Author Topic: CT suggestion re base capture  (Read 1871 times)

Offline Sakai

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CT suggestion re base capture
« Reply #45 on: September 02, 2003, 06:55:50 AM »
Originally posted by hazed-
I think it would be wrong to make what is essentially the whole art of attacking an enemy (i.e. where he is weakest) into something deemed wrong.

In WW2 they tried to attack with suprise and where they werent expected. Even more so because they actually died if they screwed up.

Milkrunning can be annoying but it can also be enjoyable to do if you log on and dont feel like huge battles.

Sure, sometimes I simply feel like reading a book and cruising around bombing and encountering one or two rather than 40 guys.

However, I don't set a goal to capture all bases while no one is up, in fact, while I might bomb something for a change of pace, I rarely if ever will capture an undefended base in the CT unless it is a place I want for a future furball/operations site.

There is a difference between what you are describing and hard core milksters.  Also, if some defenders get up I don't switch to the most remote undefended base again in hopes of avoiding detection, or log off/auger in mid pursuit as some milkmen do to avoid giving a kill up.

I love catching Milkmen and shooting them down so I don't mind them.

"The P-40B does all the work for you . . ."

Offline Jester

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CT suggestion re base capture
« Reply #46 on: September 02, 2003, 08:11:02 AM »

1.  This test WILL NOT be done to try to discourage "Milkrunners."
     It was done to try to further "TEAMWORK" in the attacks on
     enemy targets.

It is the job of the pilots of your side to protect ALL of your territory - not what is "Convenient" because it is close to the field you are flying out of. If that were the case all we would need is a map with two fields right beside each other.
ANY military commander will tell you that it is always easier to attack where the enemy is weakest and it is simply stupid to simply keep pounding your head against a well fortified enemy.

2.  Nighttime "Milkrunning" - as for this - it is no major problem. It can easily be fixed in the morning.

I personally have no problem with it. Some people just don't like to go flying repeatily into the "Buzzsaw" trying to take a well defended base. Other times there is simply No one else playing. What should they do? Wait till someone else comes on the other side before they can play. This subject is blown WAAY out of proportion.


Offline snocone

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CT suggestion re base capture
« Reply #47 on: September 02, 2003, 01:22:34 PM »
a while back there was a setup that i believe was an english channel setup. the coolest thing about this setup was this. "NO BASE CAPTURE" there simply were no c47 or m3s. this is probably the best idea for this setup. i love this map but it is large and that encourages milkin. this has been apparent the last couple of mornings, with the number of bases being really scued. wish the milkers would realize you can milk without capturing. just bomb the hell outta stuff. i really enjoy flyin buffs and do this all the time. but when you spend all night capturing 95% of the enemies fields it screws up the whole dam arena. does this make you feel like a big man? hey jackarse, its the ct! you can switch side unlimited times. if you want to be a tard and roll undefended bases then just keep switchin and take the same base back from yourself. that will pad your stupid score and not "F" up the whole arena. just look at sakai's other thread where he documents how the germans were missing half of their plane set due to milkmen.

wow, where did that come from? i am just sick of the bananas. please dont tell me that they wont be milkin if i just up and defend. first off, im not gonna sit in the tower and wait for the wankin to start. if i am in the arena i am there to fly, not sit. plus you can bet the flashing base is as far from the fight as possible, so i will never get there in time. alot of the SDs wont fight once you get there to defend. these are the ".ef" dweebs, cause they dont want to get killed as that will screw up their score. anyway, it takes no talent to kill or drive an m3.

just turn the troops off so we can all just have some fun. why do you need to capture bases if both sides have the same amount? this is one of the best maps this game has ever seen and people milkin it is just a disgrace. there are good fighter, attackers, bombers, and even its own little tank town! if you just have to fly a goon or drive a jeep the resupp.

flame on!

(did i mention i am writing from work where we have just implemented a no smoking policy?)

Offline LtMagee

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CT suggestion re base capture
« Reply #48 on: September 02, 2003, 04:45:18 PM »
I think it should be at least 20 to 25 troops. Would that be a Platoon or just a squad?

Offline Jester

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CT suggestion re base capture
« Reply #49 on: September 03, 2003, 11:12:49 PM »



This is being done as a test to see how it works. It will revert back to 10 Troops to capture a field when the next set-up comes online Friday.

Thank you.


Offline FireOf59

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« Reply #50 on: September 05, 2003, 12:07:26 PM »
The idea of making it need 15 troops to capture a base was a great one. I believe this should be a permanent part of the CT scenarios. Having spent several hours last nite trying to capture a VH, this made it a more definite challenge. Having had to use this (2 troop carriers) last nite, it's a good rule and should stay on in CT and MA.

To all CT Participants online evening of 9/4, early am 9/5,
  My sincerest apologies to those who witnessed my replies to Shane's and 4510's "milkrunning" remarks. The accusation were childish, and my replies were just as childish.

Shane & 4510,
JUST SO YA KNOW, due to the rules of needing 15 troops to capture, it took several of us working together closely at least an hour. Mauser snuck up and shot me down several times on way in. ETA dragged several Axis away from goons on multiple occasions.
4510, yes, I do like flying different aircraft, fighters, bombers, and goons, and using GV's. Earlier, many Checkertails saw that a major Axis offensive was trying to take V30. We stopped what we were doing, got over there and defended it. Axis had the same opportunity but didn't take it. If either of you believes for a second that there were never "behind the lines" raids to take startegic points in WWII, go back to school.

I'll quit blabbering.
(or "slobberdonkeying" as Shane likes to say...what the heck does that mean???)
