Roscoroo - The TCPoptimizer is a front end for a series of registry changes documented to improve network connectivity. It was explicitly designed for large bandwidth. I've used it on non business machines for gaming and web browsing and see an improvement. YMMV... It does have the option to reset it back to the ORIGINAL settings should you decide you don't like it. Also noticed I asked what connection type he had before I recommended the TCPoptimizer. If he had said 56K I wouldn't have suggested it.
it's obvious that you've not even looked at speedguide because your comments are blatantly ignorant. Sorry for coming off sounding terse...
So you are going from your cable modem into a linksys router... So chances are you have a NAT setup which deters hackers... It's close to a firewall.
are you hosting head to head or playing in the Main Arena? If you are hosting, I can't help you as I don't know much in regards to HTC's setup.
You may also want to install Adaware from
http://www.lavasoftusa.comjust to make sure nothing is stealing your cycles...