Author Topic: HT treats customers well ??  (Read 1913 times)

Offline easymo

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HT treats customers well ??
« Reply #60 on: January 02, 2001, 12:36:00 PM »
 I don't run into HT much in H2H. But the last time I did, I teased him a little (spit dweeb, that sort a thing).  This on top of making him my 11th, AND 12th kill that sorti . He didn't say a lot. But was a good sport about it. I think he practices what he preach,s. Doesn't whine, and probably gets sick of hearing whining.


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HT treats customers well ??
« Reply #61 on: January 02, 2001, 12:55:00 PM »
Well.... I don't think there is anyone anywhere who would thik of calling me an "HTC cheerleader" but..... Everytime I have called to have something fixed or report a bug I have got immediate response.  The patchs that have come out have been fast and effective.   Don't much care other than that.   Now.... hahaa comes on and squeaks about something that is the #1 squeak from the worst crybaby no nothings in the game and is upset because he doesn't get a response to his no nothing untrue statement?   But wait... Then he get's on here and admits that he made a no nothing statement.... cries and pouts because he wasn't treated seriously....  and threatens to leave!  

Geeze... Don't like Corsairs (C or D)?   toejam man.... just chirp in on one of the posts or start a new one.... There is about half a dozen less than bright guys who will give you a hand every time.... Maybe you can start a club?

Oh, and joch...ya ol hamster humper you... Ya say ya can never find a sim where your beloved nazi planes are treated as the super planes that they were?   Bet ya liked 1.03 tho huh?   Yeah, nothing could get oput of the way.... Pretty much roll and climb were king.   Great for some planes.... made em kinda match the performance of the romance novels you are so fond of but..... It was wrong.    You won't have as good a performing planes until another sim that is wrong comes out.

And ram and hahaa  I have met hundreds of simmers and have enjoyed meeting everyone of em.   Bet you would too.  I can't think of anyone n this board I wouldn't mind meeting.   Even that pansy hi tech. Geeze give em a break and let him play.... Email em or post here if ya gotta parrot some ol complaint.

[This message has been edited by lazs (edited 01-02-2001).]

[This message has been edited by lazs (edited 01-02-2001).]

Offline Yeager

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HT treats customers well ??
« Reply #62 on: January 02, 2001, 01:18:00 PM »
Ok Im weighing in on this.

HahA, I was online and damn near next to you when you demonstrated your most astute observational capabilities towards HiTech.

Here the deal is:  When the HTC boys are talking in BLUE TEXT that means they have their business suites on and behave according to the GBC (Geneva Business Convention).

When HTC is using regular channels like 1 and 2, they are dweebs just like you and me.

HahA, I am really surprized to see you behave like this.  Poor form man, poor form.

"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline Dos Equis

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HT treats customers well ??
« Reply #63 on: January 02, 2001, 01:52:00 PM »
Originally posted by easymo:
I don't run into HT much in H2H. But the last time I did, I teased him a little (spit dweeb, that sort a thing).  This on top of making him my 11th, AND 12th kill that sorti  . He didn't say a lot. But was a good sport about it. I think he practices what he preach,s. Doesn't whine, and probably gets sick of hearing whining.

Which is exactly why this game is so much about community. How many guys are the CEO and Lead Programmer of a game they can whip all but the VERY best players at? I've flown against HT and Pyro, (and Gunjam when he was at ICI) and they all whip me, and good. And I'm not the best pilot, but I'm not the worst either. I've seen Pyro all but whoop bellybutton on an entire arena, and that's with people hunting him. I loathed seeing the guy in Air Warrior DOS. (Pyro, IMHO, was a very different character in AW, before he and HT became the company. I remember downloading the film viewer for AW that HT wrote for the game. And since Pyro's been trained in the ways of Dok GonZo Hate [tm] he puts up with alot more smack than suits like Bryan Walker from Domark ever did. Hey Bryan, I told you CK2 would never see the light of day.)

I value that relationship with a company. I can't logon to a Quake server and frag John Carmack. At least not knowingly.

Lay off HT. If he squelches you, take it as a sign from a guy who has been doing this ALOT longer than just about ANY of you, that you are being a jerk. And Haha, or LordHaha, or whatever, was being a jerk. Don't hide behind "the customer is always right" BS.

Admit you were wrong, show some damn respect, and I'm sure we'd all welcome you back. The AH community is a forgiving lot, in my estimation, by and large.

Ok, I better take off my cheerleading skirt now. It's itchy.



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HT treats customers well ??
« Reply #64 on: January 02, 2001, 11:43:00 PM »
Ok, for those interested I am re-posting my original message. This explains EXACTLY what happened so that people understand why I was ticked (this is my original post on this thread btw - I removed it to stop the banter that unfortunatelly occured anyways):

Alright I am pissed. In anticipation of 1.05 I started up my account again 2 weeks ago. For the last 2 weeks I have done nothing but compliment HTC/AH and help to debug the game.
I've offered numerous suggestions on how the game can be improved and have been quite happy playing online.

Earlier today I was flying and I saw 100% f4us (knights). I make a comment on public channel that knights seem to fly a lot of f4us.

Then approx. 5 mins later I'm up once more and see 100% f4us (knights again). I die and being a little annoyed I say on our country channel, "HT this is getting ridiculous, there is like 90% f4us now" (reducing the number since I might of missed some other planes).

Next thing I know I get this, "Error Message - you can't talk for 10 mins". Then HT says on the country channel, "haha stop whining..."

WTF MAN?? I'm a paying customer and you pull this power thing on me ? I could see if I was spamming the global channel, or even if I was spamming the country channel but after 1 message!?!??! side note: I have had utmost respect for HT for years, and have told him this on numerous occasions - to be "pushed" aside like this, like some little punk, was extremely humiliating

The only way I can show my disgust is to 1) delete my account and 2) post here. I have now done both - well done - excellent customer service. I didn't realize that AH was HTs little online "playing god" game, until now. attribute this last line to frustration  

In hindsight HT over-reacted and so did I. I can understand why HT did what he did, in anger, frustration and whatever else occurs to you when you work over Christmas vacation. My actions (if you think they are bad) can be partially blamed to being shot down by the 50th f4u that day.

Nonetheless, I still don't think I said anything wrong. I was candid to somebody I thought would say, "yah there are a lot of f4us around these days, hopefully it'll get better" ... instead of like, "get off my game punk, you're not wanted here whiner" To be told that, after being a fan of HT and spending hundreds of dollars on his products for years, is quite upsetting.  

I Hope AH does well and the community gets along better. Good luck HTC

[This message has been edited by HaHa (edited 01-03-2001).]

Offline Brazos

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HT treats customers well ??
« Reply #65 on: January 03, 2001, 12:07:00 AM »
Sorry Haha,

But I squelch ya every time. I have never seen you go for more than 5 mins without whining on country or open. It's poor form, but you just said again you don't understand. Well, problem solved now. Maybe I'll see ya in wwiiol or wb3. I can only hope for your sanity that they are bug free.

If you say your a pro writer, and won't give your credits, you've just proved yourself a lier. Nothing else ya say will be taken seriously. It's all too common online eh, Yeager.  

Cya up...Braz


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HT treats customers well ??
« Reply #66 on: January 03, 2001, 01:08:00 AM »
Funny you say that Brazos since the last time I talked to you, you and I were talking about your comic strip - I've been on hiatus for around 3 months and I haven't seen you since then.

Since my character is being assasinated anyways: I do declare that my actions have been evil... it was I who raped your sheep and pillaged your women. Evertime you've been angry on AH it was because of me - I am the hacker/warper/and HO bastard of your dreams. Oh, and everytime you've heard a whine its me, or one of my collaborators    .

    *burn me* *burn me* *burn me*
          on that stake!!!

[This message has been edited by HaHa (edited 01-03-2001).]


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HT treats customers well ??
« Reply #67 on: January 03, 2001, 02:06:00 AM »
any way to simply close and lock this thread?

gets me sick looking at this. 1.05 has been tons of fun for me and a welcome change. I begged for it with a lot of other pilots, and I feel like I got more then what it's worth.

it's disturbing to see that htc worked their tulips off, with us urging them on and gawking at the screenshots, only to now be blasted in the forums. there are some bugs, yes, but they will be resolved in the end. I don't believe that HT, Pyro, or any of the other staff are out to rip us off. They're in it for the pleasure of a good multiplayer flight sim. And let them enjoy their hard work in peace. I've never seen a "drex:<S> Hitech" or hitech: <S> hblair" in the buffer because there is usually 1000 questions flying left and right.

ugh, tired. Seriously, lock this thread up and throw away the key.

[This message has been edited by Moose11 (edited 01-03-2001).]

Offline AKDejaVu

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HT treats customers well ??
« Reply #68 on: January 03, 2001, 07:16:00 AM »
Then approx. 5 mins later I'm up once more and see 100% f4us (knights again). I die and being a little annoyed I say on our country channel, "HT this is getting ridiculous, there is like 90% f4us now" (reducing the number since I might of missed some other planes).

One thing you might do.. get a recording of this.  I'd really like to see it because I have NEVER seen this in the MA.  How about I post a recording of a 20 plane furball from last night that had a grand total of 2 chogs in it?

Could it be you were totally exagerating?  I believe so.  Could it be you were exagerating so badly to prove your point?  I believe so.  Could it be that everyone on at the time knew it.. including HT.. and were getting sick of it?  I think so.

HT didn't over-react first.  You did.  Then he did.  Then you did again.  That gives you the over-reaction lead.


Offline Fury

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HT treats customers well ??
« Reply #69 on: January 03, 2001, 08:12:00 AM »
Sounds like squad night for the Knights.


Offline Ripsnort

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HT treats customers well ??
« Reply #70 on: January 03, 2001, 08:22:00 AM »
Could have been Fury, MAG-33 had 15 planes on in one mission, but we were an assortment of TBM's, F4U's, and Hellkitty's.

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If you cannot do something well,
learn to enjoy doing it poorly!

[This message has been edited by Ripsnort (edited 01-03-2001).]

Doran Maxwell

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HT treats customers well ??
« Reply #71 on: January 03, 2001, 08:35:00 AM »
or.... it could be just a lie.

Offline Pongo

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HT treats customers well ??
« Reply #72 on: January 03, 2001, 08:40:00 AM »
Originally posted by jihad:
The HTC crew have every right to expect consideration from the players,If they`re in BLUE text,then questions/comments are allowed and welcomed by them.

 If they`re in GRAY text,then they just want to fly and have fun like the rest of us.

 HiTech could have ejected your butt but showed restraint even though obviously you pissed him off,maybe you should have used some tact with your questions/comments?

Can they really do that?
This is hillarios. What does it matter what you are vulched by? Might as well be Brewster Buffalos.  Guy was obviosly mad about being vuched and confused it with getting mad about how many Hog Cs there might be in the arena.

Offline Torque

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HT treats customers well ??
« Reply #73 on: January 03, 2001, 11:01:00 AM »
Originally posted by Pongo:
Can they really do that?

Yes he can Pongo I have the army boot marks on my bellybutton to prove it! HT did say "buh bye" first tho, hehehe which even pissed me off more  BUT instead of coming to BB and whining about it I realized I did deserve getting booted off server. Two days later I did came back and HT told me all was forgotten.

[This message has been edited by Torque (edited 01-03-2001).]

Offline Raider_DD

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HT treats customers well ??
« Reply #74 on: January 03, 2001, 01:21:00 PM »
There is an implication hanging around in here that I don't like and needed to comment on.

There is no ivory tower at HTC.  Get that straight right now.  You want to paint that picture, go to where there really IS one. Or where the customer base is truely ignored.  Anybody been to one of those?

I went to the Aces High Con after being a customer for all of a month.  I watched the entire staff of HTC literally working their tulips off for 4 days non-stop.  I saw HT and Pyro and their colleague Skuzzy, crawling around under tables working on routers almost the whole weekend.  There were plenty of challenges with the network equipment and they never gave up, never blamed others.  There should be no question about the grass roots level that the ENTIRE staff and Skuzzy operate at.

On the last night, HT himself pulled security duty all night in the computer room...wound up sleeping on the floor.  I remember tip-toeing around the room at dawn with Pongo wishing we find something to cover him up with.  (We took an embarrassing picture instead.)

While HT came off as arrogant to Haha it should not be surprising.

At the Con there was a ton of stuff that I, as a rookie, wanted to talk to HT and Pyro about.  It became clear to me right away that I needed more than a month of experience in AH before I could have an intelligent conversation with them.  Why?  Because it would have been more than slightly presumptious of me to ask a maestro how to play scales.

Because these guys have seen it all and invented alot it, I think it presumptuous to present them with idle squeaking in any venue.
If I have a concern about aspects of the game I want to make damned sure I've coaxed the emotion out of that concern before I talk to the pro.  His first assessment of me is about whether or not I've thought though my issue.  If I haven't, then even my vaunted 30 bucks a month does not entitle me to much more than a 'thanks for your concern'.

That's not about HTC Love Club.  That's professional courtesy.  Give it, as has been pointed out here already, and get it back.

Just to underscore what Pyro wrote, let's get the year started right by 'thinking through' the issues before we pop off. Let's be smart about where we address issues. That means all of us.

This thread seemed to scrape the scabs off of almost every unresolved issue in the community (expect Ripsnort's and JimBear's stinky socks which should be brought up to the Department of Agriculture).

I won't comment in the general board very often, but I did want to take an opportunity to share my experience with HTC.
