Author Topic: Stats so far  (Read 2545 times)


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« Reply #15 on: March 14, 2004, 04:21:20 PM »
The Ki61 is a decent match for F6F and F4U1, and beter than A6M5 because tony can actually dive a bit and the center cannons are better considering the toughness of USN planes. But really both F4U1 and prolly even  moreso the F6F should not have anything much to worry from tony as they are faster and climb better while the hellcat is just as or more manuverabnle than the tony.

BTW the current warping crap sucks, whats going on?

Offline Squire

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« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2004, 04:23:07 PM »
"Thats exactly right. If folks go back and read what is actually said about planes like the F4U no where do you see the word "uber" (except from farm bois who try to justify their suxor)."

Sorry friend but it was you and Brady that did the tag team about how unbalanced it was.

...dont go and try to re write history now, what happned to all the fancy speed charts eh?

You cant have it both ways ways Batz, like you always want it to.

As for the rest of it, try energy management and maybe you  wont have to wait untill your 9 friends show up. I rolled a sortie and downed 3 with no trouble in the Ki-61 and many others do as well who aren't on your "elite buddy look at me list".

Your whole post is just a ex CT staffer "109G-2 club" whine about how PAC setup X is no good, well Reschke had the cajones to run it anyways (not acting like the CT is for his amusement alone, get it?) if you dont like it...go play IL-2 and post there about what hot stuff you are.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2004, 04:34:00 PM by Squire »
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Offline Arlo

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« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2004, 04:32:10 PM »
C'mon Storch. Tell us how you really feel. Again. :D

Originally posted by storch
The fact remains that the game needs to be fun for me.  Most of the time it's not because I suck no matter what I fly.  

So what if I whine and complain every single week about every single planeset matchup. I'm entitled because I'm a customer.  

Now I think I'll insert something that contradicts what I normally cry about and comment that all planes are defeatable by anyone ... even me.

Last night I managed to kick some arse once so I'll add that too.

But it's hard. Way too hard to have fun. If I wanted a challenge I'd go back to fourth grade.

And about my whining. I don't care what everyone says about that. And I'll say that time and again too.

I perceive the numbers in the CT to be dropping due to bias. Oh ... btw ... I perceive bias. That means this arena will die. Die like the biased pig dog it is.

From now on you better make the planesets the way I like them or I'll pretend to leave and never come back again.

Hehe .... now let's get back to reality.

Storch, admit it. You've been pretty much nothing but a complainer since you've started playing AH. That's why you get no respect. You came close one week to showing some virtual sense/backbone and just enjoying the game. Then you went back to your usual "everythings broke/baised/against me/out to get me/not fair/not fun/too hard/just plain mean to the axis" type rhetoric. Suck it up or go stick with the MA or IL2 like you threaten to do four or five times a week.

If the rest of us that are having fun here's days are numbered ... so be it. But at least we're having fun. If you don't like challenge then this place probably isn't for you. Even if you experience some sort of magnetic shift in your side preference and decided to go Allied .... it'd just be more whining about how hard the game is, probably.

And yes .... I addressed you again. :aok

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #18 on: March 14, 2004, 04:34:56 PM »
Originally posted by 10Bears
Will do Arlo..

Arlo if you can think of anything else.. I know about the furbar base down south A32.. I want to switch over the CV spawn points.. or move them way out in middle of ocean.. um.. refueling pad needs an extra taxi way strip so zekes don’t crash.. going to place a/c spawns directly on runway..

What else?.. add some more of those coral reef objects closer to shore (if you try and move the cv fleets too close you’ll get an error)

Reduce the number of town buildings to make field capture easier.

More manable gun positions and batteries.

Ah heck! since I got the editor opened, might as well add some strat eh?.. Not the big layouts.. something you might see on these islands.. little bicycle shop type things.. with roads and some veh spawn points leading up to these  targets. I’m thinking ammo dumps things like this.

Would like to experiment with HQs.. I don’t think there’s a limit to how many hq’s can be on a map.. The idea here is to limit how much dar the enemy can take down.

I’d put in re-supply convoys if the CT CMs didn’t piss me off.. I spend 2 days measuring out exactly how far away to put them so the base is re-supplied in 30 minutes.. or 3 truck or ship convoys only to find out from Bradys “We don’t use no stinking strat re-supply”... Pfffffttttt.

Was flying today and realized I don’t like the skin on the ki-61... might change that.

Will get cracking this week.. Kanittori updates his maps all the time.. I could do that.

Will have to find out from Skuzzy what the latest FTP situation is.. I sure don’t want to send him a 3.5MB file through the mail.

Zones?.. sure why not.. each island would be a zone.

Lets give New Zealand another plane.  Spit Far?  

Add to the list if you can think of anything else.  

Errr .... WOW. All I suggested was another shore batt. Sounds like you're ready to tackle more things than I could envision. Unless you're teasing me. You're not teasing me, are you?

I still like this map .... alot.

Offline 1Duke1

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« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2004, 04:39:34 PM »
Stats update: Kills to deaths

v. F4f: 10/10
v. F4u-1: 8/22
v. F6f-5: 18/52
v. P-40E: 4/10

v. F4f: 42/60
v. F4u-1: 72/83
v. F6f-5: 146/196
v. P-40E: 138/74

v. F4f: 63/47
v. F4u-1: 123/102
v. F6f-5: 202/202
v. P-40E: 103/43

Offline Reschke

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« Reply #20 on: March 14, 2004, 04:49:37 PM »
Originally posted by storch
It's not about you can't kill stuff in the IJ planes.  It's about too much work.

Arlo's suggestions in his post are fine, if you want to go through all that trouble.  I don't and won't.  

Tell you what Storch. The next time I run a CT setup the plan will be only for the allies to have Boston'sand M3's and then the Axis get the entire German and Japanese plansets. Also if I can find a way to make it happen I will work on a way to have it that the second an Allied aircraft wheels leave the ground they explode.

Originally posted by storch
Plan your plane sets so that we have a fight not a slaughter or a steeple chase.

As I said earlier in this thread to you Storch. Its your money and theirs if they want to fly that way then so be it. It doesn't matter what planeset we put in dweebs will be dweebs and the game will not change. Simply because the CT is a microcosm of the MA.
Reschke from March 2001 till tour 146
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« Reply #21 on: March 14, 2004, 04:52:49 PM »
10Bears I have a few things after messing around with this map last week. Can I reach you via the email function on the board or is there some other way?
Reschke from March 2001 till tour 146
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Offline 10Bears

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« Reply #22 on: March 14, 2004, 05:00:03 PM »
Originally posted by Reschke
10Bears I have a few things after messing around with this map last week. Can I reach you via the email function on the board or is there some other way?

Not sure if I updated my profile.. it's

Offline DiabloTX

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« Reply #23 on: March 14, 2004, 05:17:59 PM »
"Storch, admit it. You've been pretty much nothing but a complainer since you've started playing AH."    -Arlo

Not completely true there Arlo.  For a short period of time, after I recruited Storch into JG3, I trained him in the basic elements of AH flying and Jabo work.  Not a single whine during that entire period.  That was when he could barely land a plane much less be successful in combat.  But, as he has shown, was a quick learner.  So if you want to bad mouth anyone about Storch, let it be me.  I am Dr. Frankenstein no?


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Offline Arlo

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« Reply #24 on: March 14, 2004, 05:29:57 PM »
Originally posted by DiabloTX
So if you want to bad mouth anyone about Storch, let it be me.  I am Dr. Frankenstein no?

Mighty chivalrous of you, partner. So you're the mad scientist responsible for this monster?! I, otoh .... am a self-made monster. :eek:

My first memory of Storch was splashing him while he was in a zeke rtb in the CT (I hadn't been in the game long myself). He was over five miles out at 3k with gear up and flying as straight and level as a target sleeve. He let me know how completely wrong I was for doing that in no uncertain terms (involving my taking advantage of a plane obviously on final approach, etc) and I let him know what I thought about his opinion. It was one of the first really good belly-laughs I got from the CT which made it a memorable moment and we've been good friends ever since.

Now ... what exactly will it take to get you back in a Corsair, sah? :)

Offline CurtissP-6EHawk

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« Reply #25 on: March 14, 2004, 05:46:34 PM »
This plane set really didn't need the George, It needs the 163 to catch the running allies.

C'mon storch, you didnt seem to mind the Bf109G-10 running all last week.

From "Grade the current Set Up": I give it a solid B, been great fun even though I've been shot down so much I don't know which way is up. Wish we could have captured some english bases. I think the Plane set deserves an A the axis finally had an interceptor that could do just that.

Now we have one were we can catch the Ki-67 :-)
Also. I dont see 2 to 1 kills in favor of allies as the Bf109G-10 did last week! NO AXIS HAS THE RIGHT TO CRY THIS WEEK....YET!
Kinda funny no one replied to my post on the final results for last week. Oh wait, Ill make it simple for you stroch, click here:

Just because you dont know how to fight in a given aircraft doesnt make the arena bad. Learn to flight your fight, choose your fight no matter the plane set. I certainly do get angry a lot, but I fight my fights when I want to fight. Run when I can :) If I recall correctly, you flew the 163 and still didnt do so well. 14 kills 9 deaths! Who ya blame that on?
« Last Edit: March 14, 2004, 06:00:31 PM by CurtissP-6EHawk »

Offline Arlo

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« Reply #26 on: March 14, 2004, 07:02:39 PM »
Originally posted by storch
Arlo, you miserable little man.  I have killed you at least 4:1 interesting what the mind retains though, and how stories grow with time.

Interesting indeed. Need another lesson in how the stats page works? (hint: pssst ... go with tour 16 .... that's the only one you ever bested me in 0-1) :aok

Offline Batz

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« Reply #27 on: March 14, 2004, 07:05:02 PM »
Your whole post is just a ex CT staffer "109G-2 club" whine about how PAC setup X is no good, well Reschke had the cajones to run it anyways (not acting like the CT is for his amusement alone, get it?) if you dont like it...go play IL-2 and post there about what hot stuff you are

Reschke had "cajones"? He posted his set up on the CT forum well before he put it here. He included the niki then. In fact Brady and I were discussing another matter related to getting our Kurland map up in the CT well over a week ago. We wanted to make sure it could be run at the right time (not back to back east front etc.) We discussed possible dates and what set ups were in the works. He mentioned Reschke was going to run a modified version of the setup you and bug kept punting up but would include the niki and f6f. We both laughed and said that the farm bois wouldn’t go for the niki.

Reschke came up with "oops it was typo". In fact the farm bois whined the niki away, as predicted. If that’s what you call "cajones” so be it. To the rest of us its pure farm boi BS. Reschke can run whatever he wants it makes no difference to me. I don’t think the niki being there would make the set up any more “fun”. But there’s no red badge of courage for pulling the niki. I could see that coming from a mile away.

WTF G-2 club? I fly the 109G-6. Its my favorite ride in AH and has been for sometime. You never see a post be me crying out "why arent there more G-6s in the CT"? Don’t try and deflect from the BS in your post. My lifetime main arena Ki-61 is well over 2 to 1 and I never fly above 10k. I know what the ki-61 is good at and I know what it is fun at.

It still doesn’t change the fact that chasing farm bois around is unfun. Spending 10 -15 min on some bs boring climb out just to be high enough to run down some wuss is about as much fun as buffing. I don’t do either. So when a plane that is much faster then its best opponent (which ever side) is added there is no reason for it to fight, it just runs. It is unbalancing. It changes the “combat” theater to the “Run, hide and gangbang arena”.

But as Reschke pointed out its more related to how certain planes are flown not really at which plane is better. I think that is reflected in those stats, as there are every time they are posted.

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« Reply #28 on: March 14, 2004, 07:43:04 PM »
I have yet to fly a sortie on the Allied side this setup. I have flown mainly the Ki-61, but have done some A6M5 sorties as well. I've been able to land kills in both. More in the Ki-61 obviously.

I have been pleasently suprised by the success you can have in the KI. If you take time to grab alt before heading to a fight , you should have no problem. Don't chase a blue plane very  thats easily out running you. His wingman will blow the sake outta you.
Like Arlo said it's SA.

If you keep you E, and  keep your alt , you should be okay. All the blue plane driver has to do, is make one small mistake, and the Ki-61 is going to be all over him. Dont waste your ammo. Get within less than 300, and the F6Fs, and F4U's drop just like any other airplane. In fact they come apart just like a Zeke taking a brace of 50 cals. I'm enjoying the Ki enough, I'll prob flt jap all week except squad nights.

One thing Storch, and every other player  gets peaved about though is the Brown Water Admirals that keep parking fleets right off the beach from bases. That can piss off anybody. If your going to take the base................ Take it. The ack umburella used to enhance your A2A is weak B.S.

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« Reply #29 on: March 14, 2004, 07:50:49 PM »
Originally posted by Batz
Reschke came up with "oops it was typo". In fact the farm bois whined the niki away, as predicted. If that’s what you call "cajones” so be it. To the rest of us its pure farm boi BS.

Yes Batz there were emails that people sent to me complaining about the setup. However not a single one had any influence at all on my including or excluding any aircraft. It wasn't a typo it was a simply copy and paste mixup from the wrong MOTD file that I have for the two setups. You don't believe me thats fine and I can't do anything to make you believe otherwise; old buddy.

I have two versions of this setup. One is a simple AR setup similar to what I did with Okinawa. The other is as close to a historical setup as we can get with this map and is what is running this week. The one I posted in the CT Staff forum was what I originally intended to run but I changed my mind and it was based on the fact that the last time I ran a setup I had a AR setup going.

I honestly hope you don't think I am what you conspiracy theorists call a "farm boi" because I have never been one and never will be. I call it like it is and intend to continue doing so. So I'll say this; Batz get off your high horse and get that chip off your shoulder that you and Storch seem to share so well. You and I used to have fun when flying in the MA or CT and its a shame that you have started throwing accusations around like this.
Reschke from March 2001 till tour 146
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