Author Topic: An Idea for a "new arena"  (Read 255 times)

Offline humble

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An Idea for a "new arena"
« on: November 01, 2000, 08:38:00 PM »
I'm curious if anyone ever tried this type of approach for a historical/special events arena. Use a limited time frame (1 day to 1 week) and allow 1 life for the tour. I know scoring is always an issue and so is "realism". Combining a short time length with 1 life would provide a nice mix. Structuring stratigic goals is beyond me but I'm sure many could do it. You could also provide 1 air and 1 ground life I guess.

I'd bet surviving your one week tour of 15-30 "missions" would be one hell of an accomplishment.

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson

Offline Ghosth

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An Idea for a "new arena"
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2000, 11:21:00 PM »
Interesting idea Humble.

The only problem I see with it is keeping enough people in it to keep it viable.
At this point we really don't have enough people online to keep 2 arenas going.
At least thats the reason I've heard as to why we don't have a Historical Arena.

Even if you went with a sunrise to sunset setup (so you could conceiveably fly 2 times in the same day if you died) I think it would be hard to keep numbers up.

However, if Aces High should do a priceing change in the near future and if we got LOTS of new people it might be an option.


Offline Westy

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An Idea for a "new arena"
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2000, 08:39:00 AM »

 I like.


Offline SKurj

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An Idea for a "new arena"
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2000, 08:39:00 AM »
Why not an arena that permits a pilot 1 life per day (real time).  An historical arena of course as an ongoing war, with very slow base rebuild times.  That runs for a preset length of time, say a week for example.
Then a pilot could login and see what he could manage prior to death or logoff.

just an idear...


Offline humble

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An Idea for a "new arena"
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2000, 12:15:00 PM »
I was kind of thinking of it as a "squad" arena. We have a number of well organized...and prideful...squads. If we had a semi realistic scenario(s) that rotated over the tours. So that everyone knew that they'd see the same maps/goals one day a week for tour #X. I bet the squads would start to zero in on each mission. Example, France July 44. Limited bases, Vec parks rail,road, and ifrasturture. Planes limited to P38, P47-25, typhoon, spit, goon and B-26.

For axis 190-a5, 109 G2 and G6, Ju88. I'm assuming ponies and buffs busy with daylight bombing in ger and 190-a8 and G-10 deployed there. Allies would need to destroy rail,air,vehicle and other assets to promote advance while germans need to hit bridges, harbor facilities etc. pick periods that fit plane set aren't hopeless and provide some historical context for victory. Allowing for ditchs and bailing over friendly territory to not be a "kill" promotes increased teamwork etc....bringing your cripples home now has a real effect. I bet within a week all the squads would start arranging squad nights/times to cover new arena.

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson