Author Topic: Will AH model these......  (Read 164 times)

Offline Bradburger

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Will AH model these......
« on: September 23, 1999, 05:10:00 PM »
Looking foward to AH Beta (starting to get fustrated with WB!) and  was wondering if the folowing things are/will to be modelled:

1)Realistic ground handling.
When I say this I mean the full monty i.e potential to ground loop the tail traggers if not 'watched' during taxi/take off & after landing.

2)Wind. Not sure if this has been discussed or is planned but would be a nice feature. Also have it so you can select it for offline play as well.

3)Wingtip Vortices. If it can be done would add a neat touch!

4)Slipstream effects from other planes.
would make a tailchase or formation flying
more fun!

5)Wing slats on the 109's. Yes you know, the ones that popped out at low speeds and high angles of attack.

Also got one regarding the engine modelling. How realistic will it be.I mean lets say i'm flying a Spitfire.Will we have to get airborne after 7 mins (as for real)before I boil? Also if I forgot to retract my gear in the same aircraft, would i start to see my engine temperatures rise?

I realise that AH is still in it's early days but i'm just curious!



-"They say the Merlin sounds nice when your on the ground, but it sounds ten times nicer when your in the cockpit!"-

[This message has been edited by Bradburger (edited 09-23-1999).]


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Will AH model these......
« Reply #1 on: September 23, 1999, 10:42:00 PM »
1)Realistic ground handling.

--It's dicey on the ground now.  It feels like it wants to ground loop, but at this point, (warning, don't know about newest version) the ground handling needs to be desensitized.  Honestly, there'd be about 5 of us who could stay on the runway 99 percent of the time the way it is now (because it is a bit too tough)


--Don't know

3)Wingtip Vortices.

--What about them?  Induced drag is modeled (which is the drag which occursin conjunction with the "wingtip vortices")  Are you asking whether a plume of smoke will be swirled around by the vortices?

4)Slipstream effects from other planes.

--What about them?  Generally, I'd wager this wasn't a real big problem in RL because you rarely stayed at a close level six oclock for long, and because these were relatively high wing loaded aircraft following not THAT large of aircraft.  In a 150 (7 lbs/sq. ft) another 150's wake produces a very high frequency shake and light chop.  In an Archer (15 lbs/sq. ft) it's pretty much minimal.  But in the 150 or archer, a SF-340 (larger regional turboprop) that wake will bump you around a decent amount.  But it's not gonna make you lose TOTAL control.  I don't think even the heavy bombers of WW2 were even close to the wake of a 737.  Now, I've been unfortunate enough to feel that in a 150, and that was enough to make us lose control for a bit.  But then, if we were in something along the lines of a fighter, I doubt it would have been much more than moderate chop.

5)Wing slats on the 109's. Yes you know, the ones that popped out at low speeds and high angles of attack.

--Don't know.  Been flying the Stang exclusively..Gotta try the C-47 and La-5 though...



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Will AH model these......
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 1999, 10:55:00 PM »
don't know about all that with the slipstream blk. In reading RL accounts i've run across a few stories where the pilots said they got into the slipstream/propwash from a bandit they were trying to shoot down and the plane flipped onto it's back.
but it seems like it would be a squeak to model with any fidelity.

Offline Bradburger

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Will AH model these......
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 1999, 08:43:00 AM »
Thanks for the info. As regards to wingtip vortices i wasn't very clear. Yes i did mean the visual part of it.

The slipstream effects. Just thought it would be another step up in the realism factor. O.K, could live without it but maybe it's something that could be added later on.



Offline fd ski

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Will AH model these......
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 1999, 10:29:00 AM »
Brad - regarding slats on 109s..
They deployed when the airflop was low enough and in turn in meant that one of them would deploy earlier then the other,  causing significant dip.. Also,  they caused huge energy loss as well. Everything i've read referred to them as annoying in fight and useless. ( even with them deployed 109 had no chance of following hurricane through the turn )


Bartlomiej Rajewski
S/L fd-ski Sq. 303 (Polish) "Kosciuszko" RAF  


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Will AH model these......
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 1999, 01:46:00 PM »
as for the slats

on the other hands british pilots which flew captured 109's confirmed that they had a way better low speed handling than their british counterparts.

and whatfor turn with a hurrican if you can dictate the fight ? just climb away and set up some nice B&Z attacks


The best approach to a surprise, make your attack and disappear and start a new attack. Don't get engaged and make it a dogfight.
Lt.General Adolf Galland, Luftwaffe