Author Topic: ATI 9700 Pro configuration  (Read 196 times)

Offline heatedpitot

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ATI 9700 Pro configuration
« on: December 07, 2003, 11:07:10 AM »
First Post to the Forums for a relative "Dweeb".  I am in need of Tech help on the proper and best  configuration for this Video board for AH I without any Overclocking or any other "tweaks" via Rage3d site. I just want to configure this board specifically for AH I using WinXP Home with all the updates applied to WinXP and ATI card.  I have seen several men make posts on the forums that make me believe these individuals are very technically inclined and trustworthy.  I enjoy this game very much for the small amount of time I have to play it, as opposed to other flight sims.

I had this system built in anticipation of AH II . Therefore my system spec's are as follows:

I run my Desktop @ 1024x768x32bit and AH at the same resolutions account a 71 y/o fella with bifocaled eye balls.

P4  2.6Ghz
Intel Destop Board D865PERL Motherboard
        with FSB 800
512 DDR Ram
OS WinXP Home using the NTFS file system ( with all applied updates)
ATI Radeon 9700 Pro (using CATALYST 3.9)
SoundBlaster Live 5.1
and  cable modem connection via local cable TV which consistently has download speed of 3000+Mbs and upload of 128Mbs.
This system is extemely stable and fast.

As said earlier, I have seen several people make posts that impress me as to their technology on these matters.  I sincerely hope someone can guide me as to specific settings on ALL the configuration "tabs" in the Control Panel for the ATI Radeon 9700 Pro.

Many Thanks to ALL and ANY who reply.

« Last Edit: December 07, 2003, 01:47:01 PM by heatedpitot »
in the Great Dismal Swamp in the Great state of North Carolina!