Author Topic: Just an Observation.....  (Read 321 times)

Offline Pongo

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Just an Observation.....
« Reply #15 on: October 31, 2000, 05:51:00 PM »
We wont ever know I guess.
Lots of people dont like to be attacked and insulted for their opinions.
Only about the same number of people voiced positive opinions on the matter. But I see you assume that eveyone was for it that didnt complain.
If you had stated your question like this..
"does everyone realize that if you dont let HT know how you feel he will keep lowering everyone elses cost but keep yours the same?"
You would be asking the same question from a different viewpoint.

Since the overwhelming presure from this board was to stamp on anyone that disagreed with it, dont expect people to do so. The way they feel will not be changed of course but what they voice here will be.

Offline humble

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Just an Observation.....
« Reply #16 on: October 31, 2000, 06:21:00 PM »
Very interesting point pongo. I know my initial response was a reaction to the negative feelings posted. I do understand the feelings but wanted to provide another perspective...what have we all gained thu HT and Pyro's efforts. I feel the original threads were all negative and short sighted.

Now that doesn't mean that I feel my perspective is the only...or "right" one. Just viewing the issue from a longer time line. Now if we maintain a $29.95 rate structure and 30% of population is flying at a discount 6 months from now you'll have an issue. But if you view this as an attempt to set fair pricing and the price for a new rate of "X" is a couple folks at "Y"...does it really matter in the long run?

Anyway, I certainly respect RAMS opinion (and numerous others), who feel slighted by this. I just happen to feel the explanation given is plausable and the underlying issue very real.

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Offline Karnak

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Just an Observation.....
« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2000, 09:56:00 PM »
Originally posted by RAM:
Humm. Right on target. In fact its me who is paying them ,not the inverse, right?.

So, If I pay what I pay and see others paying less for what I understand is a wrong move, I feel pissed.

Egocentric? it like you want. Thing is, I dont think its fair. And as I am the one making sacrifices to pay them, I feel pissed.

Thats exactly what I meant RAM.  Your reply is full of "I" and "me".  You seem so outraged at what they did, you don't seem to have stopped and thought about why.

There are very good reasons for them to have to do things this way.  Or would you rather just pay $30.00 US for the rest of your participation here?

I, and others, have laid the reasons out as clearly as we can elsewhere, so I'm not going to get into that again.

No, I'm not saying that you, or anyone else is an emotional adolecent for having a different opinion than I do.

What I am saying is that they had no choice but to do this the way that they did.  It was either never do market research or do it this way.  It seems to me that many guys are acting like self centered adolecents in response to this particular action on the part of HTC.

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Offline Fury

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Just an Observation.....
« Reply #18 on: October 31, 2000, 11:00:00 PM »
I just wish that all this pricing crap could stay under one nice thread, instead of a billion little threads.

You can only beat a dead horse so long.  I'm pretty sure that both sides have made their feelings known more times than I can count on my fingers and toes.



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Just an Observation.....
« Reply #19 on: November 01, 2000, 04:08:00 PM »
Quote by Pongo:

"does everyone realize that if you dont let HT know how you feel he will keep lowering everyone elses cost but keep yours the same?"


Where in world did you get this idea? I simply meant what I originally posted....was based out of curiosity more than anything else, oh yeah, and a slow hour at the office contributed to my post as well

HTC does not intend to have an open ended pricing policy geared towards those who do not subscribe after their two week free trail.

This is market research where a sampling is used to determine behavior regarding pricing blah get my point I'm sure

I do not intend to post regarding this subject again until HTC lowers everyones price due to their little experiment....then I'll get to say "I told ya".


Offline gatt

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Just an Observation.....
« Reply #20 on: November 01, 2000, 04:36:00 PM »
It seems that only perhaps 10-12 people have voiced a negative reaction to HTC's pricing experiment?
[/ironic mode ON] Good post! [/ironic mode OFF]. Look, simply a lot of ppl didnt have time, will or guts to post anything against it. I was very pissed off but after a few days I said to myself: "who cares?".
In my squad not even one out of 12 guys found this a good move.

Ok, got hooked.

[This message has been edited by gatt (edited 11-01-2000).]
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Just an Observation.....
« Reply #21 on: November 01, 2000, 05:29:00 PM »

Offline Pongo

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Just an Observation.....
« Reply #22 on: November 01, 2000, 05:46:00 PM »
Put our posts side by side. You said everyone who has not said anything must support what was done. I was trying to show you that the same fact(numericaly few people complaining on the board) could just as well mean that most disagree. Probably the best way is to take the number of posters and view it as a ratio of the whole population.
Thats all.