Author Topic: Hanger GV and Bird Select  (Read 1521 times)

Offline devil22

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Hanger GV and Bird Select
« on: June 28, 2004, 12:33:19 AM »
ok, this has been bugging me for the longest time now. i like the 262, but 1 problem. i can never use it since it cost so much. that in and of it self is not the problem. the problem is when i see it jump to a "price" low enough for me to risk my hard earned points on it, it says i dont have enough points/one time it said the 262 was gonna cost me 46 points, i figured since i had at the time about 150 points or so, what the heck, that is low enough not to hurt should i lose the 262. well i went to click it, and (keep in mind at the time, while i was in the hanger it said COST 46 perk points) you do not have enough for this model. i looked at it in disbelief. it was showing that it cost 46 points, and it said i did not have enough points when i had 3x or so what it cost. i asked other players what the deal was. they said refresh the hanger, and sure enough when i came back in the cost jumped 6 fold. i think that the cost it is displaying is what the cost should be, if it rises while in the hanger, it should still cost what the displayed cost is. since while in the hanger you have no idea the cost is rising, then you should pay the price displayed when u first entered the hanger for that particular flight. is that too much to ask, to pay what it said it cost when u first entered the hanger? i think not. sorry for the length, but im PO'ed bout this. need help fixin it.

Offline hitech

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« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2004, 10:12:10 AM »
You will only see a large difference when you first enter the arena.

The FE shows an estimation of the price, based on how many people are in the arena. The real price is based on how many the host has in the arena.


Offline devil22

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« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2004, 12:28:09 PM »
so basically it never cost what it says it cost. so if it were to say 46 points it really cost more than i have, even if i have 3-4 times what its cost is displayed. i see how it is. to ever beable to fly the 262 i guess i have to have 1000's of points so that a hit of 190 wont hurt that much. but that is never gonna happen, so i guess the 262 will always be a forbidden fruit in main arena reserved for those who have a rank 500 or better. it seems like those are the people who have the points to burn and couldnt care less on how much a perk item will cost them, since the prices i have seen average far less than they have. thanks hurt the little guy more.

Offline hitech

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« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2004, 01:03:27 PM »
If you would wait 15 secs after entering the arena it would be withing 1% of the real cost. Once you have all player information from the intial load, and then if no one enters or leaves while you are in the hangar, it will be the exact cost.


Offline devil22

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« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2004, 01:21:47 PM »
my point is very simple. the cost while in the hanger does not move once u get in. i waited 10 minutes one time, and the entire time it said the cost was 46 points, yet every time i tried to select the plane, it kept sayin i did not have enough points for that model. but hitech your answer to my original post was the perfect buricratic non answer answer with a side of evasion. all i am asking is to have the perked item cost what it says it cost when you first enter the bloody hanger. the way you have it set up now, keeps us little guy from using some of the best fighters out there. the way it is now, the perk planes and gv and bomber are rank 500 or better only. the current system does not fucntion. i am and have been an awesome pilot with the 262, but since the cost is far more than i am willing to risk, namely ALL or MOST of MY HARD EARNED perk points it is to nervwracking to fly. namely the current perk system forces you if you have a low amount of points like me, to fly so cowardly and tentative that you tend to make more mistakes than if you could fly knowing that hey, if i lose this flight, its only 40 points or 20. but when ur like me and have 198 points and the cost is sitting at 160 or higher it is not worth the risk. but go ahead keep the 262 a rank 500 or better exclusive. keep reenforcing rank 500 or better GOD COMPLEXES. and keep us little 1000 or worse ranked pilots faces shoved in the dirt. good job, good show. encore encore

Offline devil22

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« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2004, 01:49:16 PM »
something i need to mention. im not tryin to make trouble, but trying to get an honest and to the point non evasive answer. when ur in the hanger the point cost does not visably change at all. just make it cost what it SAY IT COST and not have hidden fees and stuff. this seems more like banking in the black market.

Offline SlapShot

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« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2004, 02:11:24 PM »
Originally posted by devil22
my point is very simple. the cost while in the hanger does not move once u get in. i waited 10 minutes one time, and the entire time it said the cost was 46 points, yet every time i tried to select the plane, it kept sayin i did not have enough points for that model. but hitech your answer to my original post was the perfect buricratic non answer answer with a side of evasion. all i am asking is to have the perked item cost what it says it cost when you first enter the bloody hanger. the way you have it set up now, keeps us little guy from using some of the best fighters out there. the way it is now, the perk planes and gv and bomber are rank 500 or better only. the current system does not fucntion. i am and have been an awesome pilot with the 262, but since the cost is far more than i am willing to risk, namely ALL or MOST of MY HARD EARNED perk points it is to nervwracking to fly. namely the current perk system forces you if you have a low amount of points like me, to fly so cowardly and tentative that you tend to make more mistakes than if you could fly knowing that hey, if i lose this flight, its only 40 points or 20. but when ur like me and have 198 points and the cost is sitting at 160 or higher it is not worth the risk. but go ahead keep the 262 a rank 500 or better exclusive. keep reenforcing rank 500 or better GOD COMPLEXES. and keep us little 1000 or worse ranked pilots faces shoved in the dirt. good job, good show. encore encore

What the heck does rank have to do with getting perks to fly a perk plane.

I am ranked 719th right now, but I also average 10 kill per hour. Do that in a Spit V and you will be able to fly any perk plane within a very short period of time.

Being able to fly perk planes (getting perk points) revolves around what plane you fly, what planes you shoot down, and your surviabilty after scoring the kills. Rank does not figure into scoring perk points and be able to fly perk planes.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline hitech

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« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2004, 02:16:29 PM »
You will not get what your asking for devil. Best I could do is add a refresh button, or you could just click tower, then back to hangar. But the host and client can still be some what out of sync.


Offline Waffle

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« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2004, 02:20:52 PM »
Originally posted by devil22
the way you have it set up now, keeps us little guy from using some of the best fighters out there. the way it is now, the perk planes and gv and bomber are rank 500 or better only. the current system does not fucntion.  i am and have been an awesome pilot with the 262, but since the cost is far more than i am willing to risk, namely ALL or MOST of MY HARD EARNED perk points it is to nervwracking to fly. namely the current perk system forces you if you have a low amount of points like me, to fly so cowardly and tentative that you tend to make more mistakes than if you could fly knowing that hey, if i lose this flight, its only 40 points or 20. but when ur like me and have 198 points and the cost is sitting at 160 or higher it is not worth the risk. but go ahead keep the 262 a rank 500 or better exclusive. keep reenforcing rank 500 or better GOD COMPLEXES. and keep us little 1000 or worse ranked pilots faces shoved in the dirt. good job, good show. encore encore


Hitech, Pyro, You guys have my permission to deduct 200 perk points from me and give them to devil22.

Offline devil22

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« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2004, 02:24:08 PM »
slapshot. i was usin the 500 rank as a break point, but you illustrate my point, the better you are ranked the faster you pull in kills, and the faster you get points. if u r ranked like me, 1555 or worse, you average 0-1 kills in 5 hours, and it aint from a lack of trying. well hitech you made my day. so i can never trust my eyes when i see a perk item cost, from now on its the rule of 10X, multiply cost by 10. thanks, you just eliminated my ability to fly the perk planes. i can never trust the cost displayed. well for all of you ranked below 900 or so, use the perk planes with honor and remember us little guys who you have to stand on to get where you are at. it would appear that HTC values its best pilots, but takes all our money just the same, and listens and responds favorably to the best. congrats to the beuracracy and the snobbisim. tho a rerfresh button might help some.

Offline Waffle

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« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2004, 02:26:02 PM »
lol - give him an extra 25 perks on top of that.....

too funny!

Offline devil22

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« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2004, 02:26:12 PM »
waffle, i cannot demonstrate my skill with a 262 in main arena due to its cost, the cost looms over me like a sword on a thread. but laugh all u want. i am willing to bet u r ranked in the low 100's or better right? but if hitech or pyro will give me ur points ill take them all the same.

Offline devil22

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« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2004, 02:26:58 PM »
here is an idea waffle y not just give me all ur fighter perk points if i am so funny to u

Offline Waffle

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« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2004, 02:27:18 PM »
Just promise me you'll use it on HQ patrol and be carefull landing :)

Offline devil22

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« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2004, 02:28:26 PM »
as long as you give me the points i will :)