Author Topic: An considered analysis of AH. By an Ultra Dweeb.  (Read 3578 times)

Offline AKDejaVu

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An considered analysis of AH. By an Ultra Dweeb.
« Reply #60 on: December 29, 2000, 08:01:00 PM »
LOL virage.. can't help but notice you registered the same day as buzz.

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An considered analysis of AH. By an Ultra Dweeb.
« Reply #61 on: December 29, 2000, 08:17:00 PM »
I'll deviate from most in this thread and disagree with much of what you post, Buzzbait:

1)  'The atmosphere on the server is not encouraging..'   TOTALLY TRUE

2)  'Bomber Guns : too accurrate..'  It ain't that easy to hit with buff guns, how many times have you tried it?   Once you are good you have a good chance of killing a slow attacker, but a good BnZ fighter using a realistic attack is tough.

3)  'Level bombing Accuracy ..' TOTALLY TRUE  the Norden is way too accurate and easy to use.  Something should be done about this.

4)   'Bomber durability : ..'  This has been done to death here.  There is no scientific way to simulate how much damage a plane can take, so AH approximates it.  I read where the LW concluded it took on average 4 30mm or 20 20mm to bring down a 4-engined buff.  That is pretty close to what you get here.  You may get the occassional PK, too.

5)   'Overall Air to Air weapon accuracy :..'
Ballistics are one thing which can be modeled pretty scientifically.  If they are off here please provide some evidence.  Remember that in WWII many pilots took to the sky with little or no gunnery training.  Here all of the pilots have fired every type of gun in every possible firing solution 10 jillion times.  It only follows that we are a bunch of deadeyes. A lot of WWII aces attributed much of their success to being good shots.  Throw in the fact that most of the planes so far are late war battlewagons with humongous guns and you have some very unforgiving skies.

6)   'Ground Campaign : The way the ground war is modeled is quite simplistic..'  Yup, vehicles are a kind of add-on.  Little effort has been made to really find a role for them.  The beta terrain has lots of V fields along the ridges between the countries, so there is at least some 'front line' ground war.  

7) '..Naval aspects..'  Just like the ground vehicles, they have no realistic role, just another diversion for game play.  But in Scenarios they will kick butt, trust me.  Flying a 1 hour mission and trapping a carrier landing with 3 kills is mucho cool.


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« Reply #62 on: December 29, 2000, 08:27:00 PM »
LOL! go back to warbirds spitboy.

Hmm, thanks for the welcome. But if you don't mind, I believe I'll stay. My $30 is just as good as yours, and as far as I know, no where in the EULA did it say I couldn't speak my mind on the public boards, or have the audacity to question the mighty AKDeja, ruler of the AH boards.

Maybe you should stop to think for a few seconds before posting, AKDeja. It's attitude's like yours that give this place a non-friendly tone.

Why is it so hard to believe?  Well.. someone analyzing something he seemingly hasn't tried.  Or.. does the fact that he hasn't played since 1.05 came out mean he still is qualified to render an oppinion on bomber efficiency vs ships?
The whole thing is fishy.  The fact that it is done seemingly anonymously makes it even more so.

And I ask again, why do you care? Does this affront, a rank newbie stating his rather well-stated opinion of the game, somehow sully you, an Aces High vet? Is it impossible that he actually DID read the boards for a while, then with 1.05 decide to play? If you look at the replies, up to yours, there was a lot of agreement with what he posted. Again - why the hell do you care? Agree or disagree with him, that I can understand. But looking for conspiracies around every bend?

The fact that a sim enthusiast who has been playing on-line sims for 4 years is just now trying AH out is strange.

No it ain't. Witness the surge in usage since 1.05. I bet it brought a lot of people out of the woodwork to finally give AH a shot. You should be welcoming these people into your community, not alientating them.

The fact that his two week evaluation seems incredibly information filled, considering the fact that the other pilots in the arena were not very nice.

It ain't just in the arena where the pilots are not very nice. Hint, hint.

Considering the fact that all of these are previously discussed issues... for wich he read but didn't have any comment.

He said he hadn't played enough then to comment. Look at your logic, AK. You are blasting him for voicing his opinion after giving the game a try on line. My lord, what would you have said if he gave his opinion without actually trying the game online? You contradict yourself.

The fact that he brings up his kill record 3 times to justify is honest dweeby opinion.. then says he doesn't like losing (no bias there eh?).. even pointing it out as a reason he couldn't possibly be an old player with a second account because of the record, despite the fact that I never mentioned anything in regards to a bad record in my post.

So his opinion is dweeby, because the mighty AKDeja doesn't agree? Feeling a little self-important, aren't ya? He only went to pains to protect his character after you called roadkill on him, unless you forgot.

Ohh.. my personal favorite:
I don`t know about you, but I make a point of informing myself before I go into a new Sim.
He makes a point of "informing himself" before going into a new sim... but doesn't ask one single question on the bbs prior to his post.

See my above statement. If you're gonna blast him for voicing his opinion after trying the game, what would you say to him if he tried to play in your little UBB playground without playing it? You're reaching. Sorry to say, I don't find it strange in the least that a person would follow the boards yet not participate actively until he signs on with an account. I did the same thing myself.

It just gets better and better.
Seems strange.  Too strange.  Your presence here doesn't lessen that one single bit spitboy.

What, you're accusing me of being buzzbait? Quick, someone call Mulder and Scully! Better yet, get Pyro to check our IPs. Geez, man, you need to get a grip. I posted a reply here because Buzz relates something I noted: the tone in the arenas and on these boards is dominated by a few self-absorbed people who tend to dictate the atmosphere. That atmosphere is often quite hostile, and this is a bad thing for AH.

I thank you for proving my point, AK.

Spitboy -SW-

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #63 on: December 29, 2000, 08:59:00 PM »
So spitboy wants to play....

My $30 is just as good as yours

And what id is that you are using these days?  Anonymity is great isn't it?

[edit] apologies for this remark spitboy.  I see you have your old ID back.  I should have looked before commenting. [/edit]

no where in the EULA did it say I couldn't speak my mind on the public boards

re-read this very very very carefully.  Does it only apply to you?

Does this affront, a rank newbie stating his rather well-stated opinion of the game, somehow sully you, an Aces High vet?

I question the rank newbie status for many reasons.  And well-stated is one thing... educated is another.  I'm sorry, but this rank newbie didn't get those impressions by playing for two weeks back in tour 11.  Especially considering he didn't even fly a bomber on-line.

So.. my problem is that he is critiquing aspects of the game he really has no experience with.  That makes it less valid and simply a re-hash of what he has read on this board.

If you look at the replies, up to yours, there was a lot of agreement with what he posted.

I don't disagree with some of what was posted.  I simply don't like the false impressions given during the post.  Using the "rank-newbie" status to the extreme, he seemingly expresses the obviousness of these game flaws.  After all.. they are glaring to a rank newbie.

No it ain't. Witness the surge in usage since 1.05. I bet it brought a lot of people out of the woodwork to finally give AH a shot. You should be welcoming these people into your community, not alientating them.

How much have you played in the last year Spitboy?  I can't help but notice you registered for the bbs some year and a half ago.  What brought you over here?

Now.. why are you back all of the sudden?  Do you believe the jump in numbers is because of new players or returning ones?  People finally have heard of AH because it got a navy?  Of the new people.. how many are 4 year experienced flight sim enthusiasts?

Yes it is.

You are blasting him for voicing his opinion after giving the game a try on line. My lord, what would you have said if he gave his opinion without actually trying the game online? You contradict yourself.

ok.. real slow for you spitboy.  HE DID NOT FLY ANY BOMBERS ON-LINE... YET HE SHARED HIS VIEW ON THEM AS IF HE DID.  HE DID NOT GIVE IT A TRY!  I have no problem with anybody participating in a discussion... I just have problems with people doing it under false pretences.

He did not participate.. enquire or do anything in any forum on this bbs until he posted this evaluation.  No questions in the training forum... no questions in the aircraft forum... nadda.  So now, he comes in with is informed opinion derived from what?  Experience?... ERRRRR! wrong answer.  Qeustions?.....ERRRRR! wrong answer.

I've recently been flying WB off-line to keep my habbit satisfied.  What I haven't done is go over to the AGW bbs and give an in-depth evaluation of Warbirds based on it.  If I did... watch what the reaction would be.  Don't pretend like it doesn't matter with anyone but me.

So his opinion is dweeby, because the mighty AKDeja doesn't agree? Feeling a little self-important, aren't ya? He only went to pains to protect his character after you called roadkill on him, unless you forgot.

Erm.. huh?  Let me explain this really slowly for you again:

For some reason he insists he is a dweeb in 3 different places.  This occurs in even later posts despite the fact that nobody brought it up.  He even insists that this proves he can't be someone with an alternate ID because he's done so badly.  Why should his record matter in any way shape or form?  Why even point it out.. 3 times?

The only people I know where this makes any kind of difference are the ones that live for ultimate stats.  Most of the rest of us don't care one way or the other.  So... once again.. why does he bring it up 3 times?

If you're gonna blast him for voicing his opinion after trying the game, what would you say to him if he tried to play in your little UBB playground without playing it?

Here's a homework assignment spitboy:

use the search function and find where I've ever blasted anyone for asking a question.  Any question.

Now.. tell me if there is a difference between someone saying he doesn't agree with someone's oppinion.. and someone actually starting up a thread exposing his oppinion to everyone.  There is and you know it.

This gentleman did not respond to any of the cannon, gunnery, flight model, ship bombing or any other thread that has been going on for the last month.  Instead, he started a thread stating all his observations on the game... er... even though he hasn't really flown a bomber or played the game since the navy was implimented.

What, you're accusing me of being buzzbait? Quick, someone call Mulder and Scully! Better yet, get Pyro to check our IPs.

Not at all.  I have no idea who buzzbait is.  I only know that you have not posted more than 3 posts in the last 2 months.. very few others this year.  Someone else in this thread was in the same boat.  Yet for some reason you come to buzz's defense.  Hmmmmm.

Just too many coincidences these days.  Just too many people taking up aliases.  Just too many people acting under false pretences.  Just too many people being fake.


[This message has been edited by AKDejaVu (edited 12-29-2000).]

[This message has been edited by AKDejaVu (edited 12-29-2000).]


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An considered analysis of AH. By an Ultra Dweeb.
« Reply #64 on: December 29, 2000, 09:00:00 PM »
A good post... going bad...?

Giving you the benefit of doubt Buzz,
There have been a few loud and arrogant folks who have ticked a few people off, and then have changed Ids numerous times.  Some other folks take it personally and are on a witch hunt to uncover them.  If you are unfortunate enough to sound a bit like them you become targeted.  It's all part of our great atmosphere that you pointed out.

Anyway, you have a lot of good points.
However, if I have one pet peeve as far as this sim goes, it is those who criticize the bomber's gun and bomb accuracy without investing a fair amount of time flying bombers.  Relatively, we have few bombers flying in this sim, for game-play purposes alone bombers need accuracy in bomber's bombs and guns.  Bombers are easy to kill in this sim if you use a good approach and they have a poor K/D in this sim to prove it.  Make smart fighter attacks and you can kill buffs at least 5 to 1.  That sucks if you are the buff pilot; why would anyone want to fly for 45 minutes only to have a single fighter intercept you after a 10 minute climb and kill you?  I'm not sure, but I am flying buffs less and less.  We would never see bombers if they had the bomb accuracy of real WWII bombers.
 I only saw one multi-engine enemy bomber last night, in hours of playing.  It was a B-17 that I killed with a Zero... a slow-paper-mache-lousy-guns-Zero (and the B-17's gunner was well-known, experienced, and good).

My point is that I agree with AK Dejavu's point of view regarding the above points.  
I also can see why he would think you are fishguy.  (Personally I don't care what fishboy is doing.)


Offline Spitboy

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« Reply #65 on: December 29, 2000, 10:05:00 PM »
I didn't really think it would be a mental leap, AK, but if you must know, my ID in game is "spitboy", much like BuzzBait, who's ID is "buzzbait". Like the saying goes, you oughta look next time, before you leap to a wrong conclusion.

I'm not gonna line-by-line you, since you are all over the map trying to justify your behavior, and are at times contradictory. I'll try to sum up your opinion, and you tell me if I hit the mark:

You don't like it when people post under false pretenses, and you don't like when people post about things without the experience to back it up.

That fair? Reading through your novel, those seem to be the two recurring themes. OK, first, you haven't got anything to back up your claim that he's posting under false pretenses, nor have you raised a good reason for him to do so. So again I ask, and listen carefully, why do you care? If he is posing, there's no real harm. His points are valid. Some discussion of them is a good thing. If he's not, you've just alienated a new player. In the sum total, I'd say it's better to give someone like that the benefit of the doubt, rather than take an abusive tone and risk alienating a customer.

Second, as to the "don't comment if you don't got the experience". Well, this one is a bit more valid, but again, what we have here is an apparently enthusiastic new customer, who's taken the time to research the sim prior to signing up. He's spent a tour online, according to his stats, and obviously given AH a fair shake. He's done 200 sorties.

To me, that sounds like enough experience to weigh in with some opinions, even if some are anecdotal. But you don't. OK, then tell us, AK, what level of experience is necessary to comment on AH? You harp on his bomber experience and cry Eureka! since he hasn't flown a bomber in the main. However, he's killed 20, and said he's flown in H2H. Same with the N1K and Chog, which he says he's flown in H2H. Seems like he prolly has enough experience in knowing what it takes to down a bomber.

All in all, his rationale and explanations make sense to me. Why not give him the benefit of the doubt? Why risk alienating a new player, and contributing to the overall negative tone of these boards? I don't see the gain, here.

What I see is that you like to be the center of attention. You like to raise a stink over something and start a fight, then control the fracas by painting anyone who raises a contrary opinion as anti-AH, with a standard "leave if you don't like it" rejoinder. Like "go back to Warbirds spitboy", after I merely asked why you were so concerned about this guy.

How much have you played in the last year Spitboy? I can't help but notice you registered for the bbs some year and a half ago. What brought you over here? Now.. why are you back all of the sudden?

I've followed AH's boards since it's announcement. I toyed with AH offline since about 5 months ago when I had a system that could handle it - not religiously, but enough to see the progress of the sim. At the time, it didn't impress me enough to sign up. I signed up for a trial account about 3 months ago and flew online a few times to try out 1.04, I think it was. Again, better, but not enough to spur me on. When 1.05 came out, I again downloaded it, tried it offline for a few hours, and liked what I saw. So I signed up to give it a shot online. I didn't want to open another trial account, cause I thought that was cheesy and not fair to HTC. If it turns out I don't have fun, I'll cancel my account.

Sorry if it pierces any delusions you have that my motivation is to somehow sully Aces High. I don't have much time these days to fly, and only fly in S3s over yonder in brand W. The simple truth is, 1.05 looked pretty good, and it spurred me into ponying up the dollars to give it a fair shake out. If you have a problem with me creating an account and giving HTC $29.95 a month to try out his sim, well, I'm sorry. I don't think HTC minds the extra income.

But thanks for the warm welcome, AK. Didn't really expect this kind of reception for asking you a simple question. Hell, Rip and I have had harsh enough words in the past that I thought he'd switch sides when I signed on, but he was a gentleman and we flew side by side for a while the other night. Salute, Rip, thanks for making me feel welcome  

Do you believe the jump in numbers is because of new players or returning ones?  People finally have heard of AH because it got a navy?

Quite simply, a combination of both. This is the biggest jump AH has seen in its life. I tend to believe in Occam's Razor. The simplest solution that fits the evidence. 1.05 was a big and highly anticipated move for AH. There's lots of things here that are totally new to the online flight simmer. So it seems quite logical that this build might entice a number of folks to try it out for the first time, and bring back some folks who'd left for staleness.

The alternative that you seem to espose is that buzzbait has gone to great lengths to create himself a new identity, build up some sorties and a bad record, and then post a pretty fair and objective synopsis of his opinions about AH. All for some murky alterior motive which you do not specify, and quite frankly, doesn't make sense. If he'd slammed AH, I could see where you might be doubting of his intentions. But he didn't - as many have said, his opinions were fair and objective. Some points are open to disagreement, which is the norm.

Give it a rest, already. Let the man have his opinions - they don't hurt you, and he obviously has some support amongst the player base for them.

Spitboy -SW-

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #66 on: December 29, 2000, 10:30:00 PM »

re-read buzz's posts in this thread.

He has played before.  As far back as beta. Something he totally neglegted to mention.  Instead chosing to stress what a total newbie-dweeb he is.

As for the mistake about your ID.. I apologized well before your post.  I'll apologize again.  If you seem to think that it makes buzz all the more genuine.. then we'll talk about leaps in logic.

As far as experience to comment goes.. that really isn't the point.  One can quickly decide how much he does or doesn't like something.  Now.. how much experience is required before someone is presumptuous enough to suggest how it should be changed?  I think a tad bit more than what was shown.

And as far as my reversing on myself.. you have a very good point.  First I say he has more experience than he is letting on.. then I say he doesn't have enough to comment.  Either way.. he neglected to mention a few things.

And as far as this:

When 1.05 came out, I again downloaded it, tried it offline for a few hours, and liked what I saw. So I signed up to give it a shot online. I didn't want to open another trial account, cause I thought that was cheesy and not fair to HTC. If it turns out I don't have fun, I'll cancel my account.

Sorry if it pierces any delusions you have that my motivation is to somehow sully Aces High. I don't have much time these days to fly, and only fly in S3s over yonder in brand W. The simple truth is, 1.05 looked pretty good, and it spurred me into ponying up the dollars to give it a fair shake out.

That is exactly why I thought you were here.  I had no illusions otherwise.  Now.. is it unreasonable to assume that the sudden surge isn't a result of people that were somewhat bored with AH finding something to get excited and get on-line about?  The stats are about people on-line.. not new accounts.

Also, when you came back.. did you declare yourself a newbie to the game?

I may be paranoid.. but it doesn't mean that people aren't watching me.


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An considered analysis of AH. By an Ultra Dweeb.
« Reply #67 on: December 29, 2000, 10:34:00 PM »
 I think buzz should be saluted for taking the time to write the longest trolls ever seen.

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« Reply #68 on: December 29, 2000, 11:11:00 PM »
Whatever all the other crap - Good to hear yer in AH Spitboy!! Look me up in the MA (hope yer flyin' fer the good guys, Bish - of course).

Would love to wing with ya bud!

Erh.... as to all the other crap, it's a pointless no-win.

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« Reply #69 on: December 29, 2000, 11:26:00 PM »
Nash, I'm flying for the green side. Does that help? <G> Hehe, I think I'm flying Bish. Just started flying where the host dumped me. Never thought I'd say this, but Pyro, get the MA up, I wanna fly  

AK, I understand your position better. Can't say I agree completely, but let's just agree to disagree on those points we differ on. It's not up to me to set the tone on the boards and in the arenas - it's up to you vets who've been here and form the core of the community. That's the main thing I was trying to point out.

No, I didn't declare myself a newbie to AH, though I consider myself one. I think there's a distinction to being a newbie to AH and a newbie to the MA. I'm definetely a newbie to the MA, and pretty much a dweeb. Lemme log some hours and get some rudder pedals, so I can fly like I'm used to, and maybe I won't be a dweeb anymore  

Can't wait til CH comes out with their USB line. This TM Afterburner setup ain't bad. Nice and solid, good throw. But not near enough buttons and hats. After flying for 5 years with a full CH suite, it's hard to do well with anything else  

Spitboy -SW-


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An considered analysis of AH. By an Ultra Dweeb.
« Reply #70 on: December 30, 2000, 02:10:00 AM »

Get off your high horse, man.

i just finished my free two weeks, and trying to persuade the missus to spend $30 a month on this beaute!

I found out about AH bout 3 months ago form a friend, altohugh i didn't get it downloaded for a while i kept a beady eye on the BB for hints/tips and advice to get me started.Is this what you do to all newbies (alleged newbies,even) if you do i think you should grow up.The guy (no matter who he is
/was) was just putting in his input,he, or anybody else didn't want a flame war just beacuse he is interested in the game.

Give the guy a break!

Oh, and if you want ball me out too,or accuse me of being Nath you cqn talk to my hand cos i ain't interested in you or your over-inflated "Oi Newbie Shut up" attitude I will carry on playing H2H till i get "she who must be obeyed" to part with some cash.

To All I salute,I'm in the presence of some fantastic guys in here.

as my old mum used to say AKDejaVu "if you haven't got anything nice to say don't say anything"

I'll leave it there, Thanks for letting me in guys!!


"Pull the pin and count to what??"

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #71 on: December 30, 2000, 02:16:00 AM »
my old mum used to say AKDejaVu "if you haven't got anything nice to say don't say anything"

And your positive contribition to this thread was....?  Oh.. this must only apply to other people.  Or wait.. maybe add "unless you know you're right" to the end of that.

As for jumping on newbies... I don't do that.  This was no newbie.  It was pointed out and it was admitted.  Don't like the pretense at all.

As for your input.. its a little late in the thread to be jumping in all morally superior... shoulda taken your mom's advice.


PS.. you might want to ad your game-id to that sig.  Makes your claim to being a participant a little more valid.

[This message has been edited by AKDejaVu (edited 12-30-2000).]

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #72 on: December 30, 2000, 03:50:00 AM »
I think buzz should be saluted for taking the time to write the longest trolls ever seen.

Irony is him having an id named after a fishing lure.


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« Reply #73 on: December 30, 2000, 04:04:00 AM »
Originally posted by Mickey1992:

Unfortunately the rude 10 players out of 150 are the ones that fill up 80% of the open channel.

No, Funked and I are using 5% at Least and we're Never Rude !  

PS: Good post Buzz !


[This message has been edited by Saintaw (edited 12-30-2000).]
Dirty, nasty furriner.


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An considered analysis of AH. By an Ultra Dweeb.
« Reply #74 on: December 30, 2000, 04:29:00 AM »

That is my game id,

gees,you can see past your own arrogance!

and as for being morally superior??!!
I didn't mean to upset the apple cart man,
i was addind my opinion which in the free world i think i am entitled.

Its people like you that make places like this, so squeaky and negative.

Community, huh?

enuf said, and don't bother with a witty retort AKDejaVu I'm no longer interested in talking to you. look AKDejaVu  MY GAME ID.:EEK:

"Pull the pin and count to what??"