being same speed is before i level off i go into a dive get b17s to 205mph and lancs to 220. this way always on target.

Offline GPreddy

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Bombers,Your outta the game
« Reply #21 on: December 14, 2002, 01:57:26 AM »
Whine city. Bombers dont have a time constraint so learn to bomb from 30k plus and you wont die. I will never chase a bomber that high but anything under 20k or so is a valid target. Above that alt and it just isnt worth it to me.

You cant hit anything with your buff? Thats interesting because I see guys bomb even a turning cv. I dont seem to have a problem hittiing what I bomb. no bombers are not out of the game their just not for the whiners.

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Bombers,Your outta the game
« Reply #22 on: December 14, 2002, 05:02:55 AM »
I think the great part of AH is that many times it makes you think.

Offline Gwjr2

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Bombers,Your outta the game
« Reply #23 on: December 14, 2002, 02:06:00 PM »
Ive hit the same stuff from 27k still so if you have a few that have a clue or drop on cmd with others its still easy.
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Offline ALF

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Bombers,Your outta the game
« Reply #24 on: December 14, 2002, 02:12:36 PM »
Bombers are more effective against hangars now that they were before (because of the formations extra tonage)....just takes skill and practice now (kinda like fighters).

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