"Holy smoke ! all those low Vals have no escort !"
Thats funny........I distinctly remember hearing something like "Woot here comes a whole bunch of P40's foolishly thinking these Kates are Vals"
It was one hard fought fun frame and just a few observations:
There was pretty much even numbers over the 2 hours,
Most pilots refused to throw away their lives foolishly in the first furball chance,
Action occurred from 30k down to the deck,
Enough people lived through the frame for it to have credibility beyond Main Arena standards,
Both sides felt gratification at achieving their strike goals.
I personally like SO events that require CO's to do just a little more thinking than to place assets at the highest possible level over a known target and then wait for the chance to bounce. I have always encouraged that realistic goals be set giving a player a good chance to complete their mission and come home alive. This last frame in particular helped to achieve this and was assisted in no small part by the imaginative use of a second life for bomb carriers. There is no worse feeling in a scenario than the one that you are being used just to give a kill to someone for "historic accuracy".
Having said all that, when we sign up to a series, we sign up to do it for better or for worse and we do our very best to enjoy them all come what may. Well done CM's,
to all who participated.