Originally posted by Achttag
I do believe FWIW that the Creator would reconsider PDQ any aspect of the game that made paying customers, on balance, choose to go elsewhere. Not saying that lack of radar is top of that list, but people do log off when dar goes.
Not going to speak for dale or anyone else on this. But... everyone threatens to quit over virtually everything in this game... or log off for virtually everything. Ever hear of night time?
Really, the point of the matter is that one bomber could have destroyed virtually every target ever assigned in WW2 if they would have known they'd be going up against the kind of defense levied in AH. So far, the complaint to every type of "1 person is too impacting... people will just log" complaint revolves around the basic assumption that nobody should have to defend anything.
It's getting very old.
Really, if that's the environment you are really looking for, give the DA a shot. The more you get in there, the more fun it will be.