Author Topic: An considered analysis of AH. By an Ultra Dweeb.  (Read 3570 times)

Offline 54Ed

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An considered analysis of AH. By an Ultra Dweeb.
« Reply #45 on: December 29, 2000, 03:12:00 PM »

You are correct that the player atmosphere among opponents in AH is lousy.  I just squelch channel 1 because it is nothing but trash talk.  That's a shame, because I'd like to salute my opponents with a "Good Kill" like we always did in FA.  But generally the atmosphere on the teammate channels is quite good.  So squelch the white and listen to the green.

As for the rest of your suggestions, well ... some are good, some are bad.  But let me point out that you must have a fairly high opinion of your own perceptive and analytical abilities to think you can play a game for two weeks and then announce how to fix the game.  

Offline Buzzbait

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An considered analysis of AH. By an Ultra Dweeb.
« Reply #46 on: December 29, 2000, 03:48:00 PM »
Salute to all

Ok DejaVu lets examine your logic:  

You say I am veteran AH player who is operating under an alias so he can make a point with a post.

So that means the following:

I get a new name.
I fly 2 weeks under that name getting myself killed at close to a 3-1 ratio.
I do this all just so I can make one post on the main board where it is likely to be overlooked.

Well sorry, but the logic escapes me.  For one, I fly to win.  I don`t like losing.  If I am learning an FM or a new plane then I expect it for a while.  But deliberately lose for two weeks?  That may seem like fun to you, but me:  No thanks.  I just came out of a 36 day, 8 Squad war on RED BARON in which I scored close to 150 kills with a 3-1 death ratio.  I ranked in the top 5 pilots in that war.  I usually do at least 2 or 3 to 1 in kill/ratio in EAW.  If I could come into AH and kick ass, then I would.

I guess you are entitled to call what I posted `roadkill`.  And I`ll continue to list you among those who I would classify as a little on the paranoid side.

Offline Spitboy

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An considered analysis of AH. By an Ultra Dweeb.
« Reply #47 on: December 29, 2000, 03:56:00 PM »
What's your point, AKDeja? Is it so hard to believe a new pilot has been reading these boards?

I activated an account last week, but I've been reading these boards for the past year. I'm well aware of all the recent and past controversies, but that doesn't make them any less valid, does it?

And beyond that, why do you feel compelled to call roadkill on him? So WHAT if he is not a rank newbie - his concerns were presented in a nice, clear, objective way. Everything he said has a case that can be argued. He outlined what he saw as pluses, and pointed out some negatives.

I really don't see your point, unless it's to just promote discontent.

Spitboy -SW-

Offline AKDejaVu

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An considered analysis of AH. By an Ultra Dweeb.
« Reply #48 on: December 29, 2000, 05:48:00 PM »
LOL! go back to warbirds spitboy.

Why is it so hard to believe?  Well.. someone analyzing something he seemingly hasn't tried.  Or.. does the fact that he hasn't played since 1.05 came out mean he still is qualified to render an oppinion on bomber efficiency vs ships?  

The whole thing is fishy.  The fact that it is done seemingly anonymously makes it even more so.

The fact that a sim enthusiast who has been playing on-line sims for 4 years is just now trying AH out is strange.  The fact that his two week evaluation seems incredibly information filled, considering the fact that the other pilots in the arena were not very nice.  Considering the fact that all of these are previously discussed issues... for wich he read but didn't have any comment.  The fact that he brings up his kill record 3 times to justify is honest dweeby opinion.. then says he doesn't like losing (no bias there eh?).. even pointing it out as a reason he couldn't possibly be an old player with a second account because of the record, despite the fact that I never mentioned anything in regards to a bad record in my post.

Ohh.. my personal favorite:

I don`t know about you, but I make a point of informing myself before I go into a new Sim.

He makes a point of "informing himself" before going into a new sim... but doesn't ask one single question on the bbs prior to his post.  It just gets better and better.

Seems strange.  Too strange.  Your presence here doesn't lessen that one single bit spitboy.


Offline AKDejaVu

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An considered analysis of AH. By an Ultra Dweeb.
« Reply #49 on: December 29, 2000, 06:05:00 PM »
Oh.. just a couple of quick questions for Buzzbait:

1) How many bomber missions did you fly?  Note the word fly.

2) How many kills did you have from the gunner position while flying a bomber?

3) How many times were you killed flying a bomber?

I'm just asking these questions because you like to be informed.  I'm wondering where you got the information for your bomber observations.

Just another thing that makes me go hmmm.


Offline Buzzbait

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An considered analysis of AH. By an Ultra Dweeb.
« Reply #50 on: December 29, 2000, 06:45:00 PM »
Salute to all

Ok DejaVu, although you still haven`t used logic in any of your analysis, I will go on:

I didn`t post on the message board because I didn`t realize the message board registration was different from the Game registration.  I kept trying to log on with my game user name and password and kept getting rejected.  I didn`t realize what was going on until I got a reply to an e-mail which I had directed to HiTech Creations.  But whether I posted or not, most of the questions I had were answered by other earlier postings.

As far as how many bomber missions I flew:

I flew no bombers online that I can remember.  (I flew the C-47 once) Prior to registering, I flew all of them offline and practiced my bombing, to the point that I could hit the AAA on a field from 15,000ft.  I also observed many other bombers during the time I was online hitting targets from those altitudes.  During the time I was online, you`ll have to excuse me for concentrating on my own major interests which are fighters.  I did make a point of driving vehicles in combat because that was something which I hadn`t had the opportunity to examine.

As far as never paying attention to AH in 4 years:  First of all I am in two online Squads.  One I am Tactical Officer, the other I am X/O and Tactical Officer.  That takes up a lot of my time.  Still in the down times, I explore other Sims.  During the original ACES HIGH Beta, I flew for 3 weeks at the end of the Beta.  I flew the B17 many times and got many kills.  Now of course things have changed since then, but I still see the accuracy of bomber gunners as being too high.  During my current exploration, I also observed fighters attacking unescorted bombers and attacked many bombers myself.  In 75% of the cases I observed or experienced, the bomber either shot down the fighter, or both died.  Rarely was one fighter able to kill a bomber 1 on 1.  Even the supposedly fragile JU88 with its puny rifle calibre positions is a tough proposition.

I have noticed some of your other posts on this board.  You seem to delight in squashing any suggestion for change.  Anyone proposes anything new, you are quick to jump in and oppose.  I think you should just relax and encourage healthy discussion instead of verbally abusing those who are interested in exploring constructive options.

Offline AKDejaVu

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An considered analysis of AH. By an Ultra Dweeb.
« Reply #51 on: December 29, 2000, 06:51:00 PM »

OK.. that explains it bud.

Offer opinions on things you've never done some more.

Of course, flying a b-17 over a base and dropping bombs accurately is all there is to it.  Never mind that pesky fighter defense.

Try this... play the game.  And offer opinions based on your PLAY!  Right now you are making several leaps in logic that you now admit are based on zero on-line experience.

Get real bud.  And use your original id.


Offline -ammo-

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An considered analysis of AH. By an Ultra Dweeb.
« Reply #52 on: December 29, 2000, 07:02:00 PM »

Look, whether the guy is genuine or not (I have no idea) why would you not give him the benefit of the doubt-- and if you dont believe the guy, why not keep it to yourself? Are you the self proclaimed BBS police? I thought HTC held that position. You doing nothing but stirring the virtual pot.

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Offline AKDejaVu

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An considered analysis of AH. By an Ultra Dweeb.
« Reply #53 on: December 29, 2000, 07:05:00 PM »
calling it like I see it.  Subversity in any form is not something I tollerate well.


Offline Buzzbait

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An considered analysis of AH. By an Ultra Dweeb.
« Reply #54 on: December 29, 2000, 07:11:00 PM »
Salute to all

except maybe Deja Vu, lol

Yep, I`m sure he`ll have the last word.  After this one I`m not going to waste anymore of my time.

I came back to make the point that a M7 Priest with the 105mm howitzer and an M36 Tank destroyer with the 90mm gun would perhaps be easier to model additions than a towable AT gun and towable Howitzer.

I`ll leave it up to other readers to consider whether I`ve made any valid critisms.  DejaVu obviously has no room for any viewpoints except his own.

Offline Buzzbait

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An considered analysis of AH. By an Ultra Dweeb.
« Reply #55 on: December 29, 2000, 07:13:00 PM »
Subversity???  lol.  yeah, lots of them Subversities hiding under the bed.

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #56 on: December 29, 2000, 07:14:00 PM »
I have room for many viewpoints buzz.  Just don't like it when people do it under false pretences.

Gotta admit.. if it smells like nath.. treat it like nath.


Offline 54Ed

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An considered analysis of AH. By an Ultra Dweeb.
« Reply #57 on: December 29, 2000, 07:16:00 PM »

I thought the same thing about bombers when I had only been playing AH for two weeks.  Died everytime I attacked one.  After a few months, I learned how to kill them right.  Now I kill 5 to 10 buffs for every shootdown I suffer, and I usually survive the bailout.  And the Ju-88 is a creampuff.  So what's so unrealistic about that?

As for Deja ... Dude, chill out ... it's just a game.

Offline AKDejaVu

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An considered analysis of AH. By an Ultra Dweeb.
« Reply #58 on: December 29, 2000, 07:31:00 PM »
Ah.. I'm not upset Ed.  I don't believe I've even really been insulting.  I just prefer people to be honest and up-front when they post things like buzz did.  He was not.. still is not.

As for the frustration over killing buffs... when they are lethal is when a bandit slowly climbs from behind.  Any time the bandit has an alt advantage, the buff has reasons to worry.  

The thing is, that what you learn in the first two weeks in no way explains this.  Citing realism doesn't adequately explain it either.  Realistically.. any fighter that slowly climbed onto a b-17's 6 was in for a .50 callibre shower from hell.  Training is what prevented that from happening more.


Offline Virage

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An considered analysis of AH. By an Ultra Dweeb.
« Reply #59 on: December 29, 2000, 07:54:00 PM »
AKDejaVu ... Bad Apple
