Author Topic: cant quite put it all to gether  (Read 2581 times)

Offline doolitle

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cant quite put it all to gether
« on: February 06, 2004, 11:30:55 PM » ol doolitle...the bounty hunter young boi...over the past couple of months if progressed quite well......ive familiarized myself with some premere trianers and some outstanding seinor pilots such as roscoroo , sugar 2 foxtrot ,and even protege pilots such as bighorn.....i give great respect to those offering there help in any dagree or fashion and hold anyone whom has offered the slightest bit of there expertise with dought that the info that you select few have distributed has given me a advantage in AH combat( i respect that) but...theres still somthing left to be desired....theres only so far someone can go with spontaneuos trainig sessions that cover major pionts in a meager fashion...l(in other words its being explained all to vague and in such short increments). what im asking for is a little hard for someone to do..and i understand if there is no way that such a thing can be asking for a teacher student role...where i am taught step by step from a designated Trainer...(also in a more advanced level as i have already covered the basics) sum it all up in a nut shell i cant comprehend alot of what is being taught in a form that is meant for those whom already oversatand such concepts....i need to get it in order but dont know how..and i am requesting any assistance some one with ample time my have to offer...agian i do understand the odds of this ever succeding in my favor.....but i just had to try  

so..if anyone with the time to spare and the experiance to share holla at me..ol doolitle

contact me at             "first from the eyries"
                                                             <> to the 71st

Offline Delirium

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cant quite put it all to gether
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2004, 07:14:02 AM »
First off, film every flight and review them... you'll find yourself correcting mistakes you have made in the past. Unfortunately, learning in the Main Arena is tough, as the bad guy is going to give you as smallest amount of time to learn anything before he shoots you down.

Knowing where the bad guy is (imho) more important than having good stick skills. Note where the bad guy when he engaged you and his approximate speed. I'm not sure if you even have a joystick, but make sure you map view keys to the joystick where they are easily accessible. They are hands down your most used buttons (or should be).

Duel or do some 1v1 training in the Training Arena. This way, you can condense as much fighting into a smaller period.

Grab this book , read a little at a time. You'll be exposed to ideas that will help you. Don't try to digest it all at once, you'll get overwealmed and discouraged.

Lastly, keep a good attitude seasoned with patience and not only will you have a lower blood pressure, but you'll also have more 'vets' willing to teach you.

I'll fly with you, ask me in the arena. :)
80th "Headhunters"
Retired AH Trainer (but still teach the P38 selectively)

I found an air leak in my inflatable sheep and plugged the hole! Honest!

Offline doolitle

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small world huh???
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2004, 07:41:03 AM »
lol preciate the responce.........who wouldve thought youd be the one to offer man....will try what youve recomended......oh owe me an f6f kill tuff;)
hope tah see ya out there on the field....

"mind your mind for the jewls of your souk"


Offline doolitle

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LOL quote correction...
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2004, 07:42:54 AM »
"mind your mind for the jewls of your SOUL*"..........:aok

Offline GooseAW

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cant quite put it all to gether
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2004, 10:00:03 AM »
For what it's worth,

The guys that I've trained find great value in riding along with me in my fighter at various intervals after working on certain disciplines for a bit. Yes, you can join someone in their fighter too.
Just don't send a join request without asking on text first please  ;)

A ride along helps you see in action some of the things you've discussed and practiced. This should help you refine and remember what you learn.

Offline Soda

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cant quite put it all to gether
« Reply #5 on: February 08, 2004, 10:12:55 AM »
Doolittle, drop me an email and we can talk/work on some stuff.  There simply is a lot to learn and much of what you'll develop will be the result of some tough lessons (ie, getting shot down a bunch) and learning from them.  The best anyone can do is give you some background and explain certain concepts (things you need to know or things you will see) to help you in the right direction.  I know I've talked to you about it a bit before in the TA.  Not sure if you did a ride-along with me or not but I thought you had.  Anyway, drop me an email and we can work on a couple of things and maybe you can just tag a long a bit with me (ride along).  That sometimes can help put a lot of the small components (the things people say to do) together into one big picture.

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cant quite put it all to gether
« Reply #6 on: February 09, 2004, 12:37:57 PM »

It's a long road from the bottom to the middle of the pack...let alone to the top of the heap. It's been along time since I was a trainer here...and truthfully the entire game dynamic has changed. Overall ACM has been devalued as numbers have increased...other factors like gunnery & situational awareness have increased geometrically in importance. That being said I almost bet your problem lies in the "basics" you think you understand. You can break down an individual fight into three components...the opening, the middle game and the don't die till the end...but 80% of the time you lost the fight in the 1st 30 seconds...15% of the time you get out manuevered in the midgame...and 5% of the time you got the sucker dead to rights and he pulls one of those "how the #$%^ did he do that" deals at the end. I'll go ahead and post a clip back to this thread later tonight that might help give you some perspective on "ACM building blocks"...way back when after I knew a guy understood the basics I'd grab a 109 F and have him grab his favorite ride and get some alt on me and spend 20-30 minutes (or however long ammo lasted)  trying to hose me. Invariably after being tickled 10-15 times by the 7.7mm of the 109 the light started to go off with regard to the physics of ACM...anyway I'll post this back up here for you later tonight or tomorrow...think it will help you some.

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson

Offline Roscoroo

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cant quite put it all to gether
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2004, 02:03:25 PM »
the high numbers in the main and huge furballs are really nothing but a kill fest .. its not very good for really advancing your skills  .
(I find myself in these mass furballs and shure i get 3-5 kills and then its 6-10 guys chasing me and i ussually end up dead )
 I learned alot more when the numbers were lower and i could pick my fights . get back to more 1 vs 1's and 1 vs 2 or 3's .

the 1 vs 2 helps your SA alot you have to keep track of bolth guys and eventually you learn what not to do . (knowing what types of planes they are and how they perform really helps alot to)

another trick is to get your self a wingman and learn and use wingman tactics against them , (by having to keep track of your wingman it forces you to use more SA .)

I think what you may need to look at is "timing in your acm" also .

After you get confident in your favorite plane/s you should
each month pick 1 or 2 different planes that you havent flown  and fly them a couple nights a week or more until you learn there capability's .Same thing goes for a type of plane that kills you alot . go fly it and see what its adv / disadvatages are at .  

In multible boogie fights are you picking off the plane that will most likely outperform you first ??

Well theres just a few diff things for you to think about and try to progress .
Roscoroo ,
"Of course at Uncle Teds restaurant , you have the option to shoot them yourself"  Ted Nugent
(=Ghosts=Scenariroo's  Patch donation

Offline humble

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cant quite put it all to gether
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2004, 02:06:22 PM »

Here are the clips I promised (I hope:) ...

Again these aren't "dog fights" per se...know one gets killed...simply clips that illustrate some of the fundementals...I picked three all are from "festerville" last weekend. In all three I'm in an La-5...

Clip 1

Basically is just a simple merge done "right"...also a good primer on "avoiding the HO" I've flown AH for 4+ years and have never been HO'd unless i'm open to it...

Clip 2

This is a pretty typical MA situation...A slightly pos E spitty coming up my 6...same principles as 1st clip...same outcome as 1st clip...

Clip 3

Another typical MA situation..a higher alt, higher E pony takes an interst in my La-5...same principles as 1st two...same outcome

None of these are overly pretty and in the 2nd & 3rd I'm reacting to what the bogie does...but these should give you a bit of a primer...if your beyond these let me know I'll rummage thru the clip file and see if I can get you some more appropriate stuff.

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson

Offline doolitle

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i appreciate the heads up
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2004, 03:25:22 PM »
those are real good clips but unfortunatley im passed levels on the merge and all....what DID interest me is how you managed to make that spit 9 overshoot an la7..interesting..and how did you manage to get a 1on 1 situation in the /ma?..on top of that you two met up alone...impressive....almost like it was coordinated..but yea...if its not to much trouble..toss me one off those real juicy ones...<> to ya of those great ones

  to the 71st
 "first from the eyries"

Offline Roscoroo

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cant quite put it all to gether
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2004, 03:43:13 PM »
the la7 can out turn a spit 9 if you stall fight with it or cut the throttle and give it a quick notch of flaps .(ussually just the throttle is enough)

an la5 turns even better then the 7 .

the hardest thing to learn in a spit 9 is when to go full bore and when to slow it down alittle, it needs a fine balance or it will overshoot alot .

as for 1 vs1's in the main there easy to find when the numbers are down below 150 . heck you can even call guys out at they'll ussually meet ya for 1 on 1's .

you might want to spend time in the la's , for quick base defense there one of the best planes you can use.
Roscoroo ,
"Of course at Uncle Teds restaurant , you have the option to shoot them yourself"  Ted Nugent
(=Ghosts=Scenariroo's  Patch donation

Offline doolitle

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the ol lala huh?
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2004, 03:54:00 PM »
from what ive been told is that the la7 was only good for its speed and its not "that" great of an aircraft.......i think you guys need to prove its worth to me...or i just need to get nailed by em a lil the still weary of its performance..esp when some one like soda tells ya how crapy it is....this is exactly the kinda thing that makes me start a thread such as this...i respect you senoir members to a degree that i hardly dought your word....but ive been chasin my tail long enuff lol....i guess this is one of those"eye of the beholder"deals huh?.....well thanks for the heads up both of ya.....rosco...ill try that la7 to prove its worth.....who knows

Offline Roscoroo

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« Reply #12 on: February 10, 2004, 04:04:07 PM »
if ya want ill stop by the TA when i get home from work in a hour . and show ya what a la can do .
Roscoroo ,
"Of course at Uncle Teds restaurant , you have the option to shoot them yourself"  Ted Nugent
(=Ghosts=Scenariroo's  Patch donation

Offline humble

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Re: i appreciate the heads up
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2004, 04:32:23 PM »
Originally posted by doolitle
those are real good clips but unfortunatley im passed levels on the merge and all....what DID interest me is how you managed to make that spit 9 overshoot an la7..interesting..and how did you manage to get a 1on 1 situation in the /ma?..on top of that you two met up alone...impressive....almost like it was coordinated..but yea...if its not to much trouble..toss me one off those real juicy ones...<> to ya of those great ones

  to the 71st
 "first from the eyries"

The underlying ACM is the same in all three...I'd say you understand alot less than you think. I'm pretty sure I flew all three without anything fancy (flaps/throttle/trim). The fundementals are the same in the spitty clip as in the 1st one...the application is just different. Your original thread is about "putting it all togeather" think the answer is in understanding the small details when most of it lies in really understanding the big picture....I'm far from an ace...but even so I'm a ***** to kill one on one (most of the time:)).

What usually frustrates a newer player is that they "jump" one of the more experienced vets and get waxed when they have all the variables in their favor...what I'm showing you is the view from the other side....without the "end game" to distract you from the real area of importance. Your viewing a piece of the puzzle not the big picture...i.e. you see the spit...not the underlying ACM...I'd of made any plane miss there..I could of been in a pony 190 vs a nikki or a zeke and done the same thing (if bogie flew the same profile).

I'll break the spitty one down for you a'll notice I let him keep coming....why...

I wanted him to be "engaged" for the shot...his correct move would of been a high oblique of some kind to "mirror" my low oblique turn...the further away at the reverse the more likely that he would manuever "out of plane" (book of drex)

However I needed to have enough seperation to get a Merge not be denying a gun solution...(2.0 works for me)

2nd you'll notice I went high and to the opposite side from my break turn....why....

1) bleed speed
2) "store" energy
3) build up angles by increasing lateral seperation

So.....I engaged him on the reverse in the "proper" position while presenting him with a "sucker shot"...freezing him in a bad position while he looked at the shot...initiating a rolling scissors which repeated the same engagement ACM profile kept him working against his own E state while maximizing mine (i.e I wasn't cheating by working the throttle)...simply slowing and storing energy by going uphill...while he was pulling for shot going "down hill"....if the film is following views you'll see he's in sight thru the whole clip except when I'm checking for "overspeeding"...

End result spits the spit out in front of me:aok

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson

Offline mars01

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cant quite put it all to gether
« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2004, 04:51:32 PM »

Couldn't resist