Author Topic: AH2 gunnery  (Read 2193 times)

Offline 715

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AH2 gunnery
« on: June 22, 2004, 07:40:33 PM »
I can't seem to find any posts describing the new AH2 gunnery so I humbly request your assistance:

Everyone knows by now that the gunnery is much harder in AH2 than AH1.  I, for one, cannot hit anything with the M16 any more, and when flying my Spit V the only way I can get kills is to nearly fly into the opposing planes cockpit and fire at point blank range.

What has changed with gunnery and what does one need to do to score better in hit %?  ie is there more bullet drop now, so aim higher?  or is the target just smaller and one must either get better or closer?


Offline Greebo

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AH2 gunnery
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2004, 05:05:19 AM »
Personally, I find its now a lot harder to hit a plane from a six O'clock position. They've made either the bullet packets or the hit map smaller. There seems to be a lot less difference in a deflection shot however, I can regularly knock the wing off an opponent in a 90 degree deflection shot 600-700 yards out.

This suits the F6F I fly particularly well since you can raise the pilot's POV with the arrow keys and the "set pilot's head position" key to get a really good view over the nose. I have the gunsight pipper on the top edge of the view glass. The Spitfire has trouble with tracking shots since the long flat nose obscures the enemy plane.

Offline Ghosth

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AH2 gunnery
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2004, 07:53:57 AM »
The "resolution" on the hit mapping is a lot finer.  Also many of the visual cues are either no existant, or greatly changed.

Back to basics has been working for most people, esp if you prefer cannons.

Mostly a matter of retraining yourself what it takes to hit. Been a little hit & miss myself lately, but lots of practise does help.

Offline Soda

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AH2 gunnery
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2004, 10:48:37 AM »
I think it was Kwessea that posted a thread in the AH2 forums a while ago that described how a number of small changes in gunnery have all made it more "difficult".  From: icons below the aircraft, no hit sprites though the dash, less accurate range counter, etc... they all made things a bit more difficult and when compounded they tended to cause some initial problems.  i think most people with a little practice will adapt though, be patient.  I think for most people it will just take a bit of time to convert over.

I haven't found a huge problem with my shooting by I tended to be a point-blank type shooter and I have noticed a lot of times now where I have to "trust" myself that I landed hits on deflection shots under my nose.

Offline Ecliptik

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AH2 gunnery
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2004, 10:29:02 PM »
Try bringing in your convergence a tad and getting in closer for your shots.  Watch the plane, not the icon.

Offline 715

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AH2 gunnery
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2004, 11:06:27 PM »
Thanks for the replies.

I do focus on the plane, not the icon.  I didn't realize hit sprites no longer show through the panel so maybe I am landing one or two 0.303 hits ;)

I guess I'll just keep practicing.


Offline MajWoody

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AH2 gunnery
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2004, 12:11:45 AM »
I can't hit anything, point blank or otherwise. I have been saddled up on an nme 6 at d300 & shot my whole ammo load & never touched the thing. To say that I'm frustrated is an understatement. I'm not shooting at icons. I think the gunnery mod needs to be fixed. I don't mean that I want to see hit sprites through the inst panel either but WTF?
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Offline Greebo

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AH2 gunnery
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2004, 03:00:45 AM »
I've spent a lot of time offline in AH2 the last couple of months, error checking my skins. While there I often spent 10 minutes blasting away at the drones. You can hit them from behind, make fast passes at them or go round the circle the wrong way round and HO them. For those having trouble with AH2 gunnery I'd recommend a few sessions of drone bashing.

Offline _Schadenfreude_

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AH2 gunnery
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2004, 03:58:37 AM »
Originally posted by MajWoody
I can't hit anything, point blank or otherwise. I have been saddled up on an nme 6 at d300 & shot my whole ammo load & never touched the thing. To say that I'm frustrated is an understatement. I'm not shooting at icons. I think the gunnery mod needs to be fixed. I don't mean that I want to see hit sprites through the inst panel either but WTF?

Set all your guns at 450 yards, when you fire at a target that is 400 yards you aim slightly under the target, ie your pipper just grazing the underside of the target.

If firing at 600 yards aim slightly higher than your target by perhaps half a plane hight.

Anything over 600 yards don't bother unless you've had a lot of practice. Having said that I killed a tiffie from a tiffie at 800 yds, pinged his left wing once, adjust then blew it off.

Offline HitM

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Get close
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2004, 02:58:54 PM »
I have my guns set to 200yds.  Basically I believe in the old tatic. "Get close ,and when you think you are close enough, get closer."

Offline Max

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AH2 gunnery
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2004, 08:50:14 AM »
I found that lowering screen resolution helps with targets 400 +
Mine is noe set 800x600


Offline Kweassa

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AH2 gunnery
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2004, 10:40:25 AM »
I can't hit anything, point blank or otherwise. I have been saddled up on an nme 6 at d300 & shot my whole ammo load & never touched the thing.

 d300 is still way too far. With 50cal armed planes with multiple guns it would be worth to try one~two streaks of tracking shots to 'walk the tracer' up to the target, but if you're in a plane with center-line armament with lower ammo load that requires higher precision, I suggest you go inside 200yards.

 Also, since the 'hit resolution' changed, a lot of the rounds which previously in AH1 would have hit, now misses at dead-6 angles. Direct 6 attacks might seem a good angle to shoot, but it also presents the lowest targetting area, and a lot of the shots are dumped into the void. This one time I actually saw two streaks of tracers from my 109 machine guns each pass on the left and the right side of the horizontal stab at an enemy plane at "0" distance.

 Another thing I've recently noticed, is the planes are much more effected in gunnery when they move about in the roll axis. The yaw axis is temporarily destabilized immediately after a roll, and that amounts to a momentary unccordinated flight - it might seem the enemy plane is on target, but your rounds fly sideways(relatively) due to the sideslip, and miss.

 You have to maneuver, work rudders to coordinate, and then fire. Obviously seems to be the reason why jinking maneuvers seem to be much more effective than AH1, during evasives.

 So essentially IMO, there are two approaches now:

a) the first one is like Schaden suggested, setting a longer convergence and micro-managing the plane to hit the target at all distances. This is for the experts, or with planes armed with multiple HMGs. Or, with planes with higher ammo load like the N1K2 or the 190, which can leisurely spend high ammo loads at whim.

b) the second one, is literally "point blank" range, "0 distance" shot. Close in as much as you can, and manage a flightpath with least movement, but clever enough to intercept the target's flight path.. and when the enemy maneuvers, fire a low-deflection angle shot at very close range(when the counter is at "200" or less..) as the enemy 'swooshes' through your gunsight.
 This is typically effective with cannon armed planes with centerline armament, or planes with very powerful snapshot capabilities like the 190. (also, it's pretty much the only way I can hit anything with a MK108 now..)


ps) You might have noticed that the 190 is the plane which is suited for both a) and b).... the relative rise in effectivity of its firepower, may be the one of the reasons it is become so popular of late.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2004, 10:52:22 AM by Kweassa »

Offline TalonX

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Hit Accuracy
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2004, 01:53:07 PM »
Well, my accuracy went from 10 to 12% in AH1 to under 5% in AH2.   I am sure there is more to it than visual cues like range, and loss of sprites under the dash....

That said, I am bringing my convergence in from 350 to 450 to 300.   My logic is that "200" (icon range) means 101 to 299 yards.   Since most of the time the range has just changed from 400 to 200 when I might fire, I am firing at nearly 300 yards.   Convergence set there will concentrate fire and bring more kills.

Anyway - it's working better.

Forgotten, but back in the game.  :)

Offline TDeacon

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AH2 gunnery
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2004, 07:29:20 PM »

Doesn't adjusting head position in the forward view invalidate the boresighting of your armament?

Offline Max

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AH2 gunnery
« Reply #14 on: June 26, 2004, 09:08:11 AM »
Originally posted by TDeacon

Doesn't adjusting head position in the forward view invalidate the boresighting of your armament?

Yes but there's ways around that. Zoom your normal F1 view on the runway and squeeze off a few rounds to verify the center of your boresight. Mark that reference point with a Sharpie pen tip, or the your cursor arrow tip.
