I don't know about the 5600 FX. This is a chaintech card right?
I went with what worked for others lets put it that way. Not for AH2 but for other games that are very reliant on the video cards and CPU. The AMD's run a SHEET load hotter than other chipsets. I mean like fry and egg hot... I'd recommend a good case that has exclent cooling features. I just finished building this system and have another one (better) lined up in the near future. They are so CHEAP to build yourself you'll be blown away. Not to mention easy.
IF YOU GET ANYTHING in the 5700 series get the apogee.. (FX5700 Apogee) Much better than the rest.
http://forums.devhardware.com/index.php?Thats a forum where dweebs shoot the u know what about all things computer. You can learn alot by just reading but if you have any questions they will be answerd pretty much asap.
There are many comparisons ect between cpu's, video cards, EVERYTHING... Check it out. Alot of those guys can explain things better than I ever could!
Here's what my card looks like hehe