Author Topic: Mitsu Sounds  (Read 1729 times)

Offline AaronM2

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Mitsu Sounds
« Reply #15 on: July 02, 2004, 05:48:50 PM »
LMAO nah ima reinstall AH so i can have the sounds that came with it i might keep the 38 thu i like it

Offline Ack-Ack

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Mitsu Sounds
« Reply #16 on: July 04, 2004, 07:24:57 PM »
The P-38 sounds rock!  Oh wait, I'm using my own P-38 sounds.

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Offline wrag

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Mitsu Sounds
« Reply #17 on: July 05, 2004, 01:54:29 PM »
I get sound loop lockup screen freeze problem with Mitsu's sounds :(

Run AH stock sounds and no problem.  Run Mitsu's and start gettin stuck in sound loops????  System just freezes up with a continual sound loop.  Waited over 5 minutes one time and just kep looping.  It's about a 1 second sound loop.

Get something like it when I disco but when I disco screen freezes/locks up, sound goes into a loop, then after about 30 to 60 seconds I get "Host connection lost" message
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