Author Topic: Nice! but lose the walking...  (Read 1761 times)

Offline glars

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Nice! but lose the walking...
« Reply #15 on: September 30, 1999, 02:12:00 AM »
So you guys don't like the walking around the airfield?

Guess you haven't tried the .jeep command then.



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Nice! but lose the walking...
« Reply #16 on: September 30, 1999, 03:19:00 AM »
Hitting ESCAPE key does work for me.

More specifically it brings up the clipboard and I hit the button I want to do.  Right after getting the game up and running I am in the tower, so I hit the hangar button.  Long before I finish "walking" to the hangar I have hit the ESC key and have my aircraft already selected.  Ditto for getting it on the runway and ready to go.  I even fire up the engines before getting onboard.


Offline leonid

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Nice! but lose the walking...
« Reply #17 on: September 30, 1999, 05:15:00 AM »
Walking?!  That sounds great.  And I like that idea, because it slows down the replane process.
ingame: Raz


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Nice! but lose the walking...
« Reply #18 on: September 30, 1999, 06:07:00 AM »

Later there could be an "instant-fly button" to enter the QuakeAces(tm)-arena with airstarts and an optional easy mode (no radar, no guided missles please).

But keep the walking in the SimAces(tm)-arena!

I want to go (or run when necessary) to the hangar, select ordnance and enter cockpit. Before that, I look left and right avoiding to be vulched.
Then I want to taxi my plane from hangar to the runway (I don´t know, why in the actual version hitech "beams" my plane from hangar to the runway and I still have to walk).


PS: Glars, If there is a ".jeep"-command to enter my Jeep, is there also a ".vw"-command to enter my Kübelwagen?

Offline Ping

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Nice! but lose the walking...
« Reply #19 on: September 30, 1999, 06:57:00 AM »
 I think it would be nice if they gave us some ammo for that rifle were holding.

 Listen up squad..orders are as stands.
 5 volunteers will walk from 15 -> 7 and take out ack in sniper mode.
 The rest of us will fly over in 5 days and see how yur doin  
I/JG2 Enemy Coast Ahead

Offline Sascha JG 77

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Nice! but lose the walking...
« Reply #20 on: September 30, 1999, 07:06:00 AM »
Starky: That would be ".KdF". The term Volkswagen didn't exist in the third reich as far as I know. The beetle was called "Kraft durch Freude"-Wagen and Wolfsburg, the city that was founded to accomodate the workers that were to build the car was called "Stadt des KdF-Wagens" (City of the KdF-car).


Offline Gazoo

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Nice! but lose the walking...
« Reply #21 on: September 30, 1999, 07:22:00 AM »
Keep the walking.  Immersion is all part of it.  In the future they could even give us control and we have to run to the plane using our own stick input.  That way we can "duck and weave" if under attack!

Personally, I like all of the walking, engine run up etc.  And we are not paying by the hour, so what does the 15 seconds really mean?

"Just Plane Nuts"


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Nice! but lose the walking...
« Reply #22 on: September 30, 1999, 08:27:00 AM »
"Definitely tho think that 5 mins would be way too long. 5 mins is a heck of a long time to be staring at a computer screen waiting for something to happen."

You wouldn't be staring at the screen unless you managed to get shot down in less than 5 minutes on the previous sortie.  

If you managed to do that you DESERVE to wait.  I guess I would allow instant respawn if you weren't shot down - i.e. you crashed.  

But if you are constantly dying every couple of minutes you are probably quaking it and doing the suicidal field defense thing.  For me this ruins the game - how can you make an attack on a field when the defenders have an infinite supply of aircraft and pilots?  It's bad enough that we have to attack airfields, but when you add in the quakers it's ridiculous.

Maybe allow this in a beginner arena, but if you are trying to do anything like historical ops it is a big turn-off.


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Nice! but lose the walking...
« Reply #23 on: September 30, 1999, 08:40:00 AM »
I think this is going to be one of those issues where you either love it or hate it. Speaking from the "hate it" side of the fence, I first want to acknowledge that the instant replaning is irksome to some in that other well-known sim. Before I rip his argument apart, please be aware that I respect Funked and love him like a brother.  

Having said that, I find Funked's argument about this ludicrous. First of all, the walk to the hanger or tower is in the first person mode. If anything in the sim is Quake-like, this is it. Secondly, if you really think that a five-second delay is going to make a huge amount of difference in the replaning, your kidding yourself. And why only five minutes between re-planes, Funked? Why not 5 hours, or more realistically, 24 hours? Why not make a bailed pilot have to evade capture, endure 3 hrs adrift in the English channel, take a slow truck ride back to base, have a de-briefing by the intelligence officer, take bath, eat some bacon and eggs, get a good night's sleep,AND THEN get back into the cockpit the next day?

Yes, I've gone to the extreme. That is precisely my point. Where do we draw the line between a realistic amount of time between replanes and utter nonesense? Instant replaners have never bothered me much, they make for good vulchin!  

With all do respect to the developers of Aces High, and all of my fellow pilots, I think the only way this idea would be acceptable is if they turned this Quake-like rollercoaster ride into a real pilot, who must run out to his airplane sitting on the tarmac, or in the hanger.

Just my 2 kopeks worth, spend'em anyway you see fit.

Bax (-baxl-)


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Nice! but lose the walking...
« Reply #24 on: September 30, 1999, 12:19:00 PM »
Jeez Bax, that extra time helps you out on yer vultch pattern, giving you time to get set up.  Ya big silly goofball!

And to the Funkmeister, oz not see any difference in replaning times because of how you die.  It's a bit silly to an oz.

You wouldn't be staring at the screen unless you managed to get shot down in less than 5 minutes on the previous sortie.

Oz not see how you can say this. Ded is ded, right?  And say you got that yer fault neccesarily?  After x number of times, sure it is, but at least the first one or two is a freebie.  

It seems to an oz that it takes at least 30 seconds or more (ozthinks prolly longer, but is going off the top of the ozian head) for anyone to replane, and that period of time should be enough for any reasonably sized attack force to spank some more down and get prepped for you, ozmeans you still gotta get off the runway at that point.  So there already IS an induced wait.  Oz definitely agress with it too.  It's enough that it isn't "shotdown/fly/back in action" but not too much to be a pain in the ass.  This is of course, merely yer humble and lowly KoK's opinion.  It's all relative ozreckons.



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Nice! but lose the walking...
« Reply #25 on: September 30, 1999, 12:40:00 PM »
Baxl I know you're naked so I'm glad you love me like a brother not like a sheep!  Oz, Funkedthinks you are silly.  

Here's what's driving me on this one:  When I fight a dweeb who obviously has no regard for his virtual life, *POOF* there goes my suspension of disbelief.  A lot of us can motivate ourselves to fly better, but some of us need tough love.  A contributor to this problem is the scoring and reward system for most games, which generally encourages quantity (number of kills) over quality (flying like a real ace).

The 5 minute period (or X minutes, I don't care what the number is) is the tough love.  It is a disincentive to take off from a field which is under attack.  In real life there is a disincentive called CERTAIN AGONIZING DEATH which prevents most pilots from taking off in such a situation.  

Here's a couple of other ideas:  

- X-minute rule only applies at the last field you launched from.  I.e. if you go to a different field you can launch ASAP.  This will limit the supply of defenders at a given field.

- X-minute rule only kicks in if you die Y times in Z minutes.  This gives a dweeb some slack before the boom is lowered.

Like I said, it might not be perfect for everybody.  If guys want to quake it, by all means give them a no-holds-barred deathmatch level to play in.

Offline Azrael

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Nice! but lose the walking...
« Reply #26 on: September 30, 1999, 01:27:00 PM »
Keep the walking. It adds to the atmosphere.


XO 487th BG (Heavy)
'The Gentlemen from Hell'

Offline Lugnut

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Nice! but lose the walking...
« Reply #27 on: September 30, 1999, 01:41:00 PM »
Heres my suggestion:

Keep the walking, put it a more normal pace, have the pilot actually seen on the field with a P icon over his head, so he can be straffed just like any other ground weenie.


Offline CHAPPY

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Nice! but lose the walking...
« Reply #28 on: September 30, 1999, 01:48:00 PM »
I have  /.fly  programmed into my template.
This saves needing to use the mouse in WB,
and also instantly puts me back in the seat
in AH.

This is one way to have the choice of walking
the walk or fast replane. Should keep everyone happy.

I'm talking about typing .fly into the radio
bar for all you non-WarBird guys.

Chaplain 401 RCAF Rams


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Nice! but lose the walking...
« Reply #29 on: September 30, 1999, 09:24:00 PM »
Pyro gave his reply on this yesterday.

"There will be a speed slider in the setup for how fast you move around. That'll let you zip between places if you want."