Originally posted by Moochie
Do I actually have to install drivers? I've run the autoinstall off both the latest CH FX file and my installation disk, and I find the .dll file when I do a search.
However, the stick that the system is seeing is 3-axis 2-button joystick. Is this right or should it be seeing a Force FX?
The default windows XP and windows 98 stick for the force FX is only a 3 axis 2 button, and XP wont see the force drivers and the extra 10 buttons unless the DX5 drivers are actually installed.
You need to download the DXForce drivers from CH which are the latest ones and install those AFTER your original installation from your old installation disk -as far as I remember they may install in different directories but all you need from your original disk is the dll.,which can be copied into the same directory as the latest Force driver files.
Install one of these four (or all if you wish, but better to choose the one that matches your CH gear)
Stick only, Stick and throttle, Stick and Rudder, or stick throttle and rudder. You install into your Sound, video and gamecontroller section.
You will see if you open the CH directory you should have these 4 files named ForceFX5J.inf, ForceFX5JR.inf; ForceFX5JT.inf, and lastly ForceFX5JTR.inf which correspond to your CH gear. Choose the one that matches your combination.
Using Windows explorer browse to the one you choose and RIGHT click on that file, you should get a dialoque box including an install option in a drop down box, so select the install option and then press return, and install into your Sound and game controller section in the list you get. You can also use the add hardware option in control panel if necessary also, either should work. You will have to select which hardware group to install in which will be sound and game controllers. Windows should ask during the install for the .dll if it is not in the same directory, which you can browse to.
Your stick "should" now show up in game controllers if you add it in, as a Force FX DX5 joystick with 10 buttons, and also listed in the System Manager under sound and game controller as a Force FX DX5.
If you chose the ForceFX5JTR.inf (if you have throttle and rudder pedals too) it will be listed in Game controllers as Force FX DX5 Joystick,Throttle & Rudder (serial) for example. When installing the combination ones with Rudder there is no need to select a separate rudder in the box on the install routine in game controllers, and no need to select each view on the hat when calibrating, just press enter for the hat calibration for each view.
As far as I know XP should see this new driver and although it is an old DirectX5 compatible driver, it works fine on my system even with DirectX9 (except for too high force in trim mode which has to be turned down very low as otherwise the force will almost lockup your stick) -but then I use it with win98.
Another guy in my squad said he has used this driver with XP to get the 10 button stick though he doesn't use the force which you can turn on/off in AH, so I think it should work. Try it, it shouldn't do any harm.