Going to throw an idea into the ring concerning radar.
In much the same way that users can take command of a carrier task force, I'd propose system where users can take command of radar stations and the way the information is presented to the players.
Base HQ radar with sector bar control. Operator can view dots collectively gathered from all radar stations. Double clicking a sector where dots are seen "posts" sector bar quantities. If the operator leaves the controls, the bar fades on all country maps in stages over a period of time. I'll call this Bar Latency. This will allow both strat players and furballers see where the action is before a mission. The Strat players can plot a course to avoid the action and furballers can head for it. I'd suggest an enhanced radar view only available to a base HQ radar operator: The ability to see the strength of return in addition to position. With this, they could actively vector interceptors to bomber raids or allow bombers to see which fields (ergo fighter hangers) are spawning the most fighters.
Airfield/regional radar - plot actual radar contacts in the way we see radar dots now. I'd propose this to be an automatic function as we see it now but only for local radar coverage around a field. There is one change. Add two levels of damage to a radar station. Light damage to the system will allow a manual player controlled posting of radar contacts (dots) to the local friendly player's clipboards.
Neither role would have to be a "full time" position. But(!), to prevent malicious intent by recent defectors/spies, if a player occupies a station or base HQ without making updates for a certain period of time, the user gets kicked out. This type of system would prevent to destruction of one small target from entirely affecting the use of radar. If Base HQ is destroyed, only the regional radars would work for more of a tactical view. If any one airfield's radar system is destroyed, only the immediate area is blinded (which resembles what we have now minus the sector bars). This would also provide the ability to successfully execute a low level raid if there are no Base HQ operators and the attackers navigate around local radar stations enroute to a target.
I think such a system would be a boon to scenario commanders who can take full advantage of "The big picture" to effectively manage an operation. Having commanded entire countries in AW scenarios it is very difficult to fly and fight effectively while trying to manage a task force from a cockpit.
I'll wrap this up with a question - why do ground vehicles trigger radar sector bar displays now?