Author Topic: A Public appoligy  (Read 10160 times)

Offline Wax

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« Reply #30 on: February 19, 2004, 06:01:47 PM »
good 1 steve :lol
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Offline Wadke

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« Reply #31 on: February 19, 2004, 09:47:15 PM »
Same thing different day....A decent post to a select few (their names are there) is flamed for no apparent reason..... Don't leave Morpheus..enjoyed the DA fights with you even though i lost


Offline Morpheus

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« Reply #32 on: February 19, 2004, 10:30:15 PM »
heh, Im always wrong :(
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Offline Kegger26

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« Reply #33 on: February 20, 2004, 08:35:49 AM »
I just want to say (before the tread is locked) that even though I dont care for steve that much (you dragged me though ack twice yesterday.. salamander lol) I am not so sure he was wrong for calling out morp like he did. In fact I think its about time someone did. I have thought this ever since a situation took place about a month ago with morp on our squad vox. I wont go into details, I dont really want to re-hash it. Morp I am sure you know what I am refering to. It is correct, if you are wrong about somthing you tend to revert to insults. You went as far to tell me how much better looking you are than me, with out ever seeing me. Also that I am low and usless, and you are so much better than I in life.
 I found all of this odd since you dont know me. I have no problems with you. I just figured you were have a bad day..... well days, since you tried four other times to re-engage me in conflict on diffrent days. However just a small word of advice when your in the hot seat. Engage your brain before you engage your mouth. Think about how what you are about to say my be percived by others, and maybe we wont be having these kinds of threads. Just a veiw.


Offline Morpheus

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« Reply #34 on: February 20, 2004, 09:31:28 AM »
I have thought this ever since a situation took place about a month ago with morp on our squad vox

you bet i remember it. It was on 4Wings squad vox, and what more comical, you weren't in the 4Wing. When I tuned up to visit my old squad I hear this guy, kegger talking smack to Caps I beleive it was... And about how he never got kicked out of the 4Wing after a day of being a member of it... Ofcourse I had to get my digs in on you Kegger... You were way out of line with what you were saying on VOX that day... And you didnt belong on that channel in the first place... Im sure the guys in the 4Wing who were on VOX that day remember it well, and will agree with me. Im sure also that if you ask them about that day kegger, and what they think of you, you wont be pleased with some of their answers. I could be wrong though...

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Offline Apar

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« Reply #35 on: February 20, 2004, 11:56:37 AM »
This is to Morpheus, WldThing, Sniper, Wax, Yucca all the members of Army of Muppets and all the members of the Highlanders (now the 4th FG)

Hee Steve, where does this say anywhere that this thread is for you????

YOU are the one that is hijacking this thread being the pathetic bandwagon jumper you are.

If Nomak and Morph can put this thing behind them, why can't you??
If you have a personal problem with Morph, I suggest you deal with it personally, and otherwise just STFU.

Apar aka Dutchie

Offline Steve

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« Reply #36 on: February 20, 2004, 12:02:36 PM »
Sorry bout that ack stuff kegger. I knew Yucca would follow me to the gates of Hell so I was just having fun.

I'm still wondering about the intimidation thing.
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« Reply #37 on: February 20, 2004, 12:07:56 PM »
YOU are the one that is hijacking this thread being the pathetic bandwagon jumper you are.

Apar, you really should comprehend that which you discuss before chiming in.  As long as Morph drags up his past actions and contiues to try to refute them w/ stuff like:

What was happening on that thread, well, to say the least was really BS... I refuse to get into it in this thread as well but those who know me, Wax, YUCCA, and even the few who know my brother, KNOW what we are like and what is important to us in this game.

...I'm going to call him on it.

And as long as he invents stuff like:
The fact you think I am intimidated by you simply humors me to no end... WTF can you posibly have been thinking to have writen that?

...I am going to call him on it.

Thanks for chiming in w/ insults and vulgarity though Apar, you fit right in w/ Wax and Morph... really challenging to deal w/ such clever banter.      :rolleyes:

Edit:  Heheheh  What bandwagon?
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Offline Kegger26

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« Reply #38 on: February 20, 2004, 12:11:43 PM »
Originally posted by MoRphEuS
you bet i remember it. It was on 4Wings squad vox, and what more comical, you weren't in the 4Wing. When I tuned up to visit my old squad I hear this guy, kegger talking smack to Caps I beleive it was... And about how he never got kicked out of the 4Wing after a day of being a member of it... Ofcourse I had to get my digs in on you Kegger... You were way out of line with what you were saying on VOX that day... And you didnt belong on that channel in the first place... Im sure the guys in the 4Wing who were on VOX that day remember it well, and will agree with me. Im sure also that if you ask them about that day kegger, and what they think of you, you wont be pleased with some of their answers. I could be wrong though...


 Ok well  lets fix some of your facts..... First I was a member of the 4 wing longer than a day. Second the thing with CAPs did not involve you at all. Third I wasnt kicked out of anything. I left of my own will. I still have relations with Manx, SHawk and others. The situation wasnt out of line till you started calling me a studmuffin, among other things. As for what they think of me... well I will let that be your little secret.I could post the film, and catch you telling some half truths here, but that isnt the issue. As for what I think of you... I think you have some major social issues. I think you make up for your short commings by trying to up your standings in a game. I noted that when you felt the need to call me ugly, stupid, worthless telling me how much of a better pilot you re than me. How me liking to kill GVs means I suck...etc...etc .... with out even knowing me. That is the sign of low self esteem. What really gets me is how you bragged about your score.... when as it turns out you got by cheating. I really think you need some help.
 Aces High is a game, a great game, but still just a game. Aces High does not help you pick up chicks in a bar, it does not help you pay your bills, it does not help you in the sack. It is a game. As for being a better pilot, do you really think you could up a P51 in real life and fly it to the edge??? I would hope not. Give up on the "I am a better man" BS and just be yourslef. Nobody is impressed with your score......
« Last Edit: February 20, 2004, 12:13:56 PM by Kegger26 »

Offline Steve

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« Reply #39 on: February 20, 2004, 12:25:46 PM »
Morph quote

It was on 4Wings squad vox, and what more comical, you weren't in the 4Wing. When I tuned up to visit my old squad I hear this guy, kegger talking smack to Caps I beleive it was... And about how he never got kicked out of the 4Wing after a day of being a member of it... Ofcourse I had to get my digs in on you Kegger... You were way out of line with what you were saying on VOX that day...

This is great stuff!  So, what Morph is saying is that there was a conversation taking place that he wasn't involved in, nor was he a subject thereof.. He then jumped in and started  spewing insults.

Morph quote:

Never could stand a big mouth... Let alone a nosey big mouth

Gosh, I always did enjoy irony.
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Offline Apar

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« Reply #40 on: February 20, 2004, 01:38:16 PM »
Thanks for chiming in w/ insults and vulgarity though Apar, you fit right in w/ Wax and Morph... really challenging to deal w/ such clever banter.  

There's nothing difficult about hiding behind a computer and putting out personal attacks on the net Steve. It's not even brave or bold. You should know, you do nothing else on this BBS.  

I hardly ever post in general forum anymore because of people like you. Seems that you have nothing better to do in life then poisoning this BBS, and with that, the AH community.

Just as a reminder to you, the players pay $15,-/month for THERE fun, not yours. Who gives you the right to tell them how to play this game? Especially as long as they don't (and didn't) do anything against AH rules. And even if they did, I'm sure HTC crew will take care of it. A simple mail to HT will do.

PS. And you're still hijacking this thread. ;)

Apar aka Dutchie
« Last Edit: February 20, 2004, 01:59:02 PM by Apar »

Offline Kegger26

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« Reply #41 on: February 20, 2004, 02:10:35 PM »
Apar... I notice you and morp are in the same squad......

I also notice you are hi-jacking the thread too, to back up a squad mate, while its  great that you are comming to a squadies aid.... dont be the pot calling the kettle black about hi-jacking the thread.....

Offline Apar

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« Reply #42 on: February 20, 2004, 02:35:28 PM »
This is to Morpheus, WldThing, Sniper, Wax, Yucca all the members of Army of Muppets and all the members of the Highlanders (now the 4th FG)

Kegger, do you have difficulty reading the above???

Apar aka Dutchie

Offline dedalos

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« Reply #43 on: February 20, 2004, 02:39:46 PM »
Originally posted by Apar
There's nothing difficult about hiding behind a computer and putting out personal attacks on the net Steve. It's not even brave or bold.
Hee Steve, where does this say anywhere that this thread is for you????

YOU are the one that is hijacking this thread being the pathetic bandwagon jumper you are.

If Nomak and Morph can put this thing behind them, why can't you??
If you have a personal problem with Morph, I suggest you deal with it personally, and otherwise just STFU.

I guess you are right,  Its not difficult, lol
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Offline Morpheus

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« Reply #44 on: February 20, 2004, 02:49:27 PM »
I also notice you are hi-jacking the thread too

No more so than you have incompitently barged in yourself there Kegger:aok

Im threw with this crap... Steve, you are right... I am not going to continue with this childish crap any longer...

Kegger, I truely feel bad for you... You obviously have nothing else better to do also than to stick your nose where it need not be. This is perfect proof that I am right... You guys took a thread that had nothing to do with you... Any of you except the above mentiond people in Nomaks very first post, and made it your own personal mud-slinging festival... If thats how you get your rocks off then sling away:aok

I feel bad for those who live their days out to come on this BBS and see what they can find to stick their noses into, and do nothing but harm... If you want to go ahead and continue to toss out personal attacks/facts as you refer to them to make yourself look to be the hero/saint more power to you...

This will never be more than just a game no matter how you ever wish to look at it. We have already seen how much further people are willing to take this game and the BBS to add to their enjoyments of playing...

As for my rank, I told you this before Steve and I'll tell  you the same Kegger although I really dont need to in the least bit. I never cared about rank. If I was ranked 2000+ I couldnt care less... I was at one point, and those who know me, helped me, taught me showed me that there is more to the game than rank and fighting for score... So if you wish to beleive that I pad my rank along with others, fine by me... Remember, I said you were right :aok

Over & Out
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