Both parties already buy votes. There should be nothing wrong with being honest about it. Unfortunately for me to vote for either one of the current candidates it will cost them more then an AH subscription.
The “ballot” is manipulated by the various “political machines”, special interests and other such cliques whose interests appear to be contrary to the good of the country as a whole. The people put up for office are usually so mediocre that no citizen of wisdom or character would care to be represented by any one of them.
Voting is pointless. Granted I will see numerous replies stating that the “vote = freedom”; “use it or lose it”…
However, giving the idea that we are free because we have the ballot is nothing less then fraud. This “feeling of freedom” has engendered a means by which our essential “slavery” is hid from our eyes and thus more securely fastened upon our backs. Behind this camouflage is a “Plutocracy”, one of the nastiest and basest of all forms of government.
One of the most demoralizing results of our “democracy” is its dissipation of responsibility. When a law derives from a king or an aristocracy the king or the nobles have to stand for it before the Nation. They are held accountable for their failures. This “responsibility” creates a restraining and steady influence as inescapable as it is socially valuable. Or else the consequence could mean revolution. The kings and nobles would know that in the long run the very continuance of their position and their rule depends upon their providing such government as to command the confidence of the “people”.
We can see that under the ballot system “responsibility” itself has become so comminuted and dispersed that there is hardly any of it left. The fragments of it are shifted so easily and plausibly from one man’s shoulders to another’s that it cannot be successfully laid on anyone. Power without responsibility is ruinous to all good government.
There are also those that equate the vote with the right to free expression. Not voting itself is an example of free expression. But I am not one who worships at the alter of “free speech”. There are many vital issues and problems affecting the welfare of the nation upon which the average Oprah watcher has no right to be heard. The average US citizen has trouble explaining our basic election process yet they are given an equal voice in the discussion of solutions. Whenever any “upstart” with overweening presumption, ventures to air his opinions, it would be better for all concerned, and ultimately better for him, if a hot rod were laid across his back, at least he be laughed off his soap box.
Generations of belief in “free-speech” and “free-press” have made every little loudmouth and want-to-be editor an oracle and at the ready to diagnose the evils of an economic and political system, and to advise remedies.
The learned citizens will express convictions that have behind them their best thought and ripest experience over periods of 30 or 40 years, and children in their teens, who have not given such ideas as much as 30 minutes consideration in their entire lives stand up and contradict them..
I have said before not all opinions are of equal value. “Democracy” as I have come to see it is always loose-tongued, loud-mouthed, and weak minded.
It tends to produce a society of chattering magpies..