Author Topic: Know any good sound sources?  (Read 163 times)

Offline Kweassa

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Know any good sound sources?
« on: June 08, 2004, 03:42:15 AM »
I think I'm going mad for AH2. Now I've got my hands on editing the sounds and building some custom files.

 I'm nothing of a sound specialist, so basically all I'm doing is using a sound editing utility to futz and bend and warp things to make it sound the way I want.. but it really is an interesting project.

 I've noticed that AH uses only one sets of sounds, so it got me thinking: would it be better to make the engine sounds and stuff based on externals sounds? Or interiors?

 I've tried some quickies with the DB601 and 605, and Merling engines. Sadly, if I make it to sound like the actual fly-by noises of these planes(which I've somewhat succeeded, and sounds really cool!) it sounds bad in the cockpit... and if I make it sound good in the cockpit, it sounds wimpy on a fly-by. Times like this I wish AH2 used two sets of sounds.


 Anyhow, is there any sound material on the map which I might use as a reference? I've picked up some Merling and DB engine fly-by sounds and stuff, but it seems like most of them are original WW2 sound recordings and are really fuzzy and messy to work with.

 If anyone knows a good place to look for relatively 'modern' recordings of these planes, I could use some help..

Offline jodgi

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Know any good sound sources?
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2004, 04:00:56 AM »
Meatwater made some excellent sound files for EAW, Rowan's BoB and B17II "The Mighty Eighth". You could approach him/them and ask.

You'll find link to the old EAW sound packs under "free stuff".

edit: I've started collecting some sounds. If I find enough good stuff I'll share it with the community. Anyone can feel free to send me sound files, engine sounds in particular.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2004, 09:34:25 AM by jodgi »