Author Topic: Vidmem useage  (Read 268 times)

Offline guttboy

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Vidmem useage
« on: June 24, 2004, 11:30:45 AM »
Hi all....

This has got to be a bug in the way that Vidmem is being reported.

As soon as I enter the game my vidmem is 252.0 and the used is 252.0.  As soon as I alt tab out it goes to a reasonable 166 used but gradually creeps up after an hour.

Alt Tabbing once gets it  back to the lower setting.

WIll call Skuzzy on the matter....

UPDATE>>>>>>called skuzzy and he will talk to HITECH about this.

Regards all!


Offline hitech

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Vidmem useage
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2004, 11:47:15 AM »
That is not a bug, Video memory will rise as you play, untill you have seen every plane type,texture in the game. It dosn't load everything at start up. Only the most used stuff.

When you alt tab out, I dump everything and then I do not preload it back after the alt tab. So as you start to see things the memory usage comes back up.

If you run out of VMem AH starts to dump items on a oldest used method to start swaping things.

There is a problem with some drivers when this occures, it is what is causing some people to see blank buffer for text.

I belive I have a new system in place that for patch 3 that will fix the out of video memory condition.


Offline TalonX

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Vidmem useage
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2004, 12:27:38 PM »
This is good news.

Forgotten, but back in the game.  :)

Offline guttboy

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Vidmem useage
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2004, 01:00:55 PM »
Still a bit confused on the issue.  So are you saying that the game on boot up....has all the textures in it?

What is different from all the other patches was that when I entered the game the vidmem used was half of my total of 256.  Now, when I enter the game it is all used.

So, when I alt tab as soon as I get in the game it goes to half, does this mean that the textures are not loaded?

Just curious....

