Author Topic: Question for the experts (and a discovery, I think!)  (Read 1224 times)

Offline Gremlin

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Question for the experts (and a discovery, I think!)
« on: June 20, 2004, 07:04:58 AM »
First the question.  Does anyone know how to change the spinner texture on the FW190-D9?  I cant seem to find it anywhere in the skin folder:(

Also has anyone twigged how to change the texture for the canopy frame.  Again I'm at a dead end here.

Now my "discovery" although all of you probably knew this ages ago anyway:)  If you resize a skin, e.g make it 500% bigger it still works.  This means that the skins which have a small sized texture map can be increased so you can include much higer resolution artwork on them.  As long as the textures remain in their correct places everything works ok.

Any help on my questions would be much appreciated.