Author Topic: How to fix Stuttering  (Read 830 times)

Offline F1Bomber

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How to fix Stuttering
« on: December 18, 2003, 11:50:40 PM »
Okay this is just an opinion how to fix stuttering in aces high 2 beta 7 when you merg with another aircraft in game. Suddenly one of you if your new to aces high will experence lag eg.. Computer Freezing for a split second and then continuly normaly.

Opinion on what is happening in aces high.
Because everone has different texture rez on there machines, you have a very high quality texture, that is reduced, to fit the currently rez your machien is running on. To reduce the number of calculations that are required to re-edit and re-size the matrix textures, the program stores the new calculated textures in a folder called cache. This increases performance for low end machiens, that are using lower rez and have lower LOD than other computer systems people are using. So instead of needing to re-calculate all textures, it stores them in cache, then just calls them from there.

Now the Problem Occures here when aces high 2 is storing and calculating the textures.

Most people will first notice when entering aces high, alot of stutter, your program would sort of freeze in spots because of the prossess above. Calculating, Storing, And retreving. Only problem is that the original high quality texture is still in memory, and it seems that aces high doesnt re-frame to using the new calculated chache texture instead. So people normaly complain about freezes now and then when in the merge.

To fix this problem, any time you change the LOD ( Level of detail, Distance, Bump Maping, And object bipmaping ) you need to restart aces high, to get it to use the new cache textures in the cache directory instead of the default one.

The best suggestion i can give. Is to follow these steps to help out abit.
1. Go offline
2. Try each every aircraft out in the hanger, let it cache the textures
3. Fly around for 30 minutes around the place, high, low.
4. Restart aces high.
5. Go online, ask a person near you to fly beside you in different aircraft.
6. Restart aces high.

You have to do the above again, when changine texture quality or sizes i found out. If you have tried every other possibility you do not need to restart because of all the textures being stored in the cache directory.

This is just an opinion on whats happening in aces high 2 from a 3rd person perspective. It could be completly differnet to what hitech has coded, and i may be getting way over my head. But in 90% of the people who complain about this problem i ask them to re-log and then we fly again, and it fixes 99% of the problems that occure.

I was asked by finn to post this information on the bbs to help other users. As such i did, and hope it will help other out.

Offline hitech

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How to fix Stuttering
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2003, 08:59:40 AM »
I don't belive restarting will change anything. But you are correct when changing mip map or max texture size options the cache needs to be rebilt. And when any new texture comes into view for the first time there is a momentary hit. This will only be once per texture, and not happen again the next time your start AH.


Offline Gwjr2

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How to fix Stuttering
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2003, 10:12:10 PM »
all I did was load em into hangar until each loaded then had no problems when flying , I did not launch any plane just loaded at hangar screen and all was fine
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Offline Roscoroo

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How to fix Stuttering
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2003, 02:44:36 AM »
I''m am getting the stuttering  (lag type warp ) when passing and dogfighting other AC . this happens around 3k reloging doesnt fix it ... sometimes it calms it down though ..

its not happening with the drones offline though ..

and i get the stuttering when crossing terrain textures along with some items on the ground  (roads mostly)
one thing i have noticed is a little better frame rate  avg 30 fps and alittle higher now (it will still get a hard hit now and then )

I tested at full grafics and at 1/2 grafics  16bit and 32bit  

1.3 ghz amd ecs k7s5a mb (Tuned like a swiss watch )
512 ram
GF2 mx 400 64mb  30.82 drivers directX 9.0b
Win 98se sp1 , (no firewall , AV turned to manual scan)
700 kbps dsl
Roscoroo ,
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How to fix Stuttering
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2003, 03:23:43 AM »

I suggest you should be able to preload textures as you load the game

doable ?

WB have had that feature and is a very good one.

You dont get that delay that causes you to miss that #¤¤#%%& plane just when you where about to shoot it down.
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Offline AmRaaM

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fix stuttering
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2003, 07:22:38 AM »
drink water and hold your nose, grandma taught me that.