I kinda get a kick out of those who say Jesus was; a prophet, a teacher, or a wise man, (etc.) and that is all. I see this from many agnostics, from SOME Jews (many deny his very existence) and from most Muslims I talk to.
But Jesus claimed to be the ACTUAL son-of-god, immaculately conceived, sent to atone for the sins of the world, the savior and redeemer, the only doorway/path to heaven and salvation from hell, to have existed before the creation of the world, and to actually be God himself (as part of the trinity).
It seems simple to me; either he was right or he was wrong, and if wrong then obviously insane or at best a liar. If he was wrong he was not one of those things in my first paragraph, if he was right then he was also not one of those things in the first paragraph. There seems no middle ground here to me.