Author Topic: Happy my old system can play, icons under water, Help button crash, Panzer pintle gun  (Read 247 times)

Offline MOSQ

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I just bought a DX 9 card ($114) and downloaded Beta 30. First time I've tried since beta 10 or so. My frame rates were great, have no problems with playability with my:

Powerleap Celeron 1.4 running on a old Dell P-3 600 motherboard.
new Asylum GeForce FX 5200 Ultra 128
384MBs of RAM
Win 98 SE

I'm very happy that I'm hitting 45 FPS in flight with this old cobbled up system.

A few bugs:

Plane icons over water disappear as the planes get right down on the water. They seem to submerge up to the waterline. In AH1 the icon just completely disappears when very low, not get cut off half way.

I have the previously reported Panzer pintle gun doing weird things when you turn to far to the left, it's like your head keeps turning.

Tree top canopies are not connected to the rest of the trees on the big trees that provide cover. The top canopy is floating in the air.

I clicked on the HELP button on the clipboad, which invoked IE6 and the websight help page. When I closed IE 6 and clicked on the minimized AH2, the window opened but AH2 didn't. No mouse either. Finally had to Control/Alt/Delete to get out of the stuck window.