Author Topic: Beta 30  (Read 2950 times)

Offline Pyro

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Beta 30
« on: May 14, 2004, 05:20:14 PM »
Beta 30 is now available for download.

Full version:

Update from 29:

Aces High II Version 1.9930 Open Beta

NOTE:  This beta version requires DirectX 9.  If you are using an older version of
DirectX, you will need to upgrade.  Go to to update.

Fixed a bug that was causing crashes to the desktop.

Changed the way indicated airspeed is displayed on the airspeed indicator.  It now works like a real pitot tube where differences between your aircraft's attitude and flight vector will affect what is displayed on the gauge, e.g. if you put your plane into a yaw, you will see you indicated airspeed quickly drop because the pitot tube is not facing directly into the windstream.  The TAS display is unaffected by this change.

Fire on the CV now stays on the CV.

Fixed a few display issues with the wind setup dialog.

Fixed a bug that caused a player entering the arena not be updated correctly on what objects in the arena had already been destroyed.

Acks no longer shoot when destroyed.

Fixed a bug in the custom gunsight dialog that caused an incorrect display when you changed screen resolution.

Fixed a bug that caused fog to display incorrectly when the fog distance was set to under a mile.

LVT's from the CV now spawn towards the map room instead of the tower.

Fixed a bug in the PT boat that caused it to run aground when it shouldn't.