Originally posted by Hristo
All based on false or never proven accusations.
Judge by yourself.
So, you are saying Saddam was not inviolation of UN resolution 1441 (and a score of others). Are you saying he was not in violating the ceasefire agreement from the first Gulf war? Are you saying that He was not a threat to his neighbors? Are you saying he is not guilty of countless human rights violations?
By the way, the phrase about "history being written by the victor" don't make a lot of sense. We are living it now, not reading it later.
Just cause you have an axe to grind and hate America don't make what you say valid.
Oh, and as far as consolidating the terrorists...great...let them consolidate...easier to get them that way.
Don't know about you, but I would rather live in a world with no allies and no terrorists than in one with both. Think about.