Back from holiday and pissy already ("Steve is one of those selfish a-holes ...") ... what gives ?
I'll tell you what gives, Beet1e was quite smug in another thread that night remained in spite of the complaints of so many people, specifically me.
When night was removed, Beet1e was no longer victorious and must now suffer as I celebrate the victory of the night killers.
In defeat, Beet1e is anything but gracious... hell he will somehow try to spin the whole thing to make it look like it is what he wished for all along, so incapable is he of conceding a point.
edit: Here is Beet in all his smugness. O how it came crashing down. Beet, a little grey poupon w/ that crow?
Beet's smugness: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Originally posted by beet1e
Let's see what happens. If HTC agrees with you, night will be withdrawn. If they agree with me, things will remain unchanged.
When night didn't immediately change Beet said in all his smugness:
"Well Steve... looks like you got your answer."
Yup Beet, I sure did.