Originally posted by Nilsen
Yup...i was thinking about the band. I think they are great and i just cant see why they havent been exported. Everyone that hears it when i play it thinks its awesome and wonder were i got it.
Hmm. I thought that they were more popular and well-known in the West then in Russia. Noone heard them here before that "Equinox" song, while they were in the Western charts. They are an interesting project, promoted via internet. Their first records appeared at mp3.com (IIRC) and became popular there.
I am an old rock and blues fan. We have some good bands here, but not very popular. Public prefers to listen to stupif pop a-la MTV and horrible "prison songs" (the sky in checkers, the dove flys home, and i am sitting here because evil prosecutor sentenced me only for robbing and killing my woman). We don't even have radio stations playing classic rock. The only ones that don't make me vomit are Radio-Jazz and some late-night shows on talk-radios where they play classic jazz and vintage rock...