Author Topic: AH2 nearing release  (Read 3740 times)

Offline Pyro

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AH2 nearing release
« on: May 14, 2004, 05:23:39 PM »
The AH2 beta will soon be coming to an end.  We are working on the final remaining bugs and issues with AH2 and as soon as that is done, it will be released.  There are still numerous aesthetic enhancements that aren’t yet completed, but we don’t feel that they warrant holding up the release any longer.  We’ll continue to work on those after the initial release and return to a tighter update frequency that we used in the early days of AH1 but now with AH2 being the platform for steady enhancement.  We also look forward to working on Tour of Duty.

We encourage everybody to try out the beta at this time.  It is better to find out now if you have any hardware issues with AH2 rather than after it is released.  

You must have DirectX 9 installed to run AH2.  As a result, only video cards that are DirectX 9 compatible will run AH2.  You may also have to update your video drivers if you have not done that in a long time.  

Basic system requirements for AH2 are as follows: 850 MHz processor, 256 MB memory, GeForce 2 or equivalent video card.  You may be able to run it to your satisfaction with a lesser system, but a lesser system will probably not have a compatible video card unless that was previously upgraded.

Once AH2 goes live, it will replace the current version 1.11 as the mandatory version.

Thanks to everybody who has participated in the open beta.  Your feedback and bug reports have been a tremendous help to us.

Offline Pyro

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AH2 nearing release
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2004, 05:37:47 PM »
One other note about updating your video drivers.  You'll want to make certain that you uninstall your old drivers before installing your new ones.  Failing to do that may result in problems with AH2.