Lowe its not a 'complaint'. Its a bit annoying that any suggestion or question about a set up is regarded as a complaint.
The basis of the REQUEST is to have a historical setup (WHERE POSSIBLE)
As I have discovered above You CAN have a set up where the 109F wasnt available BUT it is a VERY short period! in fact if you look the P40E kittyhawk was introduced in DECEMBER 1941. The 109F-2 was introduced in the autumn just before this. So although yes you COULD have 109E-4's fighting P40E's it could only have happened AFTER december 1941.
So in theory the 109F and p40E were, in 1941 much rarer than say the 109E-4 and P40B/C (+ hurricanes).
basically at no point in WW2 in North Africa did the P40E fight 109E's WITHOUT the possibility of 109F's being around.
This is what the request for the 109F to be put in was based on.
Now as ErgRTC has pointed out he wanted a more even matchup for 'FUN' and i can agree its completely ok to do this but in the interest of those of us who cant stand unrealistic stuff we could have the 109F in there and give it a perk cost of 20 or so.You wont see many around and this would closely match the real fights.It adds the POSSIBILITY of running into a 109F but doesnt disturb the majority of 109E vs P40E fights which is what ergRTC appears to favour. Seems to me this would please everyone.
As an Allied perk ride we could add the hurricane II C or SPITFIRE VB/VC(if we had it) or decide not to add them if you like but to be honest, as the hurricane IIC was in North Africa in 1941-42 so if allied players called for it it would be exactly the same as me asking for the 109F and historically its fair.
The spit5 arrived in march 1942 so it doesnt suit libya too well as the war had moved on from that area by then. Malta became the main target in March-April for the LW and Italian airforces(mainly italian as more and more LW squadrons were transfered to the eastern front.
All this historical information allows CMs to set up almost any combination of fights but they need to research what was flying at the time they set the map. If planes were there but the CM decides they are unballancing then they cant just remove them, they should perk them. Thats just my opinion and i guess not everyone agrees. I tried though
ergRTC(im hoping you see my point ),and jester for a great set up.
If i was to set this up i would have this:
Libya 1941-1942
Hurri I
Boston III
Hurri IIC (15 perks)
Spit VB (20 perks)
109F (20 perks)
me262 (1 perk)
Hehehehe ok the me262 was a joke
oh and if perking is a pain in the bellybutton to setup why not wait until wednesday and then add the 109F and hurriC to simulate the war moving on time wise.Then you get saturday to wednesday with the 109e vs P40 fighting then the 109f and hurriC are added and wednesday to friday you have the later (1942) matchups.couldnt that work too? its VERY simple to add planes.