Originally posted by Ripsnort That email addy has been invalid for over a year. I've been on Comcast. Did it ever occur to you that someone thats infected might have an old email address of mine? Did it occur to you that these viruses go out and spread themselves via others address books?
Originally posted by Engine I like you Pongo, you're like those cool guys with the pasteboard "THE END IS NIGH" signs.
Originally posted by Engine Well, what if there was an alien colony on Mars and they voted in a referendum to destroy humanity, is it still wrong to attack them because they're a democracy? Huh? Is it? Well?Bush would save us from them I think, he could lead us to victory.
Originally posted by Pongo lolIm one of those nutsos that think that invasions and subgegation of democacy are bad unless proven other wise. Most of the posters on this boars seem to think they are bad unless our side does it.one of my co workers is a Neo-leftist and he has corrupted me.I found out yesterday that there is such a team as neo-leftist
Originally posted by weaselsan Pongo it's very simple. Democracy is three wolves and a sheep voteing on what to have for lunch. Most successful democracies are republics. A system has to be structured in such a way as to protect the rights of the minority. The U.S. is only an example of a republic, in as much as it is a unique system. There are no other United States of anything in the world. The Venezualan government is not protecting the rights of the minority, i.g. the business and middle classes.
Originally posted by Pongo That is a very interesting view. So your saying that democrosies that do not enshrine and enforce the rights of the rich over the poor will fail? Or will they just be destroyed?
I seem to recall one had a cute title, like "The Price is Right" and the other escapes me...maybe the "Mathematics of Pricing" or some such. Anyway...small world, huh. The economist side of me would really like to see the mathmatical model that the brand suppliers use. I'm sure it is pretty amazing. But I'd guess it is also a very closely held secret.
Originally posted by weaselsan Funny how a simple thing like "Rights of the minority" Became rich over the poor. Maybe we should do this very carefully so as not to confuse you. Do you understand the idea that in a true democracy 51% will always have control over 49%, thus having a perpetual state of civil war? Again the tree wolves and a sheep.There will always be rich and poor. It has been part of the Human experience since pre-history. Your idea of democracy is to prevent anyone from attaining wealth, thus everyone is equally miserable.
Originally posted by Pongo Ya its as funny as calling using oil revenue to pay for schools comunism or the man who performs the evil deed a dictator. Dont be so selective of what you find funny.It makes you look funny.
Originally posted by Charon I'll shoot you a copy of the article if you would like -- dry stuff (and really not much new) so don't feel obliged