I would encourage you to join the NRA (as I would anyone) and I would hope that you would write your democratic politicians that you vote for and tell them what you are telling me. If you simply vote for them and are silent then they will assume that they are on the right track with gun control. If they come out with a strong pro 2nd stance I would vote for them over a wishy washy republican.
I do occasionally write them (though not near as much as I should). as far as giving money to the nra, I used to be a member and they seemed to always be throwing my money at the candidate I wanted to lose. I find it much more productive to keep my membership fee and just send that much less to the democrats. it all balances back out and I get to keep more cash.
over all what I'd like to see is a 'working mans party'.
for the every day american working man.
most of the people I know agree more with the democrats on economic polocy, are against gay marriage, pro-life, pro gun, for stronger environmental and workplace safety regulation, for getting the gov't out of medical decisions (let your dr proscribe what he thinks is best for you, and let you by your RX's in whatever country gives you a good price.)
when the dems are in I get more work, have more pay increases, safer workplace, but then you get all the touchy feely hippy crap in the schools, all the crap about self-esteam and 'how that makes people feel'. when I was a kid, if you where stupid they made sure you knew it. that way you didn't get your hopes up to high.
the republicans talk about family values and being pro-life, but then again abortion rates are higher when they are in office, and parents are so bussy trying to make ends meet they never see the kids long enough to even think of family values
how about a party where they suport sending your kids to school for an education and not political indocternation or some sort of social project, a party that looks out for americans before people from other countrys, one that expects people, that are able, to make their own way while suporting an economy and trade polocys that make this possible.
basicly take the good things that the republicans say they stand for (the ones they rarely do anything about), and mix that with what the democrats used to be before the present group took over. the dems used to reperesent the working man, but while we where all busy at work the welfare moms, fruits and nuts took over.