Author Topic: desperately need more clouds in game  (Read 214 times)

Offline Zigrat

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desperately need more clouds in game
« on: October 22, 2000, 11:56:00 PM »
we reeeeaaaaaalllly need more clouds in the game. There should be cloud layers from down at 1k feet all teh way up to high alt. You say they eat FPS, but only if your res/color depth is too high, clouds only use fillrate not CPU power (i did the test) So to get good FR you might have to go to 16 bit or a lower res but gameplay would be worth it

Offline wolf37

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desperately need more clouds in game
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2000, 12:01:00 AM »

how about big black stormy clouds, with wind and rain and sleet and lighting and thunder.


Offline Nash

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desperately need more clouds in game
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2000, 01:29:00 AM »
I know it aint exactly what you're talking about. And I've posted this before. But what the hell, right? Here's what it would look like by adding NO clouds... just changing the blue sky color to grey.

Perhaps they could program it like this:

Blue sky... sun goes down. Sun comes up to grey sky. Sun goes down, then rises to the blue sky again. etc.


Offline SOB

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desperately need more clouds in game
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2000, 03:13:00 AM »
NOTHING is worth switching down to 16-bit color.  Now go wash your mouth out with soap!  

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Offline StSanta

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desperately need more clouds in game
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2000, 03:20:00 AM »
I'd rather have 16 bit 1280 than 1024 32 bit  .

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Offline flakbait

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desperately need more clouds in game
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2000, 03:21:00 AM »
Really Zig? I run 16-bit color, 1024 rez, and my FR DUMPS around clouds. Got into a fight yesterday around A6, with clouds above it, and my FR was 7-9 the entire time. I swaped fields to fight Bish instead of Rooks because of those clouds. I suggest you do more research, and take into account us guys running old systems, before asking for a FPS hog feature like this.

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Offline RAM

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desperately need more clouds in game
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2000, 03:25:00 AM »
Zig, you have a friggin damned 32MB video card, right?   Let me tell you that every one of the people here doesnt have a Geforce2 in their K7/900 computer.

Change to 16 bit you say? LOL. LMAO! I am in 16 Bit color with my banshee, I can't change it to 8 bit, can I?   With a K7 at 600MHZ, with my damned banshee I am getting 20-40 FPS. Big improvement over my previous 8-20 FPS with the PII/333...but when I hear people say that they have low framerates when they run at 30FPS I shudder. You have no idea on what is to fly at 8 FPS,man. I do know it. Believe me that it suxs. and suxs even more with each FPS that you substract.

When I am near clouds my FPS get down by 5 FPS or so. With the PII I simply could NOT fight with clouds nearby. Period.

I will soon (hopefully), have a Gforce2 card, too. I will soon (hopefully) will be flying at 1600/1200 res (or whatever it is),at 32bit color instead of 1024/768 at 16bit color, and at 50FPS framerates. I will go into the "sport PC" cathegory.

But I will never ask for more clouds, nor more land objects,nor much more detail than there is because I know that there are people with systems like the one I had ony 2 weeks ago, that with those things added will be kicked out of AH at once. With the things as they are, when I first logged in in Verm's first Med scenario, I got a framerate of FOUR!!!!!...4 FPS!!. You get the idea?  

And I know that now there will be 5 or 6 people that will say "if you want to play AH, get a new computer" or "is not our fault that you have a toejamty video card", or anything like that. People simply thinks that everyone in this world is swiming in a money pool, and obviously that is not true.

Thanks god that HTC always sacrificed some detail to get more FPS, for the people with lower end systems. If it had been different, in 1.03 many people would've had to let AH at all...

[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 10-23-2000).]

Offline Vermillion

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desperately need more clouds in game
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2000, 07:01:00 AM »
I'm with Zig, MORE clouds !  

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Offline 214thCavalier

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desperately need more clouds in game
« Reply #8 on: October 23, 2000, 02:30:00 PM »
I appreciate not everybody would be happy with more clouds but it sure would be another way to force the fight lower in med scenario, high alt bombers either gotta find holes in cloud cover or go beneath them.
Now if the position of clouds over likely target areas could be set b4 the frame started another tactical element is brought into the game.

Offline Zigrat

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desperately need more clouds in game
« Reply #9 on: October 23, 2000, 04:38:00 PM »
actually cav thats why i brought it up  

IRL clouds/wind layers/etcera were obstacles to precision high alt bombing, and if there was a cloud layer at 15k feet and you were on a CAP, you might just have to fly below that layer to see enemy. Having 100% of the time a unrestricted view from 30k to the deck isnt very realistic IMHO.

Offline Karnak

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desperately need more clouds in game
« Reply #10 on: October 23, 2000, 05:36:00 PM »
You tell 'em!!!

I only have a 32Mb GeForce 2 in a K7/700.  

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