Author Topic: Kerry's testimony  (Read 776 times)

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Kerry's testimony
« Reply #30 on: August 09, 2004, 04:44:23 PM »
Originally posted by GScholz
What eyewitness accounts did Kerry recant?

Your second post only confirms my belief that this whole thing has nothing to do with Kerry's fitness for command, but rather a personal vendetta by people who hate him for breaking the "wall of silence". Can anyone truly say with a straight face that war crimes were not committed in Vietnam?

rapidly losing respect for you which is a shame being as you are fellow soldier. there was no wall of silence. my lai massacre was not revealed to us by antiamerican scum in damning testimony. it was stopped in progress and reported by other us forces. if massacre were more widespread you would think photos of massacre would be all over "museums" in commie vn and you can bet that riots would have erupted in dc until "formal hearing into attrocitices" took place. as it was lies were told in senate hearings many times but every time facts were checked these lies were revealed for what they were. surely you must agree if kerry was really "telling the horrible truth" there would have been damning expose on every massacre in worldwide press as many non us journalist in communist vn during war. why dont you take a little time and actually read up on winter soldier movement what they did and said and what liars they were proven to be. sad thing is no benefit of doubt. i have professional respect for soldiers of europe. sad that none exists other way in your case.

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Kerry's testimony
« Reply #31 on: August 09, 2004, 04:45:42 PM »
Originally posted by GScholz
IMHO Bush is an unrepentant unconvicted war criminal.

based on what actions?

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Kerry's testimony
« Reply #32 on: August 09, 2004, 05:30:23 PM »
Originally posted by Nash

Let the people whose responsibility it is to award the medals, award the medals. Or not, as they see fit.

Everyone else should just STFU.

Or to put it another way,


Let the people whose ability and responsibility it is to be able to vote in this election award their vote.  Or not, as they see fit.

Everyone else should just STFU.