Author Topic: HT treats customers well ??  (Read 1911 times)


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HT treats customers well ??
« Reply #30 on: January 01, 2001, 10:27:00 PM »
hehe its really the hog c and the appologists htc could add a nuke to the game  and the compasionate fellows would ooz the same love for them that they always do.
read these pages long enough and you see it charachter assasination is their biggest weapon ignore them or they will kill any meaningful conversation on this board.

as far as the hog people have been complaining about it since the day it arived it is so unbalancing to the arena it seriously hampers the fun factor of the game . ( except for appologists ) htc will control or remove the beast eventualy or hitech wont be able to fly his own sim in peace. ohh that is now .

hey ht ever wonder how much money that plane has cost you ? remember when you flew and didnt have to listen to hogc hogc hogc  lol i do.
 you were hailed by freind and foe as a fair god of the cyber world . you put in a cheap mean plane and it has turned the areana cheap and mean  

fix the thing and you will be alot of peopls heros ( fix = remove or perk like mad )

p.s. im flyin under another name now and and addict to this game which i see as the best sim on the planet remove the hog and nightmare osty and the war will end till then baby its on, appologists be dambed

Offline Swoop

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HT treats customers well ??
« Reply #31 on: January 01, 2001, 10:33:00 PM »
Originally posted by LePaul:

Swoop:  That's nice that you want it all now, but perhaps I am getting fussy in my old age and want a game I pay $30 a month for to WORK as it is supposed to.  Since you are the most devout of cheerleaders, I wont bother to debate with you.  In your eyes, this program is totally-fluff'n-wonderful and if any of us post to the contrary, you dispell it as a whine.  


   Lets not get testy here, I dont mean to piss you off. dunno where you got the idea that I'm a devout cheerleader and loooove absolutely everything about Aces High.  Far from it.  If you'll check, you wont see any posts from me jumping on the bandwaggon of slagging off anyone who makes a complaint.  

I choose to take your comments lightly cos you really dont know me very well, if you did  then you'd realise that the comment "In your eyes, this program is totally-fluff'n-wonderful and if any of us post to the contrary, you dispell it as a whine." is laughable.  Not me mate, you're confusing me with someone else.  

Now as for wanting a working program for $30 a month......well I totally agree with ya.  But since an update of AH has never caused the game to become unplayable for me......(althought I gotta admit, the current terrain is really rather badly designed IMO)

Anyway, nuff said.


Offline Dos Equis

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HT treats customers well ??
« Reply #32 on: January 01, 2001, 10:34:00 PM »
Originally posted by LePaul:
Smut:  Who I've written for, who I shall write for and such is not at issue.  What if I do not list my credentials in a manner you like, they are unfounded?  Bullpuckey.  I'm speaking as a PAYING CUSTOMER, you Golly-geen twits.  Wakey wakey!  If you wanna list out who you have written for, fine, list away!  But I am speaking on behalf of Me, Myself & I.  

Dosequis:  You're logic fails to compute.  Why not run along and see what I posted in Bug Reports before you make an bellybutton of yourself.  Opps, you already did.  Well, at least you are entertaining in the process.    

I'm not presenting an argument. There's no logic to dissect. What I am saying, and what Smut is saying, is don't go throwing out how you are some big time professional game reviewer and software developer and not back it up.

Refusing to state your credentials negates them. Let me finish amusing you by saying how lame I think that behavior is. You should call yourself LeFraud.


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« Reply #33 on: January 01, 2001, 10:49:00 PM »
OK, enough of the flames.  This is just sad and not a very good way to start the new year.  I don't know what the details are.  Maybe HT had a short fuze, maybe he was pushed from multiple directions until he had enough, maybe he was just being heckled, or  maybe it was a combination of the above.  Whatever it was, it's a bad situation that obviously left different parties upset about it.

We want to interact with people on a personal level but that is a double-edged sword because it means that you also have to deal with people and not some faceless company bot sent out to give generic responses.  This requires a level of understanding and respect from both sides.  If this falls apart on either side, then this personal interaction becomes a negative rather than a positive.  That's not the way it should be.  

Game development from an ivory tower is realistically the correct way to go.  It's also the easier way to go.  It certainly avoids situations like this.  But you do lose a certain edge when you go that route.  I guess it all comes down to whether you can manage it and that's not always a constant.  From time to time I have to retreat there to keep me from getting burned out.

We decided early on that we wouldn't be driven out of the arena or off of the boards.  We don't want to have to skulk behind anonymous accounts to have a presence.  That's easier said than done though.  We're not trying to squelch gripes, but we do want to keep the environment enjoyable.  It's a very hard balance to achieve.  

I think what it comes down to is what I mentioned before.  We try to keep things on a personal level.  People get pissed at us and we get pissed at people.  Although you'll hear a lot more of the former than the latter, it's still true.  If there are any sage words of wisdom I can offer to anybody, whether it's you, us, or another party, it would be "Don't get too bent."  We all have strong feelings about the game and emotions usually rule in humans.

Doug "Pyro" Balmos
HiTech Creations

[This message has been edited by Pyro (edited 01-01-2001).]

Offline Yeager

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« Reply #34 on: January 01, 2001, 11:42:00 PM »
I see an opportunity to vent so here goes:

Being a *writer* or *journalist* for a online magazine carries ZERO, NADA, ZILCH weight HERE, THERE or ANYWHERE.

The absolute WORST writing to be found on THE PLANET occurs in online magazines.


Sorry for the oubursts, this is just something that has been nagging me for quite sometime.

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HT treats customers well ??
« Reply #35 on: January 02, 2001, 12:01:00 AM »
Shakes head! I guess I'm in the minority, I've been really been enjoying 1.05. If Aces High wasn't the best Flightsim for my money I'd be somewhere else. Chogs are prevelent but I have no problem killing them regularly.. just another opportunity for a kill. As for HTC... I have never experienced anything but TOTAL respect and commitment and great customer service. Courtesy and respect bread courtesty and respect.. Lets ALL try it!

Aces High DickweedHBG:

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« Reply #36 on: January 02, 2001, 12:26:00 AM »
Dunno what the beef is... other than some flat toes. No biggie. Vote with yer feet; by all means.

For the rest of this.. seems to me I'm gettin my 30 bucks worth, warts and all; still miles ahead of anything else around.


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HT treats customers well ??
« Reply #37 on: January 02, 2001, 12:29:00 AM »
Ok, this is probably none of my business, only been here a short While BUT, before I registered/subscribed I did keep one eye on the BB prior to 1.05 being launched and this is the overall feeling I got...

Around 80% of the people I saw posting were always "when is 1.05 here" and " I want 1.05" etc. etc.

there were a lot of questions being thrown at Pyro and the crew regarding aircraft/vehicles etc. And I think he/they did a super job of answering and addressing your fears and peeves.


they struggle to address your complaints and  try and create a balance in the game for the benefit of all,that's got to be difficult hasn't it??,there are so many of you guys here form all over the world and HTC have done a terrific job of getting 1.05 out for all you "wheres my new AH game" people you expect them to put this out to the masses while you have moaned and flamed at them for weeks to get it out??. I don't understand lemme put like this YES  there are a few bugs in this, but HTC have addressed most if not all of them and is in the process of sorting them out,I honestly believe that. 3 patches in a week, so what at least there doing something

Please guys give the HTC crew a little break, a little bit of room I guarantee you if you keep your foot on their throats you won't get the wonderful game you seek

"the best things come, to those who wait"


HTC, I applaud you, you have done SO well in the last month or so to pull out all the stops to satisfy your ever growing customer base,1.05 is great at the moment but it will be brilliant when all the bugs etc have been ironed out.

Thanks guys  for letting me have my 2 cents worth.

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Offline hazed-

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HT treats customers well ??
« Reply #38 on: January 02, 2001, 12:54:00 AM »
glad you posted that pyro sort of renews my faith a little.I can totally understand getting pissed off with people harrassing you guys all the time.Please remember one thing.Whatever my gripes/moans/praises(yes there are some   ) the bottom line is the game is fantastic and the only reason most of us bother to post on here is because we love it so much or why would we bother writing anything at all?  
I just feel Haha got a raw deal and maybe a free months play for him would get him back   .Is haha the same 'Lordhaha' from beta days?if so he has helped you test and refine your game so give him a break, just as you get pissed off so he's entitled to lose it now and again right?.

p.s. Lepaul: where did you get 'In your eyes, this program is totally-fluff'n-wonderful and if any of us post to the contrary, you dispell it as a whine.'? from poor ol' swoops post?

 these yanks really get tetchy eh swoop?   .

 I hope things start working for you soon lepaul,bugs WILL be ironed out and if its not working for you post HTC with specifics and maybe they'llarrange something for you.worth a try instead of saying its a buggy beta code becuse it works for most of us.And yes i have had times where nothing worked but it was addressed in patches.


[This message has been edited by hazed- (edited 01-02-2001).]

Offline Saintaw

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HT treats customers well ??
« Reply #39 on: January 02, 2001, 02:03:00 AM »
Shittiest thread I have ever seen...

Let da man fly, if ya' re not happy with it, try to find him and Shoot him !

I'd rather shoot heater 1st  


Dirty, nasty furriner.

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HT treats customers well ??
« Reply #40 on: January 02, 2001, 02:51:00 AM »
Originally posted by HaHa:
I thought the AH community and HTC were all my online pals... I didn't realize how brutally wrong I could be.

welcome to the real world, Haha. I found just that when 1.04 saw the light. Most "friends" you have here are only "teammates",not friends. And when you find that some of your ex-"friends" is radio-ing your position all day long so you can be hunted (as it was done with me), then you really wonder the kind of sorry prettythanges that some of the guys who fly online sims can be.

HT,I have to say this. If this was a one-time happening then I wont say too much, but now is the second time I hear you muted customers on the main arena. IF you dont want to hear someone's complaints, then I suggest you to squelch him as anyone else does. To mute an unsattisfied customer is, at its best, incredible.

About Haha's complaint, he is simply right on target, Naval Chogs are even more aberrating that the standard one. 200 Chogs saw action, and reports say that **MAYBE** some of them were used from carriers. That means that the major part were land based, and only in the better of the chances, dozens
of Chogs flew from carriers.

So...where is my option to fly 190s without cowl MGs? because more than a couple of dozens of 190As flew without them  . Where is my MK103 for the 190A8?...where is the R4M for the 190? and the X-4?

I'm with Towd on this one. Chog was a big can of worms, and NAVAL Chog is even more. Its been since 30 December that I haven't been online, and when I am, I try to avoid the zones where the carriers are because each time I see that mass of laserbirds I am about to puke.

But Its your sim, and you are the boss. If you want to mute unsatisfied customers, do it. Its your loss.

I am sit here simply waiting for WWIIOL, and Il2. Maybe Wb3 too if it comes out at a flatrate. For now there is nothing else to fly than Aces High so I will have to stay. and the sad thing for Aces High is that I know many people who feel just like me.

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« Reply #41 on: January 02, 2001, 03:22:00 AM »
 The HTC crew have every right to expect consideration from the players,If they`re in BLUE text,then questions/comments are allowed and welcomed by them.

 If they`re in GRAY text,then they just want to fly and have fun like the rest of us.

 HiTech could have ejected your butt but showed restraint even though obviously you pissed him off,maybe you should have used some tact with your questions/comments?

Offline Jochen

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« Reply #42 on: January 02, 2001, 04:13:00 AM »
welcome to the real world, Haha. I found just that when 1.04 saw the light. Most "friends" you have here are only "teammates",not friends. And when you find that some of your ex-"friends" is radio-ing your position all day long so you can be hunted (as it was done with me), then you really wonder the kind of sorry prettythanges that some of the guys who fly online sims can be.

Ah, the fault must be with your teammates, not yours?

Get a grip. You have quit this game many times and every time you have to come back? You whine continuosly about everything and to everybody and then wonder why you get so toejamty treatment? I have been here longer than you but still everyone treats me nicely. Maybe because it treat people nicely.

But Its your sim, and you are the boss. If you want to mute unsatisfied customers, do it. Its your loss.

I am sit here simply waiting for WWIIOL, and Il2. Maybe Wb3 too if it comes out at a flatrate. For now there is nothing else to fly than Aces High so I will have to stay. and the sad thing for Aces High is that I know many people who feel just like me.

If you suffer so much for being around here why don't you just do what you have said many times and leave? It would make yourself and others feel better.


Kids today! Why can't they fetishize Fascist military hardware like normal people?

Ladysmith wants you forthwith to come to her relief
Burn your briefs you leave for France tonight
Carefully cut the straps of the booby-traps and set the captives free
But don't shoot 'til you see her big blue eyes
jochen Gefechtsverband Kowalewski

Units: I. and II./KG 51, II. and III./KG 76, NSGr 1, NSGr 2, NSGr 20.
Planes: Do 17Z, Ju 87D, Ju 88A, He 111H, Ar 234A, Me 410A, Me 262A, Fw 190A, Fw 190F, Fw 190G.

Sieg oder bolsevismus!

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« Reply #43 on: January 02, 2001, 05:12:00 AM »
Jochen, the "teammates" was a way to say that you have few real online friends. The other people is simply "known" people.

And to answer your question, while I have whined a lot of times, the experience I had  when I dared to say that I didnt like the new FM when 1.04 was released(note that I didnt say by then that it was more or less realistic, I simply said I didnt like it that much), made me open my eyes about how the major part of this so-called community is.

I am not, by far, the best representant of a class-act community member. Many times my opinions go into the whine zone. I complain. I squeak.

Maybe my opinions havent been exposed in the best of the ways. sometimes because my hot blood, sometimes because my boredom, sometimes because English is my second language and I suck at it. But I always try to give my opinion in a clear way, I always try to be honest...and I try to respect others opinions.I dont jump on people because they freely say what they think. Just what most people here does when someone dares to raise the head and say "I think that this is wrong"

I have to say, that most of this community has dissapointed me to a point you will never known.In the first times here while I was happy with AH and I thought everything was allright, everyone liked me and I was seen with approbation.

 The first moment I said that a single-ping 1K kill from a hispano (read my post on a kill Fariz got on me back in 1.01) was crap, I started to feel a change in attitude...change that has turned into something that can't be explained right now.

Most people here can't stand a critic to AH or HTC. Even if it is documented, even if al proofs point to the truth of a critic. Of course if the only back-up of a critic is opinion,and not hard data, the witch hunt is almost criminal.

my last five days as RAM in the Main arena saw me always hunted by the very same guys, and then,after I left, I found out that two guys in my country (one of them one who I once thought as a friend) were continuously radio-ing my position to their "buddies" on the other countries. Of course there is no doubt that I always found the same people everywhere I went     .

Kudos for a community that has individuals like those ,and respects them (yes, they are known. and yes, they are respected)

Originally posted by Jochen:
Get a grip. You have quit this game many times and every time you have to come back?

This argument has been asked and answered so many times, , that now is almost fun to answer it yet again-but, ok I'll do it one time more.

I left AH for little less than one month. ONE TIME. ONCE. so the "so many times" argument is old and plain wrong.

Originally posted by Jochen:
If you suffer so much for being around here why don't you just do what you have said many times and leave? It would make yourself and others feel better.

because there is no other decent WWII online air simulator to fly. WB 2.76 FM sux in some aspects, and its not worth the money. AW seems like a nintendo game for kids 7 years old. And I'd better not say a thing about FA.

That is the reason I wait for WWIIOL, and Wb3. and while Il2 wont be a pure online sim, it promises great things. When I have more options then I will freely choose between them, but as now I have only one get the point.

Think about it as an election. I have only one choice to vote, and I cant abstain (I simply love online sim flying). But be sure that unless those three games are abysmal failures, the day I can really vote for multiple choices, AH will start with a disadvantage. I dont say I will go. I say that AH will have a disadvantage.

And now, flame on me (as usual). I'm outta this thread.

[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 01-02-2001).]

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« Reply #44 on: January 02, 2001, 07:06:00 AM »
Originally posted by LePaul:

Smut:  Who I've written for, who I shall write for and such is not at issue.  What if I do not list my credentials in a manner you like, they are unfounded?  Bullpuckey.  I'm speaking as a PAYING CUSTOMER, you Golly-geen twits.  Wakey wakey!  If you wanna list out who you have written for, fine, list away!  But I am speaking on behalf of Me, Myself & I.  

Pyro, please forgive me this one question for

If who you "write for and such" is not an issue now, why did you make such a big deal about your writing in the first place?

FWIW, I don't write for the gaming mag/online scene, though I have contributed to a strat guide article or two...and I've been interviewed several times by real (and respected) members of the gaming press.

Lastly, I am speaking for myself as well...but it is from the perspective of someone that is both a player AND a game developer.


[This message has been edited by Smut (edited 01-02-2001).]