Author Topic: Colin Powell on Meet The Press  (Read 2129 times)

Offline Red Tail 444

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Colin Powell on Meet The Press
« Reply #120 on: May 19, 2004, 03:09:33 PM »
Originally posted by Tarmac
I'm speechless here.  I can't imagine someone killing the president because of his race or whatever perceived racially based kook theories they cook up.  

What the hell have you folks seen in your life that makes you think anyone would do that?  I'm honestly curious.  

MLK being shot dead, fighting for sanitation worker's rights

JFK being shot dead, for pushing civil rights and being against the war

Medgar Evers being shot dead fighting for civil rights

3 NY social workers being shot in ther car in Mississippi fighting for civil rights

4  girls attending sunday school in 'bama being blown up in church

Colin Powell himself saying he fears for his life and that of his family by white supremacists if he held public office

People on THIS BBs talking about taking "pop shots" at US senators because they dont like his-her views (and most of THEm are white senators, sheesh!

Some idiot on this BBs talking about a lynching...and these are people with average intelligence, how do you think the true Alphas are going to react if the first family is in the White house (which aint gonna happen anyway in our lifetime)

PS. Larry Bird was black  :lol