Leave the ribs in the fridge marinating overnight in the following marinade sauce:
1 can of Dr. Pepper
1 can of beer
3 oz bourbon
Generous sprinkling of KC Rib Doctor Rub
1 lemon squeezed
2 tablespoons of brown sugar
Place woodchips in water.
Next day:
If you have a smoker rub lots of KC Rib Doctor Rub all over the ribs. Place in smoker at 225 degrees...for about 3-4 hours. 15 minutes before removing the ribs mop them with KC Masterpiece BBQ sauce (you can get it at virtually any supermarket). Do not put the sauce on while smoking.
If you have a BBQ with two grills place the wood chips (hickory is nice) in a shallow aluminum pan on one side of the grill and fire that side up. (Make sure you have soaked them overnight in water though, otherwise they burn too quick) On the other side of the grill place some water and beer in another deeper aluminum pan.) Then, once the temp reaches 225, put the ribs on the upper rack of the grill above the water and beer...do not light that side of the BBQ.
Cooking time should be about the same 3-4 hours.