It's hard to pick a favorite adversary. Pretty much all of the Allied guys are decent. Most of em get me more than I them. I like fighting against the 325th, and the Checkerboards, because I know most of em, and respect them. I seem to run into Grits, and Oldman a lot when they are flying for the other side, like with the guys I mentioned above I enjoy fighting them because our skills are similar. VF-27 , and 880 pilots seem to be particularly proficient in shooting me down , but I always enjoy fighting against them.
The guys I'm happiest when I get a kill on are in the list below. These guys I consider the cream of the crop ability speaking , and getting a kill on them is very rare for me.
I also would like to mention a couple of guys that have haunted the hell out of me lately. Mustafa, and KONTAK. I think they got my aircraft bore sighted as soon as I take off anymore.
Actually I pretty much enjoy fighting all of you . Just wish i could shoot more of you down:aok