Author Topic: WB a furball paradise??  (Read 3265 times)

Offline SLO

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #105 on: August 13, 2003, 09:05:15 AM »
I do tend to agree with Rude a little:confused: .....

.....just too make I really REALLY said that:D

If it is so easy too take out 125% of the fuels at a base......then REFUEL(resupply) should be done just as easily.....instead of 7 to resupply...bring it back down too 2 or 3.....

but ya'll gotta understand 1 thing.......

you Perchers....stop perching at 20k.....cause ya won't stop my tif from hitting your base....I'll pork your base and take your 20k perch away......

you mindless Furballers.....furball to defend your base.....cause I ain't gonna furball your niki or spit with a tiffy....I'll zoom by and pork your base.....WHY you ask.....Cause I can:p

you Pickers....pick on the porkers....not the easy prey(Furballers).....cause I'm gonna zoom by your prettythang and pork your fuggin fuels:p

somewhere there is an answer that will satisfy everyone...... :)

sometimes it good to whine about the pickers, perchers and mindless furballers......while they so busy doing there THING....they simply forgot to PROTECT there base......laying blame only on the porkers is stupid in my book :D

Offline Westy

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #106 on: August 13, 2003, 09:09:45 AM »
"everyone has their 'golden time' in the game.."

 I have that letter he wrote if you'd like a copy.  I agree with it somewhat.  When he wrote it there was just AW and Wb's. Nothting else. There were no other avenues to puruse if one found they needed more than what AW offered or WB's which was just AW with much more complexity. These days if a player gets bored they have several games to satisfy thier needs.
 FWIW I feel I'm still enjoying my "golden time."   AH renewed and has kept the spark lit in me, just as that spark was waning in the autumn of '99.  

 What is being expressed here, IMO, is not so much a lamenting for an old game and community but players expressing concernx for the dramatic change in gameplay (towards the ridiculous & gamey).  Those who've been here from before the AW influx have seen the change however most know the changes have been the result of many factors, not just one.  The influx of "gamey fun" players is the foremost reason IMO.

  Knife fighters vs cherry pickers. ACM vs clueless HOers and  "strat warrior" vs furballer have always been issues discussed and argu'ed about here. And well before the "ionflux" came I recall bumping into +Dead one evening and he was thrilled to shoot me down several times. Not so much for the kill of me (that's easy even for a newby) but just that for him someone was willing finally willing to dogfight the enemy without running to ack, friendlies or being part of a gangbanging swarm.

 But with the changing of AH, by HiTech, towards making AH more fun for AW's (he said just that in one of his last interviews) by way of the last couple of major updates it definately became not just the new players "fault."   Anymore than it the players fault that AW became basically an RRers game for the last several years of it's existance.

 "before it evolves, as it must with new people and new ideas."

 I agree. But IMO, and many others it would seem, much of the gameplay by players has devolved.  Not evolved.

Rgardless. It's real good to see you online again Dan!  


Offline Nash

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #107 on: August 13, 2003, 10:01:02 AM »
Originally posted by Westy
"But with the changing of AH, by HiTech, towards making AH more fun for AW's (he said just that in one of his last interviews) by way of the last couple of major updates..."

Where is that interview Westy?

Offline Tilt

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #108 on: August 13, 2003, 10:35:10 AM »
Originally posted by Urchin
< Damn.. fuels porked.  Well, lets check this one.  ****... fuels porked here too.  Well... this is an outside shot....  Golly-geeN, they porked it here too?!  

Regardless of the other points and where any arena bias should lie re strat and fur I do believe this could be solved in many ways..........

Its totally wrong from aspects of both strat and fur..........fuel is just too easy to attrit IMO and the effects of its attrition applied in a somewhat unrealistic way.

and as Urchin is not fun.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2003, 11:12:34 AM by Tilt »
Ludere Vincere

Offline Westy

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #109 on: August 13, 2003, 10:42:09 AM »
Unfortunately I think it was on which is now defunct. What he essentially said was that prior releases focused on realism but now he was making changes for gameplay and to make it more fun'r for AWiers
 But when you reread past interviews you can see how AH is most likely where HTC wanted it be. (except for "AH will always be air-to-air first. Dogfighting is what an air combat simulator is primarily for." from the gamesdomain interview below).
 AH may have started out as more of a game leaning towards "simulation" but that may have been more due to the nature of it's early players than anything else.  When the "influx" came the tools were in place to be discovered, used and even abused by those who prefer to fly a "Crimson Skies" ala WWII aircraft skins.      (not!)   Although one positive lately is logging on and not seeing thier crap on the radio! ;)

 But here are a couple of other interviews where HTC said essentiall the same thing but with more "werds"...

"The basic change of the original concept from what I’ve done in the past was this time I wanted to bring a game to the realism of life. What I wanted to do this time was attract both the Air Warrior crowd and the WarBirds crowd. The WarBirds crowd loved the realism aspect of the sim. The Air Warrior crowd never liked it because it was all about realism and not about fun. This time around we tried mixing the fun with the realism. I’ll never compromise on the flight model aspect of the realism. At the same time, the game play aspect is all about fun.

...we have made a conscious decision to make AH more of a game than a WWII simulator. Except for the flight model accuracy and the feel of flight we are not trying to make game play totally realistic, i.e. stuff like in-flight radar, visual ranges, buff driving/accuracy. How the gunners work in the B-17. All the game balance items we are taking what works well and not what was doing in history.  

basically ... AW provided for more down time, i.e. you didn't have to be scanning they sky constantly, than WB did. So in the end the game-play side and social interaction was more of a design criteria for AH.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2003, 11:58:07 AM by Westy »

Offline Guppy35

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #110 on: August 13, 2003, 11:33:15 AM »
Hey Westy,

I'd liike a copy of that BB post if you have it.

E-mail is

As for the  comments.  Obviously my view is skewed based on such a little amount of time in AH so far.  That being said, the experience has been good in terms of the people.  The mouths are a lot less then I remember the later days of AW on channel 1.  I sure like the plane set and of course there are drop tanks so how can I lose :)

Clearly, base capture is the name of the game.  I don't think I've had a one on one fight yet.  In general it's been either diving into the mob over a base where I've vulched more in a week then I ever did in AW, or getting mugged by a mob while trying to get out of a base.

I still think AW had it right when it was a limited number of bases that could be captured, while allowing the buffers to hit factories etc.  AW2/3 obviously changed that and AH has taken it to the extreme.  But if that's what draws the numbers in, you can hardly blame HT and company.  It is a business after all.

But it seems like CT, from my few flights there is a counter to MA to appease the air to air crowd and I would imagine the scenarios serve the same purpose too, allowing for more then the "hamster wheel" of MA.

But for us newbies, the hamster wheel is neccessary to getting back to where we're more then just Ace Bait anyway:)  Kinda the RR to FR move of the old days I guess.

Good to see you are still around Westy.  It's been fun seeing lots of old names in the skies.

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Offline Nash

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #111 on: August 13, 2003, 11:51:16 AM »
Thanks Westy... I never realized that the designing of AH to cater to the AW crowd (at least lately) was such a considered objective... and was so explicitly stated like that anywhere.

The last sentence almost makes it seem like HT is saying that by providing the in-flight radar, less time needs to be spent with your hand on the views, so more can be spent chatting. Is this a good thing? :)  In the AW Mac beta I flew I always did like the officer's club to meet up with people... but socializing in the air? Heh, not for me at least.

Offline Ack-Ack

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #112 on: August 13, 2003, 11:08:16 PM »
Maybe he was talking about time to find a fight.  In AW it was very easy to find a fight and to get to a fight was just as quick.  At least in the Small Euro map, never flew Big Pork so flight times might have been longer.

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Offline B17Skull12

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WB a furball paradise??
« Reply #113 on: August 13, 2003, 11:24:49 PM »
only place for me is in a furball so next time your fighting knight and im online and you in a furball and see a 109 that has to be me in my 109F4 other wise i get all my kills from vulchs :p (which btw i still either miss em or auger tryin to vulch)

Offline FT_Animal

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Re: NB
« Reply #114 on: August 14, 2003, 01:28:27 AM »
Originally posted by Silat
NB it's the influx of totally skilless under 45 year olds that has ruined this game:}:}:}:}:D
